ECT Those who believe will labor to enter the "Rest" of God"


Well-known member
How were any, before the law of Moses, saved, heir?

What difference does it make?

You have asked why we say there are at least two Gospels in the New Testament, and every time Heir answers that question, like she just did, you avoid it by coming up with some off-the-wall tangent that is not related.


What did Philip preach to the eunuch? The eunuch was not a Jew, so by your theology, he couldn't be a part of that church and Paul had not preached yet so he could not be a part of the church, the body of Christ, so is there another Church in between Acts 2 and Paul's preaching?


What difference does it make?
It is very much related as it is the same for all. By grace through faith.
I have asked this several times and the only one you guys will answer is how they are saved today.

You have asked why we say there are at least two Gospels in the New Testament, and every time Heir answers that question, like she just did, you avoid it by coming up with some off-the-wall tangent that is not related.

I don't avoid it. I understand she and you and others think there is more than one gospel. It is in light of that that I am trying to see how you think the others throughout history are/were saved.


Well-known member
What did Philip preach to the eunuch? The eunuch was not a Jew, so by your theology, he couldn't be a part of that church and Paul had not preached yet so he could not be a part of the church, the body of Christ, so is there another Church in between Acts 2 and Paul's preaching?

I addressed this days ago. what is your evidence for saying the Ethiopian was not a proselyte?


TOL Subscriber
What difference does it make?

You have asked why we say there are at least two Gospels in the New Testament, and every time Heir answers that question, like she just did, you avoid it by coming up with some off-the-wall tangent that is not related.
Yep! the ole' moving target


Well-known member
It is very much related as it is the same for all. By grace through faith.
I have asked this several times and the only one you guys will answer is how they are saved today.

I addressed this days ago too. Salvation from Genesis on is always by grace, and God has always required faith. That has not changed.

It is becoming clear you don't read the answers we're kind enough to give your questions.


Yep! the ole' moving target

No moving target, just one you have been avoiding as well as the rest of them in this theology. I have asked many times and the only answer I get is how we are saved today. Not how the Jews are/were saved. Not how Job was saved, nor Abraham. Nor anyone before the law.


why do you think he had a copy of the Scriptures with him?

OK fair enough. Though I believe the gospel are one and the same. I will go along with your theology to see where it ends up. By your estimation he converted to the Jewish religion.
Now how 'bout the others? Those under the law, those before the law?


Well-known member
That has naught to do with your original objections to MAD as you originally framed them. Heir HAS answered you but you disregard or can't see it.


That has naught to do with your original objections to MAD as you originally framed them. Heir HAS answered you but you disregard or can't see it.

Point me to the post where she answered how those under the law are saved?
Point me to the post where she or any of this theology answered how those before the law are saved?

This is just avoidance of the questions. Please just point me to it, or better yet just say it here.

I tell you how in my theology they are saved. By grace through faith. All looking toward the cross.

Cross Reference

New member
Point me to the post where she answered how those under the law are saved?
Point me to the post where she or any of this theology answered how those before the law are saved?

This is just avoidance of the questions. Please just point me to it, or better yet just say it here.

I tell you how in my theology they are saved. By grace through faith. All looking toward the cross.

In other words, they lived with but the promise? That is all it could be.


Well-known member
And please all of you do understand, that though we argue, debate, whatever you want to call it, I in no way hate or even dislike any of you.
As I would hope and don't think that any of you hate me. I know that you love the Lord just as much as I do. I came here to help solidify my beliefs by putting them up to scrutiny and if I am in error of anything that hopefully God would show me through His word where I am wrong. So please don't think that I don't respect you, though I may disagree.

You cannot have two masters. You will inevitably hate one and love the other.

Make sure you hate the spiritually dead one.

Matthews: 6 verse: 24

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

One master is the Jesus in His Spirit, i.e. the Son of God the other (mammon) is Jesus the son of man.

The first is Jesus in a physical body. This is how Peter knew Jesus.

Those who teach you according to ideals and laws which Jesus delivered when he was in a human physical body on earth (i.e. the son of man) are the spiritually dead. They are children of the flesh. They are called 'the dead'.

The other master is Jesus, in His Spirit body as Paul know him. Those who teach you to discern, embrace and be led by Jesus in His Spirit body, i.e. the Son of God, are the children of God.

You must chose one and despise the other.
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You cannot have two masters. You will inevitably hate one and love the other.

Make sure you hate the spiritually dead one.

Matthews: 6 verse: 24

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

One is the Jesus in His Spirit, i.e. the Son of God the other (mammon) is Jesus the son of man.

Those who teach you according to ideals and laws which Jesus delivered when he was in a human physical body on earth (i.e. the son of man) are the spiritually dead. They are children of the flesh.

Those who teach you to discern, embrace and be led by Jesus in His Spirit body, i.e. the Son of God, are the children of God.

You must chose one and despise the other.

I have but one master that is Christ. And He taught us to love one another.
Don't bother quoting scripture about Him telling us to hate brother or mother or whatever, that is not at all what those verses teach and I am not going to go there right now.

Cross Reference

New member
Agreed, but where I'm getting at is do they think they were/are saved, then,now or in the future, in some other way than what we are, and if so, how?

In a word: FAITH. Would their faith be anything less expected of them then what God expects of us? Does not the Word tell us they died with only the promise?


TOL Subscriber
No moving target, just one you have been avoiding as well as the rest of them in this theology. I have asked many times and the only answer I get is how we are saved today. Not how the Jews are/were saved.
You want it all to be the same, but it's not. How was Noah saved?:

Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Did you have to build an ark to be saved?

How are those in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John saved?:

Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Do you have to endureth to the end to be saved?

We in the dispensation of the grace of God

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Why don't you study the KJB for yourself instead of asking me to get you all the answers?