Those "protesting" in front of the mosque in AZ are helping the terrorists


Active member
The rally initially was organized by a Phoenix man who says he is a former Marine who fought in the Iraq War and believes Islam is a violent religion. He led about 250 people who carried pistols, assault rifles, American flags and drawings of the Prophet Muhammad to the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix.

These idiots are helping the terrorists. Youth who grow up in Muslim households in the United States will feel far more alienated from their society due to these kind of hateful bigots. Like they don't belong in their own society. That will make them identify much more strongly with their religion as a Muslim and much less likely to identify as an American.

Youth who are disenfranchised like that are much more fertile to be recruited by a charismatic recruiter into radicalism.

These are basic facts for anyone who has studied the psychology on how people and youth in particular become radicalized.

The people who are engaging in these protests against Muslims are Anti-Americans of the worst kind.

The one positive that came from this is that other outside groups joined the Muslims in support and counter protest:

That group was met by an equally sized group of protesters, some holding signs promoting love and peace, who came to show their support for the mosque and Muslim community.


Despite the fact that we live in one of the more advanced societies to ever exist we still remain tribal and afraid of "the other".
The fact that some of the other in this case act as Christians did in the New World, the Crusades or the 30-Year War for example only serves to support the basic tribalism of our species.


New member
They're harmful because they demonstrate a lack of understanding of what America is. These bigots think the us is a theocracy. Hopefully the muslims know better. If they don't, they're no different from the bigots protesting against their rights.


New member
These idiots are helping the terrorists. Youth who grow up in Muslim households in the United States will feel far more alienated from their society due to these kind of hateful bigots. Like they don't belong in their own society. That will make them identify much more strongly with their religion as a Muslim and much less likely to identify as an American.

Seconded. While I think the person is the main element in the mix, the environment plays a huge part.

This sort of "protest" is moronic and unwise and will in no meaningful long lasting way deter the spread of islam of any stripe.


Both sides believe they are good and the other guys are evil. And if the good guys or the bad guys have to be violent, they always say that it was the other side that "forced" them into it.


Hall of Fame
Terrorists need no *help* from those protesting ...

They would just find another reason to terrorize ... because that is what they live for.


New member
Hall of Fame
These idiots are helping the terrorists. Youth who grow up in Muslim households in the United States will feel far more alienated from their society due to these kind of hateful bigots. Like they don't belong in their own society. That will make them identify much more strongly with their religion as a Muslim and much less likely to identify as an American.

Youth who are disenfranchised like that are much more fertile to be recruited by a charismatic recruiter into radicalism.

These are basic facts for anyone who has studied the psychology on how people and youth in particular become radicalized.

The people who are engaging in these protests against Muslims are Anti-Americans of the worst kind.

The one positive that came from this is that other outside groups joined the Muslims in support and counter protest:

Agree. :up:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
These idiots are helping the terrorists. Youth who grow up in Muslim households in the United States will feel far more alienated from their society due to these kind of hateful bigots. Like they don't belong in their own society. That will make them identify much more strongly with their religion as a Muslim and much less likely to identify as an American.Youth who are disenfranchised like that are much more fertile to be recruited by a charismatic recruiter into radicalism.These are basic facts for anyone who has studied the psychology on how people and youth in particular become radicalized.The people who are engaging in these protests against Muslims are Anti-Americans of the worst kind.The one positive that came from this is that other outside groups joined the Muslims in support and counter protest:[ url]http://ww w.washing /national/reli gion/prote sters-gath er-at-phoenix- mosque-u nder-close-po lice-watch/2 015/05/30/e d2bdcba-0680- 11e5-93f4-f2 4d4af7f97d _story.html[/url]

It's called liberty. We know you hate it.


New member
Right. Tinny hates artists with guns, preferring to protect the sensibilities of murderers.
Where did he say he hates artists with guns? Are you also assuming that all Muslims are murderers? Both of those statements have zero support.


Active member
Terrorists need no *help* from those protesting ...

They would just find another reason to terrorize ... because that is what they live for.

But you seem to ignore the psychological facts on how terrorists increase their numbers

They are indeed helped when there are more potential targets available in terms of youth who identify more strongly as a Muslim than their nationality and also feel alienated from their society.

I highly recommend reading Radical: My Journey Out Of Islamist Extremism about one man's experience being recruited into Islamic extremism and eventually finding his way out and now actively finding solutions against it through his organization whose goal is to counter extremism.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You are the one who hates it since you bash anyone who disagrees with your distorted views


I'm not the one saying artists with guns should bow to the whim of murderers.


You leftists buy your prayer rugs now, while the market is low.

Some people understand the difference between exercising free speech for a cause and just plain being unecessarily antagonistic. It's in front of a mosque. Why? What is the point? You're just being rude to a bunch of law-abiding Muslim people. ISIS isn't affected

This is comparable to what the Westboro Baptist Church does. It's just fueled by hate