This didn't make the national news


Hall of Fame
No clue ... it's just horrific and sad. :(

These creeps need to die. Now. Via the DP.


Active member
The perps were caught. There's no unsolved mystery. There's no killer on the loose. There's no controversy. Why would it necessarily make the national news?

There are approximately 4,500 murders of youths aged 10-24 each year in the US. That's 12 per day. Not all of them are going to make national news.


New member
Hall of Fame
I suspect some black-on-black crime blah blah blah is what he's really driving at.


Active member
I suspect some black-on-black crime blah blah blah is what he's really driving at.

Yeah, he thinks the media ignores crime when the perps are black. He has a very racist view of the world as demonstrated over multiple threads.


Well-known member
Why would it necessarily make the national news?

For the same reason this truly hideous case here has never reached national coverage, while coverage of a "white hispanic" stalking and murdering a cherubic black "child" was wall to wall...until we found out that's not what happened...or how we were told that a "gentle giant" who was just starting to turn his life around was shot in the back by a murderous white cop...until we found out that isn't what happened, either.

That's why it didn't make national news.


Active member
For the same reason this truly hideous case here has never reached national coverage, while coverage of a "white hispanic" stalking and murdering a cherubic black "child" was wall to wall...until we found out that's not what happened...or how we were told that a "gentle giant" who was just starting to turn his life around was shot in the back by a murderous white cop...until we found out that isn't what happened, either.

That's why it didn't make national news.

Really dumb analysis. The TM and MB cases made the national news because of the _controversy_ surrounding the circumstances of the killings, you brain dead idiot.


New member
Hall of Fame
Really dumb analysis. The TM and MB cases made the national news because of the _controversy_ surrounding the circumstances of the killings, you brain dead idiot.

I wouldn't bother troubling the chap with facts.


New member
For the same reason this truly hideous case here has never reached national coverage, while coverage of a "white hispanic" stalking and murdering a cherubic black "child" was wall to wall...until we found out that's not what happened...or how we were told that a "gentle giant" who was just starting to turn his life around was shot in the back by a murderous white cop...until we found out that isn't what happened, either.

That's why it didn't make national news.

These people just preyed on a girl. While that is disgusting and wrong, there is no real controversy in it, as we all agree they were wrong to do such a thing.

We don't all agree that the others were wrong. Thus, the national discussion.

Moving on. . . .


New member
Really dumb analysis.

I would have to say that your analysis
is really dumb. MB being shot was only controversial
because a dishonest press attempted to change the truth.

There is nothing controversial about shooting someone
who tries to take your gun after he punched you in the head,
after he strong arm robbed a store,
after he strong arm robbed the same store the night before,
after he committed a murder that is sealed in your juvenile record,
and hidden from the public view just like the video
of the night before robbery.
You are clueless.


Well-known member
Yep. But, as with men saying they're women and whites saying they're black, reality is whatever Tinny says it is at a given moment.

The Barbarian

Yes, Musty has a racial motive as usual. He usually takes more care to hide it than he did this time. If the victim was white, it would be all over the news. But white on white and black on black crime is so much more common, it often doesn't get the same coverage.

On the other hand, if the perps were white, Musty would be outraged that it got any press time at all.


Active member
They do. If the perps in the op were white, it would be running 24/7 on the news, even though they were caught and it would be claimed to be a hate crime.

A white murders a black once every two days.

For the month of June, we should've had about 9 such murders by now.

Surely you can name all of them given the 24/7 coverage?


Active member
The facts (which we all know right wingers hate, their only refuge is their distorted and biased anecdotes):

"Racial distortions are pervasive in crime news. A study in Los Angeles found that 37% of the suspects portrayed on television news stories about crime were black, although blacks made up only 21% of those arrested in the city.

"Another study found that whites represented 43% of homicide victims in the local news, but only 13% of homicide victims in crime reports. And while only 10% of victims in crime reports were whites who had been victimized by blacks, these crimes made up 42% of televised cases. These disparities exist nationwide and are greatest when the victim's race is taken into consideration.

"Crime coverage also betrays subtler racial differences. A study of television news found that black crime suspects were presented in more threatening contexts than whites: black suspects were disproportionately shown in mug shots and in cases where the victim was a stranger. Black and Latino suspects were also more often presented in a non-individualized way than whites – by being left unnamed – and were more likely to be shown as threatening – by being depicted in physical custody of police.

"Blacks and Hispanics were also more likely to be treated aggressively by police officers on reality-based based TV shows, including America's Most Wanted and Cops. . . ."


New member
Hall of Fame
A white murders a black once every two days.

For the month of June, we should've had about 9 such murders by now.

Surely you can name all of them given the 24/7 coverage?

Can you name the number of blacks that have murdered whites in the last day? (please cite your evidence for your claim also)


Active member
Can you name the number of blacks that have murdered whites in the last day? (please cite your evidence for your claim also)

Why should I be able to do that? You were the one claiming that white on black murders get 24/7 coverage. I never claimed the reverse, that black on white murders get 24/7 coverage.

However, here is one prominent black on white murder that has gotten recent national attention: