toldailytopic: Are some people born predestined to go to hell?


Well-known member
What an odd question. For monotheists and trinitarian Christions, that would make the gift of Jesus meaningless, and for deists it wouldn't matter (since hell and predestination are fictions to them). Of course, that would depend on whether you believe that predestination is written in stone, wouldn't it?

This question makes you ponder whether your beliefs (salvation, hell, predestination, etc.) matter in the slightest. Do they? Perhaps the truth awaits in the clarity following your death.


It matters because this doctrine that the Reformed folks like so much is a major stumbling block to thinking people accepting the Christian faith, if they give the Reformed folks any creedence to begin with.

Actually, most non-believers think Christianity teaches eternal punishment for the unsaved and do give that idea creedence as being an accurate portrayal of what the bible teaches because the vast majority of churches teach that. So that doctrine is the bigger, more common stumbling block to not only thinking people but people who have an innate sense of biblical justice even though they are not saved.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It matters because this doctrine that the Reformed folks like so much is a major stumbling block to thinking people accepting the Christian faith, if they give the Reformed folks any creedence to begin with.

Actually, most non-believers think Christianity teaches eternal punishment for the unsaved and do give that idea creedence as being an accurate portrayal of what the bible teaches because the vast majority of churches teach that. So that doctrine is the bigger, more common stumbling block to not only thinking people but people who have an innate sense of biblical justice even though they are not saved.

Well, yes, and as much as what you forward is infinitely more palatable than folk being effectively roasted for eternity do you question yours also? Is it fair that people are just snuffed out because of difficulties with such heinous doctrines and thus remain 'unsaved'? Or those who don't even hear any message? Your own has problems to an inquiring mind as I see it as well...


Well-known member
Well, yes, and as much as what you forward is infinitely more palatable than folk being effectively roasted for eternity do you question yours also? Is it fair that people are just snuffed out because of difficulties with such heinous doctrines and thus remain 'unsaved'? Or those who don't even hear any message? Your own has problems to an inquiring mind as I see it as well...

I've never had someone with an inquiring mind challenge me on it so far so I don't see your point :drum:

But seriously folks, being snuffed out isn't very unjust IMNSHO, and the gift of eternal life certainly isn't deserved by anyone either.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've never had someone with an inquiring mind challenge me on it so far so I don't see your point :drum:

But seriously folks, being snuffed out isn't very unjust IMNSHO, and the gift of eternal life certainly isn't deserved by anyone either.

Then isn't it just as arbitrary as to who receives the gift and who doesn't though?

Bradley D

Well-known member
Predestination comes from the idea of Election/the Elect. In the OT the "elect" were the Hebrews who would become the Nation of Israel, later Judah and Israel.

In the NT there are those who believe the "elect" to be named persons whom God has selected over others to be the selected saved. Thus the idea of those predestined to be saved and those to predestined to hell/eternal damnation.

I see the "elect" as being those who accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. God knows that "few" will accept Christ and His message of redemption (Matthew 22:14). Most people will chose a worldly life instead of the way to life eternal in heaven (Matthew 7:14).

The idea of Election is in the Bible. Therefore, is something that will continually be something to be addressed.


Well-known member
Then isn't it just as arbitrary as to who receives the gift and who doesn't though?

For God to "make an effort," so to speak, to get the Gospel preached in some areas so they at least have a chance of receiving a gift and not making sure everybody has that same chance is indeed arbitrary except that their are reasons and purposes behind what he does in that regard and we aren't privy to those purposes, in which case whether a person happens to be born in the right place or not to get that message is still the luck of the draw. But you seem to imply that if God gives the gift to anyone he is obligated to give it to everyone lest he be arbitrary? I don't see that as necessary. Preferable, but not necessary.
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Actually I got it from doing some research though feel free to assume as you wish. Where exactly are you getting this stat from? Is that another assumption?

The true church follows the teachings of Christ and those He has appointed to teach. There IS no other church, all who deliberately turn away from His teachings turn away from Him. They may call themselves any reasonable sounding name they wish but they are no longer followers of Christ.

I am speaking about those who deliberately reject His doctrines. If they twist and change the meaning of His words to make it say what THEY want it to say, this compounds their guilt. For now not only are they themselves liars but they actually put their lie into God's mouth. This cannot be done by innocent mistake, it is deliberate.

Universalism comes from the same stream of intellectualism that prevailed in Germany at the turn of the 19th century. I think it was a MAJOR contributary factor in the expansionism and empire building and so trade wars of that period and so was [along with evolution theory] a MAJOR contribution to the 1st world war....silencing the warnings of God in the consciences of society. From the 1st world war comes the 2nd world war. That I lay partly [but largely] at the door step of intellectualism and universalism in the church.


Well-known member
Yes, the vessels of wrath were predestinated to go to hell for their sins ! Rom 9:22

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:


New member
Yes, the vessels of wrath were predestinated to go to hell for their sins ! Rom 9:22

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

Actually, beloved, and you know I do hold you as loved and be-loved even though we are on the internet and not in each others neighborhood or something -

but actually the whole thing is starting off with What IF. Never, never would I think he wanted us to be children in our thinking when he is writing us.

What IF. This calls for (I think) a very careful approach. imho.

I think he is requiring us to have an ability to look at something in a way we were not previously accustomed to looking - BUT - it really is a thinking exercise, isn't it?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, all of us.

at first I thought that was pretty good
then after just a little thinking which we all should do

I realized that we were all predestined to go to heaven
we were all redeemed by Jesus


New member
We're surprised that science, recently, found something faster than the speed of light. I'm not surprised. I got ahead. Calvinism provided a jump start in the meaning of space and time. I found another layer of reality and discovered faith rather than create faith. Discover isn't accepting. I couldn't create faith since it was already there. If it's not there, you can't create faith. To some, it isn't there nor have the ability to save themselves by creating faith. Anyone can create the Lucifer vision of faith. Satan said, "If you can, you ought". The lie is you can't and you ought not try.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We're surprised that science, recently, found something faster than the speed of light. I'm not surprised. I got ahead. Calvinism provided a jump start in the meaning of space and time. I found another layer of reality and discovered faith rather than create faith. Discover isn't accepting. I couldn't create faith since it was already there. If it's not there, you can't create faith. To some, it isn't there nor have the ability to save themselves by creating faith. Anyone can create the Lucifer vision of faith. Satan said, "If you can, you ought". The lie is you can't and you ought not try.

you can still create confusion


New member
Hi Kristo, you are really a good lesson to remind me I should be very careful what I ask for, yes?

Predestination in the context of the Romans passage is God choosing to blind the Israelites so they would not accept the Gospel.

So the numbers of Israel that did accept the Gospel means what?
Oops I forgot I should be careful in what I ask.

Let's be plain, a large number of people of Israel do not matter in the mind of someone when they are reading this section because they are being stubborn and thus blinded.

So nowhere in Romans chapter 9:1-24(a) can I find anyone talking about Israel. I can only find one talking about individuals.
Sometimes talking about Pharaoh, not Egypt, sometimes talking about Esau and Jacob.
And the section ends on Romans 9:24 a:
"that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, 24 even us whom He called, not of the Jews only...

And from that point on the talking is leading to some kind of prophecy maybe, so we don't need to worry that - it will take care of itself, yes?

Being so chosen as vessels of wrath

Hmmm,Paul works with this "vessels" theme again here:
2 Timothy 2:21
Why He does not hold to the concept of chosen there?

...Paul is rough on them because appearantly there were those who thought it unfair of God to choose some to never have the chance to get saved but be predestined to be destroyed...

You know that is sacrilege what you just wrote up there, don't you?
In the old days you know what would be happening to you for what you have written?

like when a potter doesn't approve of his own work and pounds it into a lump and starts over with a new pot to make with that clay.

As a potter, I've done this numerous times because I couldn't afford to just take out a fresh, unused block of clay to start over with.

Paul is saying it doesn't really make much sense for the clay to protest what it is going to be used for but that's in the context of the Jews understanding the consequences

quite a bit differently than what is common in Christianity today and for hundreds of years prior. When we are talking about real human beings being tossed into a furnace to burn forever and ever then it makes perfect sense for them to question such a doctrine. And so we do.

And so it goes.

You are a heretic, I fear.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The true church follows the teachings of Christ and those He has appointed to teach. There IS no other church, all who deliberately turn away from His teachings turn away from Him. They may call themselves any reasonable sounding name they wish but they are no longer followers of Christ.

What's the 'true church' exactly?

I am speaking about those who deliberately reject His doctrines. If they twist and change the meaning of His words to make it say what THEY want it to say, this compounds their guilt. For now not only are they themselves liars but they actually put their lie into God's mouth. This cannot be done by innocent mistake, it is deliberate.

Deliberately rejecting man made doctrines is not exactly the same thing. If you believe eternal torment is taught as biblical it's your call, but it doesn't mean you're correct on the matter.

Universalism comes from the same stream of intellectualism that prevailed in Germany at the turn of the 19th century. I think it was a MAJOR contributary factor in the expansionism and empire building and so trade wars of that period and so was [along with evolution theory] a MAJOR contribution to the 1st world war....silencing the warnings of God in the consciences of society. From the 1st world war comes the 2nd world war. That I lay partly [but largely] at the door step of intellectualism and universalism in the church.

I think you'll find it stems back considerably further than that, if the founding church fathers and original translators count at any rate....heard of Origen? :plain: Your diatribe regarding the world wars is just downright bizarre frankly. :AMR:


Well-known member
What's the 'true church' exactly?

Deliberately rejecting man made doctrines is not exactly the same thing. If you believe eternal torment is taught as biblical it's your call, but it doesn't mean you're correct on the matter.

I think you'll find it stems back considerably further than that, if the founding church fathers and original translators count at any rate....heard of Origen? :plain: Your diatribe regarding the world wars is just downright bizarre frankly. :AMR:

Yeah, I'm really straining here to see a connection :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, I'm really straining here to see a connection :chuckle:

Yup, I mean call me whacko an all but I was under the impression that the second world war was fought in large part to prevent a despot and followers from imposing a tyrannical regime upon the free world....somehow I don't think Hitler and 'gang' were universalists....
