toldailytopic: Barrack Obama, your thoughts.

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Son of Jack

New member
I'm glad someone brought that up. If the financial meltdown was largely created by the left, yet GW and his administration spent 8 years leading the country, when does Obama's responsibility for the financial state of the nation come into play? After one year? That seems a reamrkabe leap.

Similarly, when will GW and his administration's responsibility (if any) for the financial state of the nation come into play? ...Or will it ever? Will he and his eight year administration just be bypassed?

We were told by many (here at TOL) through GWs eight year presidency that whatever was going wrong was Clinton's fault. But now, one year into his Presidency, it's Obama's fault. Seems there's an eight year hole here. I suppose that's a convenient way to look at it (or should we say not look at it?).

I'll be the first to admit that the Bush Administration is largely to blame for the start of the economic crisis, but I'll add that Congress did little to help the problem when there were numerous opportunities to at least attempt to.


Well-known member
I'll be the first to admit that the Bush Administration is largely to blame for the start of the economic crisis...

The roots of the economic crisis date back to long before Bush was born. The problem isn't a particular party or president, but the entire monetary system administered by a global oligarchy. The two party system is the U.S. is just an illusion of choice; it matters little which party gets into office. The policies of the global oligarchy will be implemented regardless of whether it's a Bush or Obama in the White House.

Son of Jack

New member
The roots of the economic crisis date back to long before Bush was born. The problem isn't a particular party or president, but the entire monetary system administered by a global oligarchy. The two party system is the U.S. is just an illusion of choice; it matters little which party gets into office. The policies of the global oligarchy will be implemented regardless of whether it's a Bush or Obama in the White House.

That certainly may be the case, Elo, and I won't pretend to know enough economics to make the case that it isn't. But, both sides know how the economic system we do have (whether or not it is the one that we should have) works. Some have made it work well and others not as well. All I'm saying is that both Bush and Congress have failed epically in that regard...I'm withholding judgment on Obama for the present.


Well-known member
Modern debt slavery.

Global oligarchy = slave master

Money = whip

Government = slave boss

Citizens = slaves

Obama's just another modern-day slave boss. Oh, the irony.


Well-known member
Not a big surprize that fear breeds fear. The right wing agenda, started under Bush and the Patriot act, is working. Control the hearts and minds with fear and hatred. What the right lacks in ethics and integrity, they make up for in PR.

You really think the right, or left, is different? Obama took the patriot axe from Bush and is still heading to the same finish line chopping of the head of freedom as he goes, they both were let out of the same pandoras box of the new world order, it was all layed out in between the lines in Atlas Shrugged, a fictional book that wasn't really fiction.

The american people who think either party is really going to fix anything, have a bad case of stockholm syndrome; Obama is a front man like Bush was, they go together like peas and carrots.


The Horn

Want to know the truth about the Ayers affair ?
Obama has met him several times. That's it. He has absolutely no real connection with him and has never shared the same dated 60s
radical agenda and beliefs. The whole stupid matter was completely
fabricated to foster fear and hatred of Obama by his enemies.
And millions of gullible American conservatives fell for this
garbage hook,line and sinker.
During Ayers heyday as a radical terrorist, Obama was just a
small boy and knew nothing about this.
Remember the old saying about a sucker being born every minute ?

The Berean

Well-known member
It's difficult to get an accurate barrometer on Obama. He's only been in office less than a year. To be honest I haven't been impressed by him (yet). I've read quite a bit of his personal story and his background which is fascinating. Many of his idealogical views are at odds with mine, though (abortion and economic views come to mind). And at times he comes off as unsure of himself and hesitent. But we shall see what the state of the nation is in 2012. I'm not optimistic. But that has less to do with Obama himself but more of the sorry state of the nation.


New member
I'm glad someone brought that up. If the financial meltdown was largely created by the left, yet GW and his administration spent 8 years leading the country, when does Obama's responsibility for the financial state of the nation come into play? After one year? That seems a reamrkabe leap.

A remarkable leap you haven't seen me make. I didn't blame Obama. I put a good bit of responsibility for this mess on the Left. Primarily in the legislative branch and, more specifically, the affordable housing and banking initiatives that led to the decrease in credit standards and the subsequent pressure applied by "community organizers" like ACORN.

I didn't say it was ALL the fault of the Left, but a significant portion of it. Bush can't be saddled with this "meltdown" unless you are also willing to saddle him with the credit for one of the longest running bull markets in financial history (which also occurred during his presidency.)

Market cycles are called that for a reason. Presidents and lawmakers don't have the power to create a cycle, up or down. They can intensify a good one, or contribute to a bad one.

In this case, the affordable housing initiatives and accompanying legislation was a major contributing factor to the severity of this particular down cycle.

But market cycles tend towards four year averages and the bull cycle had been running for more than 5 years without even so much as a major correction during that time. It was WAY overdue to see a downturn. Bush, as much as I dislike the job he did, did NOT create this mess.

Similarly, when will GW and his administration's responsibility (if any) for the financial state of the nation come into play? ...Or will it ever? Will he and his eight year administration just be bypassed?

Not at all. Bush and his administration should have fought harder and earlier for tighter credit standards. They NEVER should have set the bailout ball in motion. But they didn't create or even directly contribute to the severity of this recession. Their contribution was one of neglect in limiting the damage caused by the policies of the Left.

The majority of the bush presidency was characterized by a strong economy. When will the left give that due credit? :idunno:

I'm no Bush fan. But this attempt that I keep seeing to lay the responsibility for this mess at his feet is unfair and short-sighted. I'd think you'd see that too, zoo.

We were told by many (here at TOL) through GWs eight year presidency that whatever was going wrong was Clinton's fault.

Not me. Bush did plenty wrong. So did Clinton.

Neither of them holds a candle to Obama.

But now, one year into his Presidency, it's Obama's fault.

Again, you didn't see me say that. And you won't because I don't believe that. But I do believe his party and those on the Left did a lot to contribute to it. And I do believe the policies he has implemented since he took office and those he supported before, lend themselves to a weaker economy long term and a prolonging of a long-overdue recession.

On the flip side of the coin, I also believe the policies, as much as I think they are the wrong direction for the country, served to reduce the severity of the recession, while contributing to it's longevity. And I still think some of the worst effects of those policies are yet to be seen.

Seems there's an eight year hole here. I suppose that's a convenient way to look at it (or should we say not look at it?).

Well, as I've pointed out, as regards my opinion in particular, you appear to be barking up the wrong tree. I didn't blame Obama. I blamed his political ideology and the policies that have come out of it over the last ten years or so. Policies professionals in my industry warned of for years. Warnings that were ignored in the pursuit of votes and the satisfaction of special interests.

Reagan was handed an economy in shambles. Bush was handed an economy in decline. Obama got the same. So why do so many on the left make such a fuss over it?

Reagan contributed to the total turnaround of the economy he inherited. Bush presided over one of the longest running bulls in history.

...time will tell the story of Obama's financial policy. But it's a story that is a long way from written at this point.

Unless, of course, you count the writing on the wall. Which most anyone with even a modicum of economic acumen can see pretty clearly at this point.


New member
The roots of the economic crisis date back to long before Bush was born. The problem isn't a particular party or president, but the entire monetary system administered by a global oligarchy. The two party system is the U.S. is just an illusion of choice; it matters little which party gets into office. The policies of the global oligarchy will be implemented regardless of whether it's a Bush or Obama in the White House.


so you all figured no one could be worse than Bush
Obama could certainly turn out to be worse although I feel strongly that Obama is simply continuing the "Bush push" in regards to economics, war strategy, etc.

Change? :rotfl:
Can anyone tell me what Obama has significantly changed? If anyone (including myself) who did not think Bush was a good president, but thinks Obama is, or could be (not me) explain how Obama has, in any way, strayed from the status quo he inherited, it would be great!


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Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 27th, 2009 09:49 AM

toldailytopic: Barrack Obama, your thoughts.

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All the spending kinda worries me.

Nathon Detroit

It's pretty simple really, if Obama is successful in implementing a fair portion of his agenda the United States of America will not be the same nation it was when he came into office.

Obama is out to destroy everything that America stands for, place the blame on capitalism and then send pure socialism in to the "rescue".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He's the best president in my memory, which goes back to Johnson.

He was handed 2 wars, a financial meltdown, and a huge loss of respect for the US around the world.

The right hate him because of two things: racism, both blatant and subconscious, and fear, fear that admitting the truth about what they've done to the country and the world, and admitting the truth about the good that Obama has done will effectively end the Republican party in the US.

Are you actually serious about the first thing? Whites got him elected over Hillary. You cannot blame all problems on racism, even though you so desire, it is not much a reality today.

I have heard some 'right-wingers' say he would be better than Hillary, so what is it?

Your second point is vague, but if you could flesh it out a bit, there my be some arguable point to be made.


Well-known member
I would love to be celebrating the fact that our nation was embracing a black man as our national leader... in fact, I do celebrate this accomplishment.

BUT, I don't think he and I share any major views about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I can't celebrate his ideas, goals, or cronies. I believe that the people propping
him up
(wagging the dog) can easily destroy our nation as we know it. I can't discuss him without also mentioning this collective that surrounds and influences him.

Just ignorant???
Blind on purpose or left blind for a purpose???
Not sure - maybe ...

BUT - I've concluded that they surely seem void of the wisdom and truth of the true one divine God... our LORD.
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