This didn't make the national news


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2013 data:

Race of victim - black - 2,491 - race of offender- white - 189

Average of .517/day, or 1.04 every two days.

And, as you've claimed from other discussions, this data understates the real totals.

In other words you made up your stat, by multiplying - does not mean a white murders a black every 2 days.

3,128 whites were murdered by 431 blacks even though blacks are by far lower in population than whites and yes all that data understates real totals since all murders by far are not solved and or reported as other than homicides, when they are homicides.


Active member
In other words you made up your stat, by multiplying - does not mean a white murders a black every 2 days.

:sigh: Yes, I used basic math to determine that 189 black murders by whites means that one must occur on average every two days.

The other data point shows that 409 whites were murdered by blacks during 2013 (431 in 2012).


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Hall of Fame
:sigh: Yes, I used basic math to determine that 189 black murders by whites means that one must occur on average every two days.

Yes, because it cant mean 5 murders happened in one day, or several murderers murdered one person on one day, in other words, you cannot state what you claim just based on rates, its without basis entirely.

The other data point shows that 409 whites were murdered by blacks during 2013. Don't know what info you are reading.

I cited 2012 stats, you cited 2013, there is a link clear as day to what i cited.

the 409 of yours was on less white murders overall that year, meaning even more blacks killed whites comparatively.

Any year you look at, far more blacks kill whites than the other way around, by far even though they are a much lower number of the population. Its not racist to see it either.

Facts arent racist.


Active member
Yes, because it cant mean 5 murders happened in one day, or several murderers murdered one person on one day, in other words, you cannot state what you claim just based on rates, its without basis entirely.

Try reading more carefully, it says at the top in clear, legible text: [Single victim/single offender]

Also, do I really need to explain to you what the word "average" means?


Active member
the 409 of yours was on less white murders overall that year, meaning even more blacks killed whites comparatively.

Say again?

Any year you look at, far more blacks kill whites than the other way around, by far even though they are a much lower number of the population. Its not racist to see it either.

Facts arent racist.

And whites make up a much larger number of the population, so any given white murderer or black murderer is going to be far more likely to kill a white because there are so many more whites.

Do we really need to go over this again?

The higher murder rates by blacks can be explained in large part by their 2.5x poverty rate vs. whites, as the vast majority of murders come from households of low SES, which means they grow up in distressed areas where crime is far more common.


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Hall of Fame
Say again?
Your 409 rate was against a lower number of whites murdered in 2013 than in 2012, which makes a higher number of blacks committing black on white murders than in 2012 when the number of whites murdered overall was much higher.

And whites make up a much larger number of the population, so any given white murderer or black murderer is going to be far more likely to kill a white because there are so many more whites.

Irrelevant to number of blacks committing murder.

Do we really need to go over this again?

The higher murder rates by blacks can be explained in large part by their 2.5x poverty rate vs. whites, as the vast majority of murders come from households of low SES, which means they grow up in distressed areas where crime is far more common.

If poverty was the reason for murder, our american small towns would be bastions of crime. They are not.

Thats just an excuse to cover poor morals.

The Barbarian

And whites make up a much larger number of the population, so any given white murderer or black murderer is going to be far more likely to kill a white because there are so many more whites.

Do we really need to go over this again?

It's very hard to accept evidence when the evidence contradicts one's prejudices. If any two groups of people randomly choose victims, it will always be true that people from the group that is less numerous will attack more people of the other group than people from the other group will attack them.

But racists wouldn't be racists if they were amenable to reason.


Active member
Your 409 rate was against a lower number of whites murdered in 2013 than in 2012, which makes a higher number of blacks committing black on white murders than in 2012 when the number of whites murdered overall was much higher.

409 was the total number of whites killed by blacks in 2013 (out of 3,005 total number of whites being murdered) vs 431 out of 3,128 in 2012. I don't understand what point you are trying to make here.

Irrelevant to number of blacks committing murder.

But not irrelevant when discussing the number of black murder victims with a white offender and vice versa.

If poverty was the reason for murder, our american small towns would be bastions of crime. They are not.

Thats just an excuse to cover poor morals.

It's a fact that people who grow up in high crime neighborhoods are both poorer and far more likely to engage in violence themselves as they get older. You are the one who is trying to twist a fact into an excuse.

Also, given that men commit something like 10x as many violent crimes as women, would you say that men have 10x poorer morals than women, or do you think this fact means that being a man is an excuse to their violent crime?


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409 was the total number of whites killed by blacks in 2013 (out of 3,005 total number of whites being murdered) vs 431 out of 3,128 in 2012. I don't understand what point you are trying to make here.

Very good, a lower number like i said.

But not irrelevant when discussing the number of black murder victims with a white offender and vice versa.
by percentage blacks disproportionally commit murder. (as well as other crimes)

It's a fact that people who grow up in high crime neighborhoods are both poorer and far more likely to engage in violence themselves as they get older. You are the one who is trying to twist a fact into an excuse.
I grew up in an extremely poverty stricken neighborhood and the blacks there by far, committed the vast number of crimes than the whites there.

Its a moral problem. Not a poverty problem. You cant tell me what ive seen with my own eyes.

Also, given that men commit something like 10x as many violent crimes as women, would you say that men have 10x poorer morals than women, or do you think this fact means that being a man is an excuse to their violent crime?

It sure has nothing to do with poverty.