White Supremacists, the new liberal boogyman. There are more one-armed albinos named Elvis in America then there are White Supremacists, and the idea that they could in any way sway people or opinion to their side is sheer stupidity.
At last count there are around 130 Klan groups, 99 Neo-Nazi, 100 White Nationalist, 78 Racist Skinhead, and 43 Neo Confederate groups operating within our borders spread across the land in every state. And that's before you get to the unaffiliated ignoramuses. But they are fairly marginal all things considered and they were in steady decline until 2015, but have ticked up in the last couple. They aren't a threat to the stability of the nation so much as they are a small, loud, embarrassing part of it.
On the other hand, a force of equal evil that does spread across the land is the one called Antifa.
A force of equal evil? A different sort of problem, since they support violent opposition often enough, which simply cannot be allowed in a civil society. But no one knows how large the still relatively disorganized, anti-fascist movement is. It's mostly seemed to gain steam in opposition and response to the White Supremacist movement airing its dirty laundry of late and if the social media footprint is any indication their numbers are even smaller than the WS.
Just like Stalin and Hitler, when you go far enough Left or far enough Right, you end up at the same evil place.
I actually agree with that. Extremists are usually the problem in anything.
Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler were equals in evil, hate, oppression, war-mongering, and murdering Jews. Yet Stalin was our ally and today kids are cool with socialism.
And we agree on Stalin. We coddled him because we wanted to use the Soviets to help break Hitler's armies. But there's a world of difference between Stalin's USSR and socialism else. Kids today aren't advocating for a Soviet style implementation of socialism, to the extent they're really engaged on the point. And if capitalism would restrain its worse impulses and the elite it has spawned internationally would stop and reconsider the cash grab mistakes they're making that support would fade.
The Leftwing Antifa is just as horrible as Nazis but Liberals embrace them and they make trouble all across America.
There's no reason to support your first contention and it's grossly irresponsible. They appear willing to use violence to confront the WS movement, which is wrong and illegal, but to compare that to the Nazis and their systematic attempt to commit genocide of various peoples is unwarranted and unsupportable.
So while Liberals holdup their little White Supremacist straw man, they embrace the equal evil that roams the land in real numbers.
Everyone should oppose evil and attempting to marginalize it by calling it a strawman is also irresponsible. Rather, decry racism and decry those who oppose legal if stupid activity by a violent means. I'm fine with that.
Trump was right when he condemned both sides in the recent violence in the South
Condemning violence on either side would be appropriate and right. Suggesting there were good people on either side wasn't, as it offered comfort to those strawmen you dismiss and it sent the wrong signal from the leader of the nation.