Those "protesting" in front of the mosque in AZ are helping the terrorists


'Unneccessarily antagonistic' is your opinion, nothing more. Same with 'rude' and 'hate.'

I don't think unecessarily antagonistic is just my opinion. They could've staged an art event, like the one in Texas, away from people who might be offended by it. Choosing to protest across the street from a mosque is going out of your way to be obnoxious


Active member

I'm not the one saying artists with guns should bow to the whim of murderers.

Stripe's idea of not "bowing to the whims of murderers" is to try to alienate people in society that have nothing to do with murder and to abolish the first amendment in true anti-American fascist fashion:




Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe's idea of not "bowing to the whims of murderers" is to try to alienate people in society that have nothing to do with murder and to abolish the first amendment in true anti-American fascist fashion:

Nope. It's called liberty. We know you hate it. People are allowed to hold signs, draw cartoons and carry guns. That you seek to gloss over the murderers who would attack such people shows where you stand.


Active member
Nope. It's called liberty. We know you hate it. People are allowed to hold signs, draw cartoons and carry guns. That you seek to gloss over the murderers who would attack such people shows where you stand.

Stripe once again fails to understand the difference between liberty to be an idiotic jerk who helps the terrorists (the protesters) vs. criticizing people for doing that. People have the liberty and freedom to be idiotic jerks that help the terrorists, I never once said otherwise.


Hall of Fame
Some people understand the difference between exercising free speech for a cause and just plain being unecessarily antagonistic. It's in front of a mosque. Why? What is the point? You're just being rude to a bunch of law-abiding Muslim people. ISIS isn't affected

This is comparable to what the Westboro Baptist Church does. It's just fueled by hate

It's most likely done to send the message to the radicals that we refuse to cater to their threats of terrorism. Do those who you speak of (law abiding Muslims) get offended? Probably. However, how is that any different than George Carlin's stand up comedy acts or things of a similar nature?

The difference is we are not so barbaric that we believe such actions justifies terrorism.

I am not saying that being offensive just to be offensive is something I always approve of but rather the principle behind it is more important.

Our free speech should trump the right of being censored because feelings might get hurt and some might become enraged.

Terrorist WANT to censor us. The only way to show unity against them is by telling them to stick it in their ear.


Active member
It's most likely done to send the message to the radicals that we refuse to cater to their threats of terrorism. Do those who you speak of (law abiding Muslims) get offended? Probably. However, how is that any different than George Carlin's stand up comedy acts or things of a similar nature?

The difference is we are not so barbaric that we believe such actions justifies terrorism.

I am not saying that being offensive just to be offensive is something I always approve of but rather the principle behind it is more important.

Our free speech should trump the right of being censored because feelings might get hurt and some might become enraged.

Terrorist WANT to censor us. The only way to show unity against them is by telling them to stick it in their ear.

If it was about refusing to stand up to "threats of terrorism", then why would the "protesters" be holding up signs that say "No more Mosques" and "Stop Islam"?

Can you imagine the mob attacks and endless string of hate that would occur if a bunch of Muslims stood in front of a church armed with guns and held up signs that said "Stop Christianity" and "No more churches" and "stop the spread of the 10 commandments"? I would be shocked if one of them didn't get shot by doing that.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe once again fails to understand the difference between liberty to be an idiotic jerk who helps the terrorists (the protesters) vs. criticizing people for doing that. People have the liberty and freedom to be idiotic jerks that help the terrorists, I never once said otherwise.


Your desperation to excuse the murderers has made you unable to put together simple English.


Active member

Your desperation to excuse the murderers has made you unable to put together simple English.

Your desperation to excuse hateful anti-American bigots who help the terrorists has made you unable to make simple moral judgments.


Well-known member
You leftists have the liberty to not do or say what you believe might antagonize or offend someone...or (within constitutional bounds) to do exactly that, if you choose. Such is the nature of speech that is free.

Let others enjoy the same liberty.


Active member
You leftists have the liberty to not do or say what you believe might antagonize or offend someone...or (within constitutional bounds) to do exactly that, if you choose. Such is the nature of speech that is free.

Let others enjoy the same liberty.

Did I once say that what they are doing should be illegal? No, nor has anyone else in this thread. So why bring it up?


Active member
Stripe and musterion's "logic" in a nutshell:

If you criticize hateful Anti-American bigots who help the terrorists through their hateful bigoted actions, you want to prevent them from exercising their liberty and you support murderers.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe and musterion's "logic" in a nutshell:If you criticize hateful Anti-American bigots who help the terrorists through their hateful bigoted actions, you want to prevent them from exercising their liberty and you support murderers.dizzy:

Who is helping terrorists? :AMR:


New member
Who is helping terrorists? :AMR:
I will try to explain, although I highly doubt you would even begin to understand.

The idea is that if the mainstream media displays hateful protests consistently, Muslims are more apt to be suspicious and fearful of the communities they are a part of. As such, the chance they will reach out to more "accepting" groups (terrorist organizations, for example), is much higher. It gives these groups fuel and allows them to easily create an "us vs them" mentality.

In short, these types of protests do nothing to help. If anything, they are only making an already unstable situation more dangerous. This is not to say they don't have the right to do it, but it does open them to some very serious consequences.


It's most likely done to send the message to the radicals that we refuse to cater to their threats of terrorism. Do those who you speak of (law abiding Muslims) get offended? Probably. However, how is that any different than George Carlin's stand up comedy acts or things of a similar nature?
The difference is that those at George's stand-up act choose to be there. It isn't forced on them. And they can leave if they're offended, whereas the Muslims must worship at the mosque and can't just leave. The protesters could've staged an event not across from a mosque and invited anyone to attend. But instead they forced their event onto people who want no part of it.