toldailytopic: Does Israel have the right to blockade the Gaza Strip?

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According to God's word ... it matters whether nations align themselves with Israel or not.

So Israel may not be perfect ... but God has already chosen sides and warns the nations to do the same or else.

Guess you just answered my question. You weren't actually giving your own opinion when you posted. You were giving the opinions of your religion.

What I see you saying is that Israel may not be perfect, and even if they are wrongly harming people, and even if they decided to launch a nuke tomorrow, we are obligated to align with them and support them, because God has sided with them and has warned us all to do the same.

With that kind of drone-like-non-rational-thinking, earth will be hell--literally.

I assume that if you were given driving directions, you wouldn't continue to obey them if you approached a canyon cliff with your car and it said to keep str8; however, if religious dogma was giving the directions, you would drive right off the cliff without thinking twice. :plain:

And religious people often wonder why Atheist have such hostility towards us. It's simple: FUNDAMENTALISM IS A DANGER TO MANKIND, AND CONSIDERED A BLESSING TO NO ONE BUT THEMSELVES.

And for the record PS82, you do not support Israel, you are supporting your own ARSE, because you fear that you will be on the wrong side, and will disobey God, leaving yourself hell bound. At least be honest about your fundamentalism.

In the name of religion, people will continue to support and commit atrocities. Just don't forget to mention God and it is now moral. :plain:


I don't know why people even waste time opening a thread pretending to have an discussion about Israel.

You should just say, "My religion tells me God said it, I believe it, and that settles it," and save everyone who thinks they are entering an actual discussion, from wasting their time.


Well-known member
I don't know why people even waste time opening a thread pretending to have an discussion about Israel.

You should just say, "My religion tells me God said it, I believe it, and that settles it," and save everyone who thinks they are entering an actual discussion, from wasting their time.

Don't many Muslims obey their scriptures and seek to please their deity and his prophet?

I don't know why you would criticize our loyalty and not theirs/yours.

I loved Arabian stories of old. I loved the idea of a mysterious culture filled with beautiful people and brilliant colors. For many years I lived my life admiring the people of the Middle east ... but now I see live reports on news venues... and regard them differently.

For me things did not change until 9 - 11... and that day I realized we had enemies willing to destroy us. So it was these suicidal terrorists that convince me that they and their religion were my enemy.

Only they, by different behaviors, can convince me otherwise.


Don't many Muslims obey their scriptures and seek to please their deity and his prophet?

I don't know why you would criticize our loyalty and not theirs/yours.

First off, there is only one God, so i don't know what you mean by "THEIR/YOURdeity." If you know of any other ones, then let me know.

And only an ignorant Muslim would do things without thinking and using rational thought, no matter what is in writing--there is a time, place, and circumstance for everything. You were given a brain to think, and nothing should ever stop you from applying your thinking and using your heart--God didn't give you the tools to be ignoarant

Quran17:36- You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

Quran 49:6- O you who believe, if a wicked person brings any news to you, you shall first investigate, lest you commit injustice towards some people, out of ignorance, then become sorry and remorseful for what you have done.

Any Muslim who does something without thinking for himself is in the wrong. Regardless of what the book says or any sect or leader says. You are to use your brain and think about if it is right or not. Again, there is a time, place, and circumstance for everything.

I'm not getting on you for being loyal to your religion, i think Christianity is a path to God just like mine, even if I don't agree with Christians about the sacrifice and deity of Jesus; I am getting on you for being loyally and willfully dumb for your religion--I get on a Muslim who does the same too--especially a terrorist.

Being loyally dumb is a recipe for injustice and suffering.

I loved Arabian stories of old. I loved the idea of a mysterious culture filled with beautiful people and brilliant colors. For many years I lived my life admiring the people of the Middle east ... but now I see live reports on news venues... and regard them differently.

That sounds so much like when suburb whites say they like black culture and the athletes, but when they turn on the news and see a couple of them in trouble, they assert some prejudice interpretation that now applys to all of them.

For me things did not change until 9 - 11... and that day I realized we had enemies willing to destroy us. So it was these suicidal terrorists that convince me that they and their religion were my enemy.

Only they, by different behaviors, can convince me otherwise.

Really, one event changed the way you looked an entire group of people?

Is that like when the white guy gets robbed by the Mexican and it turns all Mexicans into robbers?

Your way of thinking is depressing and a threat to mankind. If there were 100 people in a room and 80 of them are like you, then surely 20 people should be concerned.

I don't have to harm the world to follow my path, or honor God, nor do i have the right to.


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It's amazing that Obama will support a false violent religion but deny the same support for Israel who has resided in the region for thousands of years.

Another leftist comes out. In case you didn't know, jews haven't been the only ones.


According to God's word ... it matters whether nations align themselves with Israel or not.

So Israel may not be perfect ... but God has already chosen sides and warns the nations to do the same or else.
The Founding Fathers would be less than pleased to find that the Jewish and conservative Christian lobbies have successfully bridged the separation between church and state, and effectively placed America foreign policy in the hands of Tel Aviv!

What's next - an official state religion?


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Jews have 129 Nobel prizes (14 million Jews) vs 7 Nobel prizes to Muslims (1.2 billion of them).

Bottom line: 'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down there weapons today, there would be no more Israel." = Benjamin Netanyahu


Jews have 129 Nobel prizes (14 million Jews) vs 7 Nobel prizes to Muslims (1.2 billion of them).

Bottom line: 'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down there weapons today, there would be no more Israel." = Benjamin Netanyahu

Yes, and a Jew also was awarded the "Arab Nobel Prize" in 2009, and your point? Is that suppose to excuse Israels unjust actions? Does your ability to come up with some random idea to google Nobel winners suppose to make your bias irrational support seem less than that?

That has to be the least intelligent post made so far.

Yes, let us listen, and obey the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and do just like he says.:plain:

You would have been better off sticking to your dogma--not that it would have justified Israel's injustices anymore, but at least then I would have known it was religious dogma fueling you, instead of your own ignorance.


Just as soon as you critically think about why you would reject the same statement if it was made by a Muslim leader, then you will grasp exactly how utterly ridiculous it was for you to post that comment by Benjamin Netanyahu.



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Islam needs to quit blaming Jews for all of their problems and take responsibility for the negative results their religion and attitudes have produced.

Israel makes more concessions and demonstrates restraint and reasonableness far more than the other side does. The issues are complex, but it is true that the violence would cease if Arabs quit attacking Israel and that Israel would be wiped out if they quit defending themselves. Whatever injustices there are on Israel's part pales compared to the evil of the other side and their culpability in the mess.

Jews are not the ones blowing up churches, killing innocents all over the world, killing one another, etc. Anyone who studies Islamic history and its founder knows it is steeped in violence, oppression, etc. The same cannot be said of Judeo-Christianity. We still must separate the individuals from the religion/founders, since there are peace loving Muslims (vs all being terrorist/radicalized).


Islam needs to quit blaming Jews for all of their problems and take responsibility for the negative results their religion and attitudes have produced.

Do you want to include the Palestinian Christians into your bias ignorant statement too? They fight Israel and participate in campaigns against Israel. Did Christianity also produce negative attitudes for Palestinian Christians? Again, you make an ignorant statement.

Palestinians Christians are oppressed the same as Palestinian Muslims.

I think you need to take the word Islam from your statement and just narrow it down to racism like Israel does and say, "the hell with all Palestinians and Arabs alike regardless of their religion."



Jews are not the ones blowing up churches, killing innocents all over the world, killing one another, etc.

Uh, yea they do. They do it to Christians, Messianic Christians. And they send them bombs in gift baskets. They sent one to a 15 yr old Messianic Jew girl

And they revoke Jews right of return if they find out they have accepted Jesus.

The news article also says, "Ami Dahan, a local police official, says hundreds of Christian religious books were burned on May 15 in an empty lot in town. He said Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon, has been questioned on suspicion that he instructed youths to collect the books from homes where they had been distributed and told them to burn them."

You are only displaying ignorance, because the same things you want to mass generalize on Muslims would also be said about Israel.

Anyone who studies Islamic history and its founder knows it is steeped in violence, oppression, etc. The same cannot be said of Judeo-Christianity.

Really, would that be the same as studying Christian history with the inquisition, crusades, protestant reformation, and all the lands they came across and killed everyone who wouldn't accept Christianity?

The problem with slinging mud is it also gets on your hands.

The fact that you resort to abusive ad hominems for your arguments is proof that you don't have a valid one.

I'm gonna invite you to rise above prejudice and mud slinging.


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The difference is that the God (Allah), the founder of Islam (Muhammad) and their holy book (Quran) and Hadith promote violence, militancy, oppression of women, etc. It is not just some followers who misinterpret things.

In Judeo-Christianity, the God, founder (Jesus), true followers do not promote these indefensible, destructive things. Some things done in the name of religion by nominal, so-called Christians does not mean it is the warp and woof of the religion like the negative things relating to Islam (doing these things is consistent with their religion, while a so-called christian who is not a true Christian doing these things would be contrary to their religion; corporate capital punishment in the OT by a holy God against evil is not genocide like Hitler, Hussein, Stalin, etc.).

Jews are far from God due to their rejection of their Messiah. If they persecute Christians (no different than Hindus, Muslims, etc.), they are wrong to do so. There are major ministries working together with Israel and in support of her. Israel is not routinely blowing up or sanctioning death against Christians like happens in India, Iran, Iraq, etc.


Now that your ignorance has been brought to your attention, you resort to further hijacking the thread with more ignorance.



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Now that your ignorance has been brought to your attention, you resort to further hijacking the thread with more ignorance.


Sorry, I forgot you were Muslim. The fact is that Muslims kill Christians and burn down our churches in India. They rape young Christian girls. The rapist gets off while the girl is condemned to prison or death?! This is evil and God/Allah will judge it harshly. The terrorism in the name of Islam is consistent with your founder and holy book. Muslims kill fellow Muslims (different branches). True Christians do not kill Muslims. In Canada, Muslims have great freedom, mosques, etc. In Muslim countries, Christians have no rights and are killed. If a Muslim converts, they risk their lives. If a Christian converts to Islam, we grieve, but support their right to believe according to their understanding.

You stereotype Christians because you think all Westerners are Christians or that we support immorality, etc. This is not true at all. I also know nominal Muslims who do not live up to your religion. They are immoral, dishonest, corrupt to the core (yet they fast, pray, go to mosque, etc.).


The terrorism in the name of Islam is consistent with your founder and holy book.

The founder of Islam was a terrorist? So was Moses also a terrorist when he told them to kill all of the men, young boys, and women who have known a man, but keep all the virgins for themselves?

I wouldn't say that about God's prophet, and you should refrain from saying that about any of his prophets.

Muslims kill fellow Muslims (different branches). True Christians do not kill Muslims.

You mean how Christians murdered one another for centuries? Or are you the asserting the "they weren't real Christians" argument? Please save me the "your not a real Scotsman" simplistic thinking.

In Canada, Muslims have great freedom, mosques, etc. In Muslim countries, Christians have no rights and are killed. If a Muslim converts, they risk their lives.

Right, you mean like how Christians in Egypt live and worship in Egypt like Muslims and aren't risking their lives for it?:plain:

And how thousands of Jews live in Iran and worship as they like and are not being oppressed or murdered for it?

You mean how during the time Muslims rescued Europe from the Dark ages and Christians and Jews were allowed to live and worship what they wanted? It was known as the Golden Age for Jews. Looks like that good ol intolerant Muslim theory didn't come into play then. :plain:

If a Christian converts to Islam, we grieve, but support their right to believe according to their understanding.

Like when an ignorant Muslim grieves that a Muslim converted to Christianity because it may be more to his liking, without even realizing that Jesus is also ok to follow, and there are many paths to God?

Yea, I do not share that ignorance with you. You're on your own there.

You stereotype Christians because you think all Westerners are Christians or that we support immorality, etc. This is not true at all.

You mean the way you stereotype Muslims? Like right now, by assuming that I must not be a Westerner because I am a Muslim? I like how you got on your knees and tried to talk baby talk to explain, "hey little fella, not all of us westerners are Christians" :plain:

Let me help you with your ignorance. I am also a Westerner. Born and raised.

I also know nominal Muslims who do not live up to your religion. They are immoral, dishonest, corrupt to the core (yet they fast, pray, go to mosque, etc.).

Really, like Christians who go to Church and still do dishonest and corrupt things?:plain:

Mud slinging and trying to name someones religion as inferior or false, is not something that I am arrogant enough to do; however, I see that you like this type of thing.

Why don't you just go ahead and make a thread titled, "Why I Think Islam Is False"

Stop hijacking the thread at hand, and stick to the topic, "Israel, the blockade, and is it right"


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The blockade is reasonable in light of the true intentions of Iran, Hamas, etc.

Muhammad is not a true prophet.

Mr. 5020

New member
The founder of Islam was a terrorist?
Yes. You didn't know?
So was Moses also a terrorist when he told them to kill all of the men, young boys, and women who have known a man, but keep all the virgins for themselves?
When was that again?
I wouldn't say that about God's prophet, and you should refrain from saying that about any of his prophets.
He didn't say anything about a prophet. He was talking about the founder of Islam.
You mean how Christians murdered one another for centuries? Or are you the asserting the "they weren't real Christians" argument? Please save me the "your not a real Scotsman" simplistic thinking.
Yup, people in the Christian church screwed it up hardcore once. Of course, they stopped eventually. Unlike you all.
godrulz said:
The blockade is reasonable in light of the true intentions of Iran, Hamas, etc.

Muhammad is not a true prophet.
:up: :up:
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