They Made Me Gay


Well-known member
God doesn't create gays, they are created by society. I wonder how many people will learn to be gay at an early age and then regret it as an adult. I predict a lot of outraged people who wish they never got gay. :chuckle:

Is being gay a sin?
Are we born sinners?

If you can choose to be gay you were born either gay or bi-sexual.

Calling it a choice like "what will I have for dinner?" cheapens the grave need of a Savior.

For the life of me I cannot see why modern Christians feel such a need to make this one sin UNCONNECTED to being born a sinner. It certainly makes the biblical concept of being born a sinner meaningless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If you can choose to be gay you were born either gay or bi-sexual.

would you say the same if you substituted any other sin?

if you can choose to commit adultery you were born adulterous?

if you can choose to molest children you were born to molest children?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
i'm not interested in man's law
Odd, given you wrote:
why should any of them factor into a private business owner's decision whether or not to serve a customer?
I gave you the answer. If you only wanted an excuse to turn your nose you wasted both our time and you should have asked another question.

and yet you're willing to give more credence and respect to the hurt feelings of the pervert
I gave you fair warning about dishonest practice. You did much better for much longer than usual, but in the end you're what and who you are and that's the end of that.

patrick jane

Is being gay a sin?
Are we born sinners?

If you can choose to be gay you were born either gay or bi-sexual.

Calling it a choice like "what will I have for dinner?" cheapens the grave need of a Savior.

For the life of me I cannot see why modern Christians feel such a need to make this one sin UNCONNECTED to being born a sinner. It certainly makes the biblical concept of being born a sinner meaningless.
All gays should repent and stop fornicating, they should seek therapy and God

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Odd, given you wrote:
I gave you the answer. If you only wanted an excuse to turn your nose you wasted both our time and you should have asked another question.

I gave you fair warning about dishonest practice. You did much better for much longer than usual, but in the end you're what and who you are and that's the end of that.

that's fine - as i've said throughout the years, your worship of the corrupt system of law in place in the US is understandable, given your investment in it and self-identification with it, but as Lon's alluded to, it's a blind spot you not only refuse to see, but refuse to acknowledge

btw - i know all the answers to the questions I asked you, and they don't have a thing to do with your precious just-a-system :banana:

if you ever want to talk about God's Law and how it should apply to man's law, i'll be waiting :wave2:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
gonna hit this before i go:
In our compact we've determined that he doesn't.

no, town, in "our compact" we haven't

many of us reject the overreaching of the civil rights act, which was justified when applied to government and evil when applied to the individual

else, in our compact we've** determined that abortion is legal

**not me, you - you own that one - i reject any "compact" that allows for the murder of children
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Well-known member
would you say the same if you substituted any other sin?

if you can choose to commit adultery you were born adulterous?

if you can choose to molest children you were born to molest children?

Yes that is exactly my point.

Are we born innocent and then become sinners by choice or are we born sinners?

I think the latter. How else could you read Romans 6:14-25 ?

14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 Ifthen I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. 19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 Owretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

When did Paul become a sinner?

If I simply could choose to be gay I could simply choose not to. If I could choose to be a sinner I could simply choose not to. List any sin and it's the same.

Is conquering sin a simple choice for you or do you struggle like Paul and need a savior?


Well-known member
All gays should repent and stop fornicating, they should seek therapy and God

He who is without sin cast the first stone?

It is an wonderful story. The Pharisees condemned and hauled the adulterous women in front of Jesus, I imagine, throwing her to the ground before him, testing him, demanding her death as the law stated. He certainly could have sought her out before and reviled her. But instead he looked at her judges and pointed out their sins. He showed her compassion and said gently "Go and sin no more". How beautiful a story.

Matthew 7:1-3


Well-known member
Is being gay a sin?
Are we born sinners?

If you can choose to be gay you were born either gay or bi-sexual.

Calling it a choice like "what will I have for dinner?" cheapens the grave need of a Savior.

For the life of me I cannot see why modern Christians feel such a need to make this one sin UNCONNECTED to being born a sinner. It certainly makes the biblical concept of being born a sinner meaningless.

It is because some pastors think 'we are born this way' regarding sex (perhaps even some 'expastors'), perhaps. Because being gay is accompanied by abuse in nearly all, if not all, we know that it isn't 'born this way.' Rather, it is a condition, certainly based off of a sin nature, but a choice, none the less. I, as a Christian, was celibate until I was married. So, until I was 27, I wasn't even 'heterosexual.' I was asexual.

Everybody that reads this thinks it is 'bizarre.' :nono: It is who we are supposed to be sans the Fall. Homosexuals have no control and have no problem with their lack of control. Premarital Christians who engage in sexual activity, always regret. There is no 'justifying' or excusing behavior, of Christian young men and women. If a homosexual is able to control themselves, they are 'asexual' as I was. There is no need to engage in sexual activity else we 'explode.'

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
that's fine - as i've said throughout the years, your worship of the corrupt system of law in place in the US'
You've said all sorts of distorted and false nonsense. That's just one more bit in the shtick you're up to your eyeballs in.

btw - i know all the answers to the questions I asked you
Someone print him a certificate.

, and they don't have a thing to do with your precious just-a-system
Really clever use of the moss covered bumper sticker there. You should send it into Mensa in lieu of testing.

if you ever want to talk about God's Law and how it should apply to man's law, i'll be waiting
Talking to you about God would be like talking to a Hindu about meat tenderizer.

:no, town, in "our compact" we haven't
We have objectively speaking. You don't get to say, "No N-word allowed at this lunch counter" even if you really, really, really feel like black people are evil descendants of Cain.

many of us reject the overreaching of the civil rights act,
A lot of people felt that way about the Voting Rights Act.

else, in our compact we've** determined that abortion is legal
True enough. And some of us argue that it's both immoral and unethical, contrary to reason and due for revisit.

**not me, you - you own that one- i reject any "compact" that allows for the murder of children
Not to interrupt the self-congratulations, but you just told two lies. The first lie I addressed above this. The second is that you've rejected the compact you still live in, derive benefits from and are subject to.

The Horn

Hanging around left-handed people won't make you a southpaw . Hanging around tall people won't make you tall .
Hanging around blue-eyed people won't make you blue-eyed . Hanging around gay people won't make you gay . Hanging around dogs won't turn you into dog .


New member
Hall of Fame
Hanging around left-handed people won't make you a southpaw . Hanging around tall people won't make you tall .
Hanging around blue-eyed people won't make you blue-eyed . Hanging around gay people won't make you gay . Hanging around dogs won't turn you into dog .

All things you mentioned there are not behaviors/temptations/desires with the exception of homosexuality.

Nice try, try again.



New member
Hall of Fame
So, being around an adulterer makes you one?

It can, if you are taught that its ok, looking at polygamy being taught as normal is a good example.

So is the "gay in prison" but not outside of it. Its acceptable to prisoners, thereby its socially ok, even when it isnt really ok, temporally.

Teaching a sin to be ok, causes it to increase.


It can, if you are taught that its ok, looking at polygamy being taught as normal is a good example.

So is the "gay in prison" but not outside of it. Its acceptable to prisoners, thereby its socially ok, even when it isnt really ok, temporally.

Teaching a sin to be ok, causes it to increase.

In otherwords can't. Simply being next to an adulterer does not harbour aldulterous desires.


Well-known member
In otherwords can't. Simply being next to an adulterer does not harbour aldulterous desires.

No, I believe what she is saying is that simply 'becoming' like the other isn't the concern. Most of us, are not in fact, homophobic. We are 'anti-free-sexual-expression.' Because 'homo-sexual' activity is also a 'controllable' expression, it is NOTHING like skin color, etc. You and I are not even 'hetero' sexual, by identity, but by choice. Forget for a moment 'what' attracts you. This isn't catching my meaning. I (and I think A4T) and others are saying that we are against the dangerous activity of harmful sexual activity. Homosexuals are not ELSE they couldn't/wouldn't be homosexual. There are harmful effects of all of our promiscuous activity and we all know it. Do you have a right to be prolific and wide-spread in your activities? No, you can exercise it, but 'right' isn't the correct term. It is abuse and nobody has the right to be this irresponsible. It isn't protected by the law. It is rather not punished by the law, but it is still the wrong thing to do. We all know a-sexual causes no harm. We all know this. I refused to harm another man's future wife. I refused to have or carry any conflicts or obstacles into my wife's life. At some point, we have to understand sacrifice is a better love than self-seeking needs to be met from another. There is no point where such is 'mutually' loving. Rather, abstinence was the better sacrificial love. No other prolific sexual activity is 1) as self-gratuitous and indulgent, nor 2) as harmful to others, as a disregard for what is clearly harmful. If I were homosexual, I would know, undoubtedly, that such activity takes 20 to 30 years off the partner's life. For me, that's a "no contest" not going to happen. Homosexuals just don't think this way, for whatever reason. Apparently some heterosexuals don't either, because one of them on TOL said "oh well" when I told them my extended family aren't going to be with us after 20 years. 40 years old is just unacceptable. Smoking shouldn't exist either. There is no 'excuse' for allowing it. We are ALL sad that smokers choose this lifestyle. There is no law against it, but we shouldn't "sanction" death. We should all, rightly, be sad and at least by sentiment, tell them we are not for it. There has to come a time where we stop celebrating the Marlboro man and the homosexual. It looks like we follow life-ending fads as a culture and people. We need to see through the muck much more quickly than we seem to be able to do, at present. Cancer is no good. 20 to 30 years off of life isn't worth it. We can't stop bad behavior/poor behavior, but we should voice against it, in care/concern.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I, as a Christian, was celibate until I was married. So, until I was 27, I wasn't even 'heterosexual.' I was asexual.

Everybody that reads this thinks it is 'bizarre.'

only those who have bought into the lie pushed upon them by the corrupt culture in which we live

as far as your first, above, I have been celibate since my marriage failed, but i don't consider myself "asexual", as I have no doubt about being attracted to certain female friends (and zero male friends)

perhaps "non-sexual" would be a better description

:think: of course, that would also describe the last several years of my marriage :chuckle: