toldailytopic: 4 years later, how has Obama impacted this nation?

Christ's Word

New member
What type of crack are you smoking??

He has ballooned the IRS.
He has ballooned the federal debt.
He has lowered the USA's credit rating.
He has effectively removed the USA from the status of a superpower.
He has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy policy.
He has ballooned gas prices by restricting oil companies beyond anything any president has ever done.
He has ballooned unemployment.
He has caused class warfare and division.
He has set into a motion the government take-over of the healthcare industry that will likely cause this country irreparable harm.

And that's just a small taste of Obama's legacy.

Normally Knight, I agree with your conservative commentary. Sorry though, gotta throw the flag on a couple of your above statements.

1. He has ballooned the IRS. TRUE - over 20,000 new agents since the beginning of his term.

2. He has ballooned the federal debt. FALSE - The House and Senate appropriate the money; remember, many Republicans voted for the first Bailout, including McCain.

3. He has lowered the USA's credit rating. False - Once again the House and Senate appropriate the money.

4. He has effectively removed the USA from the status of a superpower. FALSE - The USA is more capable now than at any time in history. Particularly in the areas of Missile Defense, Space Operations, Air Mobility, and SOF.

5. He has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy policy. True

6. He has ballooned gas prices by restricting oil companies beyond anything any president has ever done. True

7. He has ballooned unemployment. True

8. He has caused class warfare and division. TRUE

9. He has set into a motion the government take-over of the healthcare industry that will likely cause this country irreparable harm. TRUE


Well-known member
Normally Knight, I agree with your conservative commentary. Sorry though, gotta throw the flag on a couple of your above statements.

1. He has ballooned the IRS. TRUE - over 20,000 new agents since the beginning of his term.
False. George W. Bush, being a tax-hating republican, stripped down the IRS because he couldn't legally do anything else about it. Obama simply returned it to function. So Obama didn't "balloon" anything. He just returned it to what it had been, before Bush.
2. He has ballooned the federal debt. FALSE - The House and Senate appropriate the money; remember, many Republicans voted for the first Bailout, including McCain.

3. He has lowered the USA's credit rating. False - Once again the House and Senate appropriate the money.

4. He has effectively removed the USA from the status of a superpower. FALSE - The USA is more capable now than at any time in history. Particularly in the areas of Missile Defense, Space Operations, Air Mobility, and SOF.

5. He has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy policy. True
How do you determine that it's a "failed" policy? We have doubled our reliance on alternative energy. It's not much but it's a step in the right direction.
6. He has ballooned gas prices by restricting oil companies beyond anything any president has ever done. True
False. The republicans are simply lying. Read this.
7. He has ballooned unemployment. True
False. This is nonsense even on the face of it. Our high unemployment is the result of the economic crash of 2009 that happened under Bush, and was caused by deregulation and by the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
8. He has caused class warfare and division. TRUE
False. If you want one person to blame for the strife and division in America (and it's foolish to try and just blame one person) it would be Karl Rove.
9. He has set into motion the government take-over of the healthcare industry that will likely cause this country irreparable harm. TRUE
I wish this were true, but unfortunately the corporate lobbyists are bribing the legislature to make sure that our health care mess is not reformed in any meaningful way.


New member
Hall of Fame
He's black, he's different, he's a Democrat.

More than enough reason for people to be very irrational.


Well-known member
This is by no means an endorsement for Romney. But lets face it liberals... left wing policy is a death sentence for an economy. How many times does that fact need to be proved??? The bigger the government, the less the private sector produces. The less the private sector produces the less jobs there are available and the less tax revenue will be generated.

Big governments kill thriving economies.

Bush and the democratic congress got the ball rolling and then Obama put the ball on steroids.

You liberals need to realize that to have a thriving economy you need to back off. Let companies and people innovate and create wealth. Don't get so worried that some guy or some company MIGHT make a fortune on some venture. Let the people succeed!! By trying to limit business... you limit EVERYONE.

Obama has been a unmitigated disaster.

Although I'm sure Jimmy Carter is happy. At least now he might shed that "worst President in US history" title.

Well said and you are being nice about it


Well-known member
Normally Knight, I agree with your conservative commentary. Sorry though, gotta throw the flag on a couple of your above statements.

1. He has ballooned the IRS. TRUE - over 20,000 new agents since the beginning of his term.

2. He has ballooned the federal debt. FALSE - The House and Senate appropriate the money; remember, many Republicans voted for the first Bailout, including McCain.

3. He has lowered the USA's credit rating. False - Once again the House and Senate appropriate the money.

4. He has effectively removed the USA from the status of a superpower. FALSE - The USA is more capable now than at any time in history. Particularly in the areas of Missile Defense, Space Operations, Air Mobility, and SOF.

5. He has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy policy. True

6. He has ballooned gas prices by restricting oil companies beyond anything any president has ever done. True

7. He has ballooned unemployment. True

8. He has caused class warfare and division. TRUE

9. He has set into a motion the government take-over of the healthcare industry that will likely cause this country irreparable harm. TRUE

The problem for four years has been a Democrat radical president ... and a majority Democrat Senate ... the talking heads of Nancy, Harry, and Biden (sp?)... and, of course, we had a congress that panicked when we had the housing crash! ... Does anyone remember Barney Frank and his cohorts, who assured banks and America of secure government backing to high risk loans through Fannie mae and Freddie mac?

I agree that Republicans have acted like whimps in the past ... and President Bush (who I admire) seemed to have panicked his last few days of presidency when things crashed. I know that Barney and others were busy hiding the truth from everyone ... but I still wonder who it was that dropped the ball on informing President Bush of the foolish shenanigans that were about to crash.

... and then there was the frustration voters felt with the more liberal among the Republican party ... which caused the Tea Party to rise up... but I'm hoping they know that they are all on notice now.

They are still a better choice than sticking with the liberals. Their convention made me sick - BTW.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 7th, 2012 10:05 AM

toldailytopic: 4 years later, how has Obama impacted this nation?

A facebook post just reminded me: are you better off than you were 12 years ago? Not if you were killed or wounded or mistreated by the 2 wars begun by the last Republican president. Many Americans might forget. But George W. Bush allowed 9-11 to happen; he went on vacation and ignored intelligence, perhaps due to his connections with the bin Laden family and the Saudi oil men; and then he started a war in Afghanistan; failing to put the troops on the ground necessary to catch bin laden and put the Taliban away for good; then he started another war without provocation or reason, justified by cooked up "intelligence," thus diverting resources from the first war and letting it drag on for 13 years. Now Romney wants to bring the same team back; the same neo-cons, so they can start more wars of choice, and/or neglect our security and screw up our intelligence again so they can start more wars. What is worse for our country than a war? Nothing is worse. If you don't think so, then YOU should go to Afghanistan and get yourself blown up or maimed for life!

No, the choice could not be easier. We can go in Reverse, or Drive. Go backward, or forward. And he needs some fuel in the engine; intelligence in congress, instead of the complete and absolute idiots who dominate it now. Give him a congress he can work with!


New member
OK, more to the point. Obama has passed more legislation and developed more policy that will impact this nation in a positive way than any president since Johnson, or maybe even FDR. Health care reform has tried and failed for a hundred years. Obama got us a good start on it. Fuel standards will bring about a change in our auto industry away from pollution and climate change, and green energy investments have started us on the path to sustainable living. Reforms of Wall Street and a consumer protection agency will go a long way to ensure another collapse and big-bank bail out doesn't happen. Many grants were given to students so they could go to college. Gays can now serve openly in the military. He put a floor under what was developing into a great depression, and if it were not for the brakes put on by Republicans these last 2 years, recovery would have been strong. He is phasing out the wars begun by the Republican neo-cons. I'm sure there's more I don't remember.


Well-known member
Hello eameece,
You believe:
OK, more to the point. Obama has passed more legislation and developed more policy that will impact this nation in a positive way than any president since Johnson, or maybe even FDR.

Ah, there lies the rub! Who idea of "good and positive" is right?

You say:
Health care reform has tried and failed for a hundred years. Obama got us a good start on it.

My health care plan has always worked well for me ... and I see people every day using Medicaid and Medicare ... and the only reason Medicaid and Medicare are broken is because Big Government is not always accountable to the tax payer. The politicians cleverly misuse and squander appropriated funds when they wish ... A normal citizens would think these funds are being set aside, preserved, and used for the designated particular things. But NO!

The answer was not yet ANOTHER HUGE HEALTHCARE PLAN... the answer was to hold politicians accountable for the money we give them ... and kick out those who are not honorable, then limit the size of government to make the oversight of them more manageable.

Obama Care was a way to slip in a political agenda ... that would affect the practice of religious freedom ... that would promote abortion within a health care bill to support the courts decision of making it legal-without an act from Congress or the consent of the governed. It was a health care bill that mandated the purchase of a product ... which is an infringement on our freedoms as well... and on it could go - still things to be discovered - as we finally read it.

You said:
Fuel standards will bring about a change in our auto industry away from pollution and climate change, and green energy investments have started us on the path to sustainable living.

Oh, so there is no other way to learn to be accountable to taking care of nature - really? To you the government is like a god! Only "god the government" knows best and can take care of the world... Well, I know where that sort of thinking leads. It leads to "a people under the control of a totalitarian government" instead of our having "a government of the people."

You believe:
Reforms of Wall Street and a consumer protection agency will go a long way to ensure another collapse and big-bank bail out doesn't happen.

Well, my suggestion of a "good" idea is that Barney Frank, Nancy P., Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, and all these sorts of leaders should have all been sent home years ago... but some how they managed to hide what they were doing long enough through Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac until they managed to collapse the housing market... which affected so many other areas of our economy. How did they accomplish this sort of thing ... they made promises that couldn't be kept without robbing Peter to pay Paul! We all know that's a tricky deal...

Well, the government is still living by that foolish figuring ... printing money to pay bills ... is the same stupidity! They are either destroying our nation through stupidity or they are an extremely evil bunch.

You say:
Many grants were given to students so they could go to college.

Okay ... who can't pay back the grants - because they can't find work?

You say:
Gays can now serve openly in the military.

Whoopie. We are yet to see where that leads.

You think:
He put a floor under what was developing into a great depression, and if it were not for the brakes put on by Republicans these last 2 years, recovery would have been strong.

He builds a floor of veneer ... It covers the underlying problems but will give way when the huge bills come upon it.

You want to only blame Republicans ... but I say each has played a role ... this is why the Tea Party has formed ... and why moral conservatives are making their voices hear ... and why constitutionalists are crying out ... and why fact checkers are rising up ... and those wanting smaller government and no new taxes have been making their case. Politicians need to return to being honorable stewards of the people's freedoms and our money.

It sounds to me like you don't trust politicians either ... so why in the world are you supporting the party that wants to place more controls over your life?

You say:
He is phasing out the wars begun by the Republican neo-cons. I'm sure there's more I don't remember.

Heaven / God help us!
What is "Good?" This is the election where the people need to seek for truth. I plan to look to see what God says is good ... because I think that if we can follow those guidelines then the rest will become better.
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New member
Ah, there lies the rub! Who idea of "good and positive" is right?
I guess the voters will decide.
Oh, so there is no other way to learn to be accountable to taking care of nature - really? To you the government is like a god! Only "god the government" knows best and can take care of the world... Well, I know where that sort of thinking leads. It leads to "a people under the control of a totalitarian government" instead of our having "a government of the people."
I am not so concerned about the government imposing on another powerful government run by a few rich folks, which is what car companies are.
Okay ... who can't pay back the grants - because they can't find work?
student loans are too onerous without government help. Society to advance must help those who need it.
Whoopie. We are yet to see where that leads.
It is equality; that's all we need to know.
It sounds to me like you don't trust politicians either ... so why in the world are you supporting the party that wants to place more controls over your life?
I am not a wealthy CEO, so I don't worry about those "controls" that are proposed by liberals to protect me from them. I don't trust politicians; they work for us, so we should make sure they do it. But Libertarian ideas are a fraud. We need to pay taxes, and we need regulations and national investments and programs.
Heaven / God help us!
What is "Good?" This is the election where the people need to seek for truth. I plan to look to see what God says is good ... because I think that if we can follow those guidelines then the rest will become better.
How do you propose to see what God says about this election?


New member
But he's only half Black, so the title of first Completly Black President is still to be had.

Also to be had are;
Native American
People not born here or not covered under the convoluted set of laws we have, had, will have.
We got a Mormon up to bat by I have a feeling that most "Christians" have no idea what that means.
Interesting times.

Never thought of all these options. It is really true.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
What type of crack are you smoking??

He has ballooned the IRS.
He has ballooned the federal debt.
He has lowered the USA's credit rating.
He has effectively removed the USA from the status of a superpower.
He has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy policy.
He has ballooned gas prices by restricting oil companies beyond anything any president has ever done.
He has ballooned unemployment.
He has caused class warfare and division.
He has set into a motion the government take-over of the healthcare industry that will likely cause this country irreparable harm.

And that's just a small taste of Obama's legacy.

FDR is considered, by many, to be one of the nations greatest presidents. I think there is a good chance that 50 years from now liberal college professors will feel the same about Obama.


Well-known member
No, the choice could not be easier. We can go in Reverse, or Drive. Go backward, or forward. And he needs some fuel in the engine; intelligence in congress, instead of the complete and absolute idiots who dominate it now. Give him a congress he can work with!
Sadly, he had a 'super-majority' and still could do little. The reason is that the legislature has legalized bribery, and is now owned by corporate lobbyists. Both the republicans and the democrats. The republicans openly block him, and the democrats sit on their hands and wallow in deliberate confusion whenever the corporate lobbyists want to stop his attempts at reform. That's exactly what happened to health care reform. It's what happened to economic stimulus via infrastructure upgrades. It's what happened to tax reform. And it's why the economy remains flat for everyone but the the oil companies, the investment banks, the pharmaceutical companies, the insurance industry, the hospital conglomerates, and CEOs in general. The very rich are doing very well in this economy, while everyone else struggles. And that's exactly how they want it.


New member
Hall of Fame
FDR is considered, by many, to be one of the nations greatest presidents. I think there is a good chance that 50 years from now liberal college professors will feel the same about Obama.

I seriously doubt that. He'll be a footnote.

The Barbarian

The most important thing is the die has been cast WRT health care. An attempt to roll back most of the key provisions would either enrage providers and insurance companies (who bankroll politicians) or infuriate average Americans who like the idea of no pre-existing condition denials, and being able to insure their college students.

It's probably too late now to change that, and it will be the basis for more comprehensive reforms later.

The republicans can talk about repeal, but it won't happen.