Today, I am grateful for.....


New member

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....A short visit with our children/family and friends.

.....God's grace that is all sufficient at home and traveling.

.....A safe trip home, known as, Traveling ease and mercies...Yes! Praise the Lord!​

I shall be traveling to Los Angeles along with my second daughter and three of her children to share in the "Pinning Ceremony" wherein her eldest son will be granted the rank of "Chief" in the Navy. His two brothers, in the Army and Marines respectively, shall be doing the pinning. We are thrilled to be a part of this honor as he has worked very hard to achieve it.
I am praying for a safe journey! Blessings to you and yours.


Well-known member
I know how proud you will feel. My son is career Navy, and I remember just such ceremonies. Hope you have a safe trip, and I know you will enjoy being with your daughter and her children.

I am thankful that I have lots of entertainment responsibilities from now through Christmas, and that I feel well enough to handle them all... with enthusiasm.

Otherwise, I would be stressed and depressed!


Well-known member
Today I am grateful for Bybee's grandson's achievements. :thumb:
I shall be traveling to Los Angeles along with my second daughter and three of her children to share in the "Pinning Ceremony" wherein her eldest son will be granted the rank of "Chief" in the Navy. His two brothers, in the Army and Marines respectively, shall be doing the pinning. We are thrilled to be a part of this honor as he has worked very hard to achieve it.
I am praying for a safe journey! Blessings to you and yours.

The Barbarian

I shall be traveling to Los Angeles along with my second daughter and three of her children to share in the "Pinning Ceremony" wherein her eldest son will be granted the rank of "Chief" in the Navy. His two brothers, in the Army and Marines respectively, shall be doing the pinning. We are thrilled to be a part of this honor as he has worked very hard to achieve it.

My congrats to your nephew; that is an accomplishment. My younger brother was a Chief, and in the Navy, that's a formidable designation. Jr. officers tread quietly near Chiefs, even though they outrank them on paper.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
I shall be traveling to Los Angeles along with my second daughter and three of her children to share in the "Pinning Ceremony" wherein her eldest son will be granted the rank of "Chief" in the Navy. His two brothers, in the Army and Marines respectively, shall be doing the pinning. We are thrilled to be a part of this honor as he has worked very hard to achieve it.
I am praying for a safe journey! Blessings to you and yours.



Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Those who aid others who are in extreme need.

.....Those who handle emergencies for our protection and safety.

.....The fact that we can pray for those 24/7 workers as they keep us safe.​


Well-known member
God's great provision for us: the United States of America.
The greatest military ever formed.
The prayers of those who support our boys in uniform.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Same as most days, really...just being me. :D It's great work if you can get it. Great benefits package: Jack, Joanna, a couple of sets of first rate parents...if I keep listing this could turn into a tome. :poly:

"He just must be a lucky guy." :upright:


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....The Old Testament.

.....The New Testament.

.....The whole council of God.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Learning life lessons.

.....Having a teachable heart/spirit before the Lord.

.....Rejoicing in the Lord's correction.​

The Barbarian

Today, I am grateful that my knee is back to normal, and I made my long walk today with no pain at all.

Last year, I climbed a rather steep place to get a picture; I didn't actually fall, but I came down a lot faster than I intended.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Today, I am grateful that my knee is back to normal, and I made my long walk today with no pain at all.

Last year, I climbed a rather steep place to get a picture; I didn't actually fall, but I came down a lot faster than I intended.
I can relate to a long wait of that sort. I had a nasty fall on my left shin that took me better than a year before I could put full, direct pressure on it again. It's a great feeling to not have to think about it anymore.



Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Joyful praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.

.....Serving the Lord with gladness.

.....Coming before His presence with singing.​


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Today, I am grateful for.....

.....Those who labor 24/7, for our safety and protection.

.....Those who labor diligently, providing goods, services and transportation.

.....Our teachers, healthcare provider's, and who work in the heat of the day.

.....The forty years that I worked in printing and funeral service.

.....Our ongoing ministry in retirement/healthcare centers.​


Well-known member
The hope of finding a job;
Unemployment until I do;
Being hopeful when there seems to be no hope. :thumb: