ECT To build others up as disciples of Christ…

patrick jane

We need...

The teaching of Jesus.
God’s commands.
That which is true.

yes. Amen. and Jesus returned and revealed so much more to Paul. how to be disciples of Christ and build others up. it's rare here because everybody wants to be MORE right. or NOT wrong. we do get enough to keep us coming back. we can all be better people to each other. if not here. where ? - :patrol:


yes. Amen. and Jesus returned and revealed so much more to Paul. how to be disciples of Christ and build others up. it's rare here because everybody wants to be MORE right. or NOT wrong. we do get enough to keep us coming back. we can all be better people to each other. if not here. where ? - :patrol:
Paul spoke of a return yet to come, so I don't think he considered what happened to him to be Jesus having returned.


New member
The word of God and the Spirit of God to illumine our eyes and heart to understand His word.


yes. Amen. and Jesus returned and revealed so much more to Paul. how to be disciples of Christ and build others up. it's rare here because everybody wants to be MORE right. or NOT wrong. we do get enough to keep us coming back.

It's a tragedy to have the inability to say: I was wrong. You're right... or something to that effect. Without it, we are unable to grow. I'd rather be wrong every now and then, than right all the time.

Whether Paul had so much revealed to Him than that which is had in the rest of the New Testament I'm not so sure of. I do know that I am grateful for The Word, Our Father and His Christ, Jesus.

we can all be better people to each other. if not here. where ? - :patrol:

Yes, and if not now, then when? If not me, then who?

Peace truly does begin with me.

We, each of us, can encourage others to have the courage to be who we actually are and are created to be rather than them to continue to think that to survive in this dog eat dog world that the best way to be is the same ugly way.

No, it is much easier to live as Christ and St. Paul taught. I think of Jesus saying* (paraphrased): Come, and learn from me for my yoke is easy and my burden light...

Yes, living as Our Lord and St. Paul taught is much easier than living the other way. The way of the world with it's hate and drama and lies and addictions and so forth with all it's sad dreariness.

Let us all choose the Light... and allow our souls to live in the softly glowing, unweighted light, burden-less glory of Christ that Jesus died to give us.

May all on this site learn to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you and I. (Ephesians 4:32) Amen.

*Matthew 11:28, 29, 30


New member
Paul spoke of a return yet to come, so I don't think he considered what happened to him to be Jesus having returned.

Jesus is always returning... every time a soul is converted is: Christ come in the flesh... transforming our heart and way of thinking.

BUT, you are right... there will be The Return, when time is up and Christ will rule on earth totally for all will live as Christ taught. God's great glory will burn as chaff all that is impure, and only those who are in He who can stand in the presence of God without being destroyed will remain.


Jesus is always returning... every time a soul is converted is: Christ come in the flesh... transforming our heart and way of thinking.

BUT, you are right... there will be The Return, when time is up and Christ will rule on earth totally for all will live as Christ taught. God's great glory will burn as chaff all that is impure, and only those who are in He who can stand in the presence of God without being destroyed will remain.
What does the Bible say though? Is it that Christ WILL return? Is the word return there at all? I don't think the Bible says Christ is always returning, which you suggest is the case with different people experiencing a return one each person for all who are converted or repent unto salvation.


New member
What does the Bible say though? Is it that Christ WILL return? Is the word return there at all?

You are right. The word that is actually used is 'come'. Such as in 2 Peter 3:3, 4:

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Forgive me for writing as I would speak, and believing that the reader would know what I refer to.

Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. 2 Timothy 2:14

Edited to add this verse that also gives the impression of returning: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Hebrews 9:28

But, this concerns the baptism by fire mentioned by JohnTB, which Christ Jesus also performs upon us. /edit

I don't think the Bible says Christ is always returning, ...

I agree with John the Baptist who said that it is Jesus who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.

I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Matthew 3:11

He who came after JohnTB is Jesus Christ, correct? For Jesus Christ to baptize an individual His presence would have to be there, yes? I do not limit God and His ability to be in more than one place at a time.

....which you suggest is the case with different people experiencing a return one each person for all who are converted or repent unto salvation.

Yes, yes I do.

patrick jane

Paul spoke of a return yet to come, so I don't think he considered what happened to him to be Jesus having returned.

on the road to damacus. and 40 days before His Ascension :patrol: i think we all know the "Second Coming" has not occured yet. we know the ending. i'm talking about how to be BETTER disciples for Christ. we have examples through the Apostles, early Church and Paul, Peter, James etc. teachings, instructions. Epistles


on the road to damacus.
and 40 days before His Ascension :patrol:
Jesus rose from the dead to life again, which we call His resurrection, and that is different from a return or Jesus' second coming. We know about His first Advent or earthly ministry. I don't know what an advent is, but I know it is important to know what His second coming is all about.

Some differentiate between the rapture and the second coming. Some believe them to be the same event.


New member
Did you see my edit to my post?

Well, why do you believe that? I don't see it in scripture.

Did you disagree with my other points in the post you are responding to?

There is a lot that is not obvious in scripture. Our bible is a spiritual handbook designed to teach us spiritual truths.

Granted it is the milk by which we grow, and we are fed thereby. But, the meat we have to get the sustenance ourselves and chew into it, and that requires thought.

St. Paul had the problem where he could not give the meat of the message: I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 1 Corinthians 3:2


Flirting is not building up nor it is love which levolor is practicing..

It is simply nauseating.


Did you see my edit to my post?
No, I did not.

But, Hebrews 9:27 NASB - And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,
Did you disagree with my other points in the post you are responding to?
I believe I responded to the point you have as yours that is at the center of it all.
There is a lot that is not obvious in scripture. Our bible is a spiritual handbook designed to teach us spiritual truths.

Granted it is the milk by which we grow, and we are fed thereby. But, the meat we have to get the sustenance ourselves and chew into it, and that requires thought.

St. Paul had the problem where he could not give the meat of the message: I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 1 Corinthians 3:2
No. Milk is for babes while meat or solid food is for those who are grown up. It is not a problem that a babe would have milk for food rather than solid food.

patrick jane

Jesus rose from the dead to life again, which we call His resurrection, and that is different from a return or Jesus' second coming. We know about His first Advent or earthly ministry. I don't know what an advent is, but I know it is important to know what His second coming is all about.

Some differentiate between the rapture and the second coming. Some believe them to be the same event.

i know what you mean. but, you aren't discounting Paul's Revelation from Christ AFTER The Resurrection, are you ? :patrol: - i've heard a greeting that says "from advent to epiphany" - anyway, you aren't telling me anything new - :patrol:


New member
No, I did not.

But, Hebrews 9:27 NASB - And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,

Somehow we have a misunderstanding, and right now I am unsure of the source of it.
I believe I responded to the point you have as yours that is at the center of it all.

Ah, okay.

No. Milk is for babes while meat or solid food is for those who are grown up. It is not a problem that a babe would have milk for food rather than solid food.

That's true. Digesting milk is easy and it requires a mature system to digest meat as well as meat requiring teeth. Now apply that to the spiritual truths that can be given and received from our bible... some for babes and others for the mature.


i know what you mean. but, you aren't discounting Paul's Revelation from Christ AFTER The Resurrection, are you ? :patrol: - i've heard a greeting that says "from advent to epiphany" - anyway, you aren't telling me anything new - :patrol:
He appeared to many from His resurrection to His ascension. But Paul said He would return later. His resurrection and ascension are not that return (the second coming).

patrick jane

He appeared to many from His resurrection to His ascension. But Paul said He would return later. His resurrection and ascension are not that return (the second coming).

never said it was. never. so i don't know where you are trying to go on that subject. but, yes i agree with you :up:


Somehow we have a misunderstanding, and right now I am unsure of the source of it.

Ah, okay.

That's true. Digesting milk is easy and it requires a mature system to digest meat as well as meat requiring teeth. Now apply that to the spiritual truths that can be given and received from our bible... some for babes and others for the mature.
It doesn't have to do with consuming assuming or retaining knowledge, it has to do with spiritual growth and maturity, that is... what a person needs to know next as a part of their growth (the process whereby a person grows in Christ from infancy to maturity) is the knowledge that can be imparted to someone that they would grow thereby.