toldailytopic: Do you believe mankind is causing global warming?

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The Barbarian

The question is, Barbarian, how does one accumulate ice on areas that are not at the poles.

Greenland is not at either pole. But northern latitudes do allow for continental glaciation. Just a few degrees change in average temperature can initiate glaciation.

While you assume Australia was near the South Pole,

That's what the evidence, from many different sources, indicates. Want to learn about them?
how do you account for ice accumulation away from the poles.

Continental ice sheets can form over large areas quite a long distance from the poles, even if it's a relatively warm period like the current one. Smaller ice accumulations can form on the top of high mountains. You never see continental glaciation like that, though.

Even the biggest alpine glaciers are quite tiny compared to the things you're talking about.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Continental ice sheets can form over large areas quite a long distance from the poles, even if it's a relatively warm period like the current one. Smaller ice accumulations can form on the top of high mountains. You never see continental glaciation like that, though. Even the biggest alpine glaciers are quite tiny compared to the things you're talking about.
We're talking about the ice age.

Was there increased continental ice around the world during the ice age or not?

The Barbarian

We're talking about the ice age.

Was there increased continental ice around the world during the ice age or not?

Yep. The cause was a drop in temperature of a few degrees. For different reasons. The Karoo ice age, for example, might have been the result of a rapid colonization of the land by plants, and the subsequent drop in CO2.

Disruption of ocean currents could affect it. And there are variations in the orbit of the Earth that have an affect.


Well-known member
No, we don't. Man attempts, but man can not. They can "pollute" the earth, but they can not destroy it. Reason being is that Yah said HE would do that. Do you think man can take that away from Him? It is Yah who will roll back the skies. If you think you can do it...go for it, I wanna see how that works for ya. Saying that is like saying you got more power than He does so you can take what He said and do it yourself??? Thinking that way, how do you expect to be resurrected eh? If He can do that to you, He can do that to anything He wants. He can let it be destroyed or stop it from being destroyed, and even when you think it has been destroyed, Yahuweh can rebuild it and thereby it can never be destroyed. If it could be and I were you, I think I would be really worried about what you are thinking. I mean really think about what are you saying? You don't believe in resurrection? If He can't resurrect a bird, how can you believe He can resurrect you?

Helloooooooooooooooo? Is that not what the anti-Christ will do??? Trying to take the place of Yahuweh and get you to believe he can????????????????????????????????
YES it is. Might wanna check your "spirit" in you that is in conflict with the Words of Yahuweh. I hope Yah blesses you with an insight on this.

Oh, get a grip.

First, of course we destroy things. That doesn't place us above God.

Second, humans contributing to a global climate change doesn't mean that we'll "destroy the world." It says we're impacting out environment to an extent that it's beginning to cause major problems, for us and and for God's other living creations.

We're caretakers. We're not taking care. Your dangerous line of thinking just absolves us from our wreaking havoc on God's creations.

Your "reasoning" is almost as ridiculous as me bothering to respond to it.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yep. The cause was a drop in temperature of a few degrees. For different reasons. The Karoo ice age, for example, might have been the result of a rapid colonization of the land by plants, and the subsequent drop in CO2.

Disruption of ocean currents could affect it. And there are variations in the orbit of the Earth that have an affect.

I'll just stick to what I'm trying to get across. In order to increase ice on the continents we need warm oceans and cold continents. A drop in temperature alone is not going to increase ice buildup because the drop in temperature will decrease evaporation.

To get to the stage we are at today (seeing ice melt off the continents) requires an event in the past that could have built up the imbalance. Elevated continents and warm seas are certainly the best scenario for achieving this buildup.

What we have today is the Earth seeking it's equilibrium. It is highly unlikely that people have any significant part to play in global warming.

The Barbarian

I'll just stick to what I'm trying to get across. In order to increase ice on the continents we need warm oceans and cold continents. A drop in temperature alone is not going to increase ice buildup because the drop in temperature will decrease evaporation.

That would mean that cold winters would have no snow. Seems unreasonable to me.

To get to the stage we are at today (seeing ice melt off the continents) requires an event in the past that could have built up the imbalance. Elevated continents and warm seas are certainly the best scenario for achieving this buildup.

Unless of course, it also snowed during cold winters back then. And there's the problem of where the extra stuff came from to build up the land, and where it went suddenly about 10,000 years ago.

What we have today is the Earth seeking it's equilibrium. It is highly unlikely that people have any significant part to play in global warming.

That's already been demonstrated. Human-produced CO2 has preceded warming. And an acceleration of the amount has produced a subsequent warming.


New member

source: The Onion
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New member
Oh, get a grip.

First, of course we destroy things. That doesn't place us above God.

Second, humans contributing to a global climate change doesn't mean that we'll "destroy the world." It says we're impacting out environment to an extent that it's beginning to cause major problems, for us and and for God's other living creations.

We're caretakers. We're not taking care. Your dangerous line of thinking just absolves us from our wreaking havoc on God's creations.

Your "reasoning" is almost as ridiculous as me bothering to respond to it.
I think that you reasoning that I don't take my responsibility as caretaker seriously, is seriously flawed. Put your own money where your mouth is, I HAVE a wind turbine in my back yard, AND solar panels on the roof, and don't even think I got extra money either. We did it on 22,000 a year income. No welfare. No food stamps. No unenjoyment. We put up so people like you can shut up when you think you got something to say. I don't talk the talk without walking the walk. Got all the help we needed by asking the Father. Tell us how green you are when your lights go out and the coal miners stop dying for you. Seems people have been dying for millenia so you can see through the darkness. Walk the walk, then talk some talk.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That would mean that cold winters would have no snow. Seems unreasonable to me.
Which shows you aren't listening or thinking. :idunno:

Since when does "no increase" equate to "none at all"?

You need to show some humility and honesty if you want to have a civil discussion, sir.

Unless of course, it also snowed during cold winters back then. And there's the problem of where the extra stuff came from to build up the land, and where it went suddenly about 10,000 years ago.
Sounds like you're beginning to understand. Do you want to show some humility, acknowledge the feasibility of what I say and advance the discussion?

That's already been demonstrated. Human-produced CO2 has preceded warming. And an acceleration of the amount has produced a subsequent warming.

What are you talking about CO2 for? CO2 has nothing to do with what I have said! Why would you bring this up? Is there something wrong with you?

The Barbarian

Which shows you aren't listening or thinking.

Since when does "no increase" equate to "none at all"?

So your argument is that colder winters don't have more snow? Or is it that we won't have more snow if the oceans get warmer? Both of those are false, if you haven't learned that by now. The oceans are warmer, and we are getting more snow, not less. For reasons explained to you earlier.

You need to show some humility and honesty if you want to have a civil discussion, sir.

Stipe, you aren't within hailing distance of humility or honesty.

Barbarian observes:
Unless of course, it also snowed during cold winters back then. And there's the problem of where the extra stuff came from to build up the land, and where it went suddenly about 10,000 years ago.

Sounds like you're beginning to understand. Do you want to show some humility, acknowledge the feasibility of what I say and advance the discussion?

The way it works in the real world, is you show people the feasibility, and then you get credit.

Barbarian observes:
That's already been demonstrated. Human-produced CO2 has preceded warming. And an acceleration of the amount has produced a subsequent warming.

What are you talking about (human produced) CO2 for?

I corrected your sentence for you. It's because you wrote:

Stipe writes:
It is highly unlikely that people have any significant part to play in global warming.

Why would you bring it up, if you didn't want to talk about it? Is there something wrong with you?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So your argument is that colder winters don't have more snow?
Or is it that we won't have more snow if the oceans get warmer?

Perhaps you'd like to reread what was clearly presented to you. :thumb:

The way it works in the real world, is you show people the feasibility, and then you get credit.
What I have said is feasible. That you have an alternate explanation does not change that...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Not until you show us how most of the Earth could be raised higher.
The continents are nowhere near "most of the Earth".

You need to think my presentation through a bit more carefully. :thumb:

Here's a question for you - are mountain ranges around the world generally sinking or generally rising?


New member
This is the kind of stuff that you right-wingers here create with your propaganda, lies and votes:

(from the Sierra Club)

The 2012 Interior and Environment Funding Bill under consideration in the House is the single worst bill I have ever seen. This bill will literally cost lives.

If passed, the bill will:

Open the Grand Canyon to uranium mining and our coasts to oil drilling.
Put our health at risk by slashing funding for the EPA and blocking safeguards against deadly mercury and other toxic pollution.
Endanger our wild places and wildlife by defunding the Endangered Species Act and land conservation.
Block the EPA from using the Clean Water Act to protect our water from waste dumping, pesticides, sewage, fertilizers, oil spills, and also from safeguarding drinking water sources for 117 million Americans.
Our forefathers' history and our children's future are at stake -- send a message today.

This slash and burn bill represents a gross abuse of the funding process by Congress. The 2012 funding bill is "must-pass" legislation, and members of Congress are using it to force through corporate polluter give-always that could never pass on their own...

some other dude

New member
This is the kind of stuff that you right-wingers here create with your propaganda, lies and votes:

(from the Sierra Club)

This bill will literally cost lives.

Name one person whose life will be literally lost.

If passed, the bill will:

Open the Grand Canyon to uranium mining

Provide evidence of a single mining claim permit in the Grand Canyon.

and our coasts to oil drilling.

This is a good thing. Unless you want people to freeze to death this winter.

Put our health at risk by slashing funding for the EPA

Are you proposing that the EPA's budget should only increase, never decrease?

and blocking safeguards against deadly mercury and other toxic pollution.

Describe the safeguards for mercury and describe the proposed "blocks".

Endanger our wild places and wildlife by defunding the Endangered Species Act and land conservation.

"Defunding". What does that mean?

Block the EPA from using the Clean Water Act to protect our water from waste dumping, pesticides, sewage, fertilizers, oil spills, and also from safeguarding drinking water sources for 117 million Americans.

Describe how the EPA will be "blocked".

Now eemee, you have your homework. Provide facts to back up your opinion and emotion.
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New member
Name one person whose life will be literally lost.

Provide evidence of a single mining claim permit in the Grand Canyon.

This is a good thing. Unless you want people to freeze to death this winter.

Are you proposing that the EPA's budget should only increase, never decrease?

Describe the safeguards for mercury and describe the proposed "blocks".

"Defunding". What does that mean?

Describe how the EPA will be "blocked".

Now eemee, you have your homework. Provide facts to back up your opinion and emotion.

You, sir, are an idiot.

The Barbarian

The continents are nowhere near "most of the Earth".

They are, and always have been the surface of the Earth.

You need to think my presentation through a bit more carefully.

No sense of irony at all, um? Don't you think you should have thought it through, first?

Here's a question for you - are mountain ranges around the world generally sinking or generally rising?

There are many rising and many being worn down. Do you want numbers, surface area, what?

If you think the surface of the Earth has been higher than the average in the past, show us some reason to think so.
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