toldailytopic: Do you think TOL bans members too frequently, or not frequently enough


"You're wrong on what does or doesn't constitute a misquotation..."

Town Heretic Misquoting Me
"...Proof please."
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
"You're wrong on the necessity of ellipses..."
Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14). :peach:
"...Proof please. Citation to grammatical authority would be fine."
I'm not here to teach you English 101.
"In example two you replace my words:

My actual comments read: "You removed the scripture from my quote . All of the devils here love you. Why do you think that is?"
You misquoted me.

In example two you replace my words:

My actual comments read: "You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14). All of the devils here love you. Why do you think that is? Hos 3:1, Ps 26:5."

You quoted me as saying: "I ... love you. Why do you think that is?"

"I illustrated an actual alteration of your words."
You altered my words.
"I did so in a way that no one could mistake for your intent."
Your intent.
"There was nothing in that aimed at fooling anyone..."
The false quote appears next to my name.
"...only lampooning you."
What you call lampooning, I call misquoting. :peach:
"...[Y]ou appear to be the only one who didn't understand that."
I understand that you misquoted me. You regularly misquote others (example 1,2).

[Reading my profile page] "Cite to it. It didn't happen. I never said it."

"The reader doesn't decide if you've been banned. You've actually been banned."
I don't dispute the fact that I have been banned. :banned: The reader will decide if the bans were warranted or not.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's a link to your blog or whatever, not a citation to a grammatical source authority supporting your notion that the omission of end notes or footnotes constitutes a misquote.

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
No proof then.

"You're wrong on the necessity of ellipses..."
Let the reader decide . :peach:
Well, no readers don't decide grammar. Here's a bit from a widely recognized and helpful source: Grammar Girls.

"In formal writing, the most common way to use an ellipsis is to show that you’ve omitted words...Integrity is essential when using ellipses this way. It's acceptable to tighten a long quotation by omitting unnecessary words, but it's important that you don't change the meaning."

Here's a bit from Wiki:

Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word, sentence or whole section from the original text being quoted. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate an unfinished thought or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence, (aposiopesis)...

I'm not here to teach you English 101.
My ACT English section score: 36. So don't worry about that. I didn't take introductory English courses. I assisted in teaching them.
You misquoted me.
Cite to authority. Supra.

In example two you replace my words:

My actual comments read: "You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14). All of the devils here love you. Why do you think that is? Hos 3:1, Ps 26:5."

You quoted me as saying: "I ... love you. Why do you think that is?"
I know. I told you why I did it and that it was intentional.

You altered my words.
Your intent.
The false quote appears next to my name.
What you call lampooning, I call misquoting. :peach:
I wasn't attempting to quote you. I was attempting to educate you on spotting the difference between failing to reproduce every jot and tittle of a thing and altering the meaning. Again, find anyone who read that in context as an attempt to fool anyone reading our exchange into thinking you love me. :chuckle:

I understand that you misquoted me. You regularly misquote others (example 1,2).
No, I don't and those links aren't to other people. They're to your posts and my responses to them, along with your ongoing claim about what constitutes a misquote: one you've yet to support with a cite to any grammatical authority.

I don't dispute the fact that I have been banned.
Well, you can't dispute it. It's a fact, just as my lack of so much as a single infraction in six years is a fact.


New member
Hall of Fame
Definitely not frequently enough, we should all be banned today.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
SD, TH altered your words in that quote to show what a misquote actually is. Have you heard of the word 'context'?! :doh:




"They could hardly be considered "responses"..."
Your rabbit trails :freak: tend to be irrelevant (Pr 26:11; 27:22).
"...but rather posts of an inane manner which if left unchecked would have spammed up the thread."
Isn't this new trail beginning to do just that? :spam: How does that work? When you post an ever-so-interesting comment, :sleep: it no longer qualifies as spam? :freak: I'm still looking for a working definition for "spam". Eccl 10:2 :dizzy:
"He hasn't lied..."
He has misquoted me (example 1,2,3). :peach:

"As long as you retain that sig..."
There is nothing wrong with my signature (Eph 5:11).


New member
Your rabbit trails :freak: tend to be irrelevant (Pr 26:11; 27:22).
Isn't this new trail beginning to do just that? :spam: How does that work? When you post an ever-so-interesting comment, :sleep: it no longer qualifies as spam? :freak: I'm still looking for a working definition for "spam". Eccl 10:2 :dizzy:
He has misquoted me (example 1,2,3). :peach:

There is nothing wrong with my signature (Eph 5:11).

Do you feel you are being bullied by TH?
I think you are imminently qualified to hold your own!


New member
Hall of Fame
AB isn't banned nearly enough.


Daily we are confronted by his "humoUr."

It is more devastating than any natural disaster...

Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis...none of them hold a candle to the destructive effects of one, well-placed AB joke.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your rabbit trails :freak: tend to be irrelevant (Pr 26:11; 27:22).

Well there's another irony meter gone then. The amount of times you deflect from a point with soundbites and irrelevant bible verses is off the scale.

Isn't this new trail beginning to do just that? :spam: How does that work? When you post an ever-so-interesting comment, :sleep: it no longer qualifies as spam? :freak: I'm still looking for a working definition for "spam". Eccl 10:2 :dizzy:

It counts as spam when it's inane blather and has zero to do with the topic at hand. Take a look at your own posts as a 'working definition' and take it from there. :plain:

He has misquoted me (example 1,2,3). :peach:

Rather he was showing you what an actual misquote consists of. Seriously, do you have some sort of blind spot where it comes to context! He's explained the intent behind the deliberate alteration. How can you possibly not understand it? :freak:

There is nothing wrong with my signature (Eph 5:11).

There's everything wrong with it. You are proclaiming things about people without a shred of proof to support them. When you've been asked to provide evidence for your claims you've come up with squat. So much for integrity eh? I could be firmly convinced in my own mind that bybee is actually the North star... doesn't give me the right to broadcast it as apparent fact without proof to go with it. It's fairly obvious I wouldn't be able to supply any as you haven't been able to with yours....


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
AB isn't banned nearly enough.


Daily we are confronted by his "humoUr."

It is more devastating than any natural disaster...

Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis...none of them hold a candle to the destructive effects of one, well-placed AB joke.


"Knock knock"

"Go away...."


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Rather he was showing you what an actual misquote consists of. Seriously, do you have some sort of blind spot where it comes to context! He's explained the intent behind the deliberate alteration. How can you possibly not understand it? :freak:
My favorite part was her insistence that not only am I misquoting but that I do that regularly to others, followed by a couple of links to her own posts. :plain: The old safety in numbers, me, myself and I approach?

She doesn't appear to understand that so long as I don't alter what she's saying, as I did in the intentional misquote, I can leave off anything I want. So she could say, "The French people have, historically, poor personal hygiene, a fact attested to by every surrounding culture, especially those down wind." Hogswallows History of Europe, C&Howe Pub. 1999.

And I could simply reproduce: "The French people have, historically, poor personal hygiene..." without there being a misquote of any sort. Or, I could reproduce: "The French people have, historically, poor personal hygiene, a fact attested to by every surrounding culture, especially those down wind." And omit either the end citation or any subsequent foot note without altering the text or meaning or in any way be substantively accused of misquoting.

There's everything wrong with it. You are proclaiming things about people without a shred of proof to support them. When you've been asked to provide evidence for your claims you've come up with squat. So much for integrity eh? I could be firmly convinced in my own mind that bybee is actually the North star... doesn't give me the right to broadcast it as apparent fact without proof to go with it. It's fairly obvious I wouldn't be able to supply any as you haven't been able to with yours....

I think the technical term you're looking for is: daft. :plain: She doesn't hold herself to the same standards of proof. Well, more hypocrite then...or perhaps daftocrite might suffice. :think: