The job of the defense attorney is to protect the rights of his client within proscribed ethical boundaries established in canon. The job of the prosecuting attorney is to pursue conviction within the measure of the law and canon. The job of the judge is to see that due process is served and/or to decide the facts of the case if no jury is empanelled. Else, his job will be to preside over that process, to keep the lawyers within bounds and to explain to a jury of peers, who will sit in judgment on the facts, their obligations before the law.
I'm not glad lawyers exist.
I'm not glad lawyers exist.
Not if you're smart enough to understand what you're talking about, so I take your point.lawyers are inherently amoral
I'd feel sorry for you...but I'm not going to. :nono:which makes them, in general, disgusting scumbags who should be fed into wood chippers
The job of the defense attorney is to protect the rights of his client within proscribed ethical boundaries established in cannon. The job of the prosecuting attorney is to pursue conviction within the measure of the law and cannon. The job of the judge is to see that due process is served and/or to decide the facts of the case if no jury is empanelled. Else, his job will be to preside over that process, to keep the lawyers within bounds and to explain to a jury of peers, who will sit in judgment on the facts, their obligations before the law.
When everyone in that process does their jobs justice will likely be served. The lawyer's only mistake was to appear on Tucker's show. To say the lawyer is hell bound is just irresponsible nonsense. To say you're not glad that lawyers exist is simply to propound an ignorant bias.
But that's your right. A right framed by and protected by the people you don't like. Go figure.
Good point.I saw this on You-Tube earlier this morning and what stood out to me was the fact that this Attorney claimed, not to KNOW the character of the accused rapist, however, was assuming he KNEW the character of the alleged victim.
Am I going to hell for being a fan of Perry Mason?
I saw this on You-Tube earlier this morning and what stood out to me was the fact that this Attorney claimed, not to KNOW the character of the accused rapist, however, was assuming he KNEW the character of the alleged victim.
he was gay
Am I going to hell for being a fan of Perry Mason?
He rarely smiled though, except during the last scene.
lawyers are inherently amoral
Not if you're smart enough to understand what you're talking about...
a·mor·al āˈmôrəl/ adjective adjective: amoral lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something. |
The job of the defense attorney is to protect the rights of his client within proscribed ethical boundaries established in cannon. The job of the prosecuting attorney is to pursue conviction within the measure of the law and cannon.
:think: Possibly, though there's no danger in rooting for Matlock. He's a good cracker.Am I going to hell for being a fan of Perry Mason?
Rather, when lawyers do their duty before the law it is in the service of justice.Lawyers are meant to go strictly by law, and not justice.
That's a perversion of the idiom. What "Justice is blind" means is that she is blind to power and its influence. All men stand equal in right and presumption before her and the law.Justice is blind when it comes to the law.
All men stand equal in right and presumption before her and the law.
How could it possibly be justice when a lawyer doesn't even question his client if he actually committed the crime?Rather, when lawyers do their duty before the law it is in the service of justice.
What hinders the justice of it all is that she is also blind to status and privilege and the favors being passed around (I scratch your back, you scratch mine).That's a perversion of the idiom. What "Justice is blind" means is that she is blind to power and its influence. All men stand equal in right and presumption before her and the law.