toldailytopic: Do you think there will ever be a cure for cancer?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 2nd, 2012 09:55 AM

toldailytopic: Do you think there will ever be a cure for cancer?

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Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Do you think there will ever be a cure for cancer?

I would like to think that would be, I think most people would think that.

The more medicine and research keep after it I think they are getting closer. Great strides have been made helping those who suffer with cancer, to make them cancer free as best as medicine can, and others it helps to keep it in check as best as medicine can.

But as for the cure or a cure among many, no, I believe cancer is as bad as the word cancer itself. It causes illness beyond belief, it is subtle in it's beginning and dreadfully terrible in it's devastating onslaught on those it attacks.

As for the medical treatments, I believe in most cases it prolongs life, but is it with any quality of life, it prolongs life for a while and comes the end. Yet we keep our hopes up that some time, some day there'll will come that "Eureka" shout of "We've found the cure!"

Those who have died from cancer, have been valiant soldiers, way-marks and beautiful stepping stones for those who are hopeful that they will be helped today, and for those family members who stayed the course with their loved ones as they saw cancer suck the life of the loved one, they were or are valiant too.

Our hearts go out to those who hope for the cure, to those who go through the difficult treatments to relieve and be rid of this daunting physical enemy of their body. I would that I could like Moses pass the rod over all cancer suffers, babes, infants, children, young people, middle aged and older, and their cancer would be over done with, gone.

But until the day the cure is found, we'll continue to search and research, and fight the fight against it, stand our ground, care for and cradle those who are stricken with cancer, and be thankful with those who have been cured and are cancer free, and march onward to a brighter and hopeful day in this mission of help, hope and comfort those who are cancer free (yet).

I believe the ultimate cure will come when time is declared to no longer, and all things will be made new. Then there will be the cure. And cancer like death will be no more!


New member
Hall of Fame
Depends on how long the Lord tarries. God made us smart and capable enough to do such things, but we do take a long time doing them.

An interesting, and I think related, question is why did God make us smart and capable enough to discover/create such things? I think that was no accident.


New member
Yes, many of them. Some things that already exist may qualify. Though, I don't think there will ever be one single treatment that will cure all cancer.


Well-known member
An interesting, and I think related, question is why did God make us smart and capable enough to discover/create such things?

We were made in His image and likeness, so the question really is: why did He make us in His image and likeness? Fellowship and inheritance come to mind.


New member
Hall of Fame
We were made in His image and likeness, so the question really is: why did He make us in His image and likeness? Fellowship and inheritance come to mind.
:thumb: :D

That's why I think we'll find a cure for cancer, granted the time to do so.


Well-known member

I've watched all of Dr. Day's videos:

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore
Diseases Don't Just Happen
You Can't Improve on God

While I'm not convinced her strict vegan approach is necessary, I do appreciate the information in the videos, and I've met at least one person who reversed terminal cancer using a similar approach to healing naturally.

Son of Jack

New member
Stop eating processed foods and sugar products

Do you think some people just get cancer? My mother, for example, consumes very little processed food and almost no sugar (she doesn't have a sweet tooth at all). Yet, several years ago, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.


Do you think some people just get cancer? My mother, for example, consumes very little processed food and almost no sugar (she doesn't have a sweet tooth at all). Yet, several years ago, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Sugar products feed cancer cells. It's not causative (as far as I know). Feeding the cancer is how it wins. I have heard good results from alkaline water, also.


Well-known member
Do you think some people just get cancer? My mother, for example, consumes very little processed food and almost no sugar (she doesn't have a sweet tooth at all). Yet, several years ago, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

Women in Japan who consumed iodine-rich seaweed were found to have lower breast cancer rates. And I know of one case study (unpublished) where a woman reversed her breast cancer through iodine supplementation. It may be that your mother is iodine deficient, her deficiency stemming from low intake of iodine and high, unintentional intake of substances that promote iodine deficiency.

Iodine, bromine, fluorine, chlorine, and astatine are known as halogens. Halogens, like bromine and chlorine, that are somewhat ubiquitous in our environment can cause iodine deficiency. For example, crops sprayed with bromide have been found to have elevated bromide levels. The bromide, similar in size and shape to iodine, competes with the iodine by binding to iodine receptors.

Another substance of concern regarding iodine uptake is perchlorate. The lower Colorado River, that irrigates 15% of U.S. crops and 13% of livestock, is contaminated with perchlorate. That includes organic crops and livestock. Perchlorate has been found in organic produce. Forty three states have water contaminated with it.

I highly recommend Dr. David Brownstein's book: Iodine: Why you need it. Why you can't live without it.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I highly recommend Dr. David Brownstein's book: Iodine: Why you need it. Why you can't live without it.

I buy the Morton's salt enriched with it. A small dash on grace'sgospel when on the grill makes it taste better anyway. Along with a pinch of garlic.


New member
Given that cancer starts in our own DNA, in the form of oncogenes, I doubt it.

Especially given that a history of cancer in one's family creates a likely future of cancer in you and your descendants.

It's a self-replicating, completely natural form of population control which we've managed to create at least one form of by our own self-destructive habits (lung cancer due to long-term, deliberate cigarette smoke inhalation).

I say this with all the cynicism of having had to watch the woman who would have been my mother-in-law had she lived three more months succumb to brain cancer, which resulted from lung cancer, which resulted from her smoking for 34 years.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Given that cancer starts in our own DNA, in the form of oncogenes, I doubt it.

Especially given that a history of cancer in one's family creates a likely future of cancer in you and your descendants.

It's a self-replicating, completely natural form of population control which we've managed to create at least one form of by our own self-destructive habits (lung cancer due to long-term, deliberate cigarette smoke inhalation).

I say this with all the cynicism of having had to watch the woman who would have been my mother-in-law had she lived three more months succumb to brain cancer, which resulted from lung cancer, which resulted from her smoking for 34 years.

The weird thing about all that is my Grandfather lived into his late 90's and smoked as much as three packs a day, contrast that with people like Linda McCartney who lived very healthy lifestyles, vegetarian, etc. and die young from cancer. I think your first statement has more truth, it is genetic. Though living healthy is not a bad thing, I just am not sure if it is the silver bullet, so to speak.