To forgive is to bring healing to those who hurt and hate us

God's Truth

New member
As for believing in the Trinity. I don't believe anyone will truly understand how God's Spirit was given to His Son or how the Holy Spirit truly works. Not till we leave this world for the next. But the Son and the Holy Spirit are truly divine. Jesus is our High Priest in heaven who acts on our behalf before the Father. I believe God sends us the Holy Spirit in to us to guide us and convict us when wrong. The Holy Spirit is very important. For to deny Him is not forgiven.

As for the military. I consider the young men and women who are serving their country in the armed services are America's best. I often question those in congress and the executive branch who send them into battle.

Meshak says that anyone for the U.S. Military is a fake Christian, but then bragged on you being the best Christian ever.