ECT There is only one Gospel


TOL Subscriber
No scripture says that "only" jazz,

The entire Scriptures teach "that only jazz."

Salvation is monergistic and solely performed and provided by God.

Adam failed to save himself.

Mankind cannot save himself.

Israel failed to keep the Law.

That is the sad and condemnatory history of the world . . . contrasted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who did for man what man could not do for himself.

The Five Solas ("alones"):

Solus Christus . . salvation achieved by Jesus Christ, alone.

Sola Gratia . . salvation bestowed upon sinners by the grace of Christ, alone.

Sola Scriptura . . salvation revealed to sinners by the Word of Christ, alone.

Sola Fide . . salvation applied by the gift of faith in Christ, alone.

Sola Deo Gloria . . . salvation promised, provided, and performed by God alone, to the glory of God alone, in and through Jesus Christ, alone.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The entire Scriptures teach "that only jazz."

Salvation is monergistic and solely performed and provided by God.

Adam failed to save himself.

Mankind cannot save himself.

Israel failed to keep the Law.

That is the sad and condemnatory history of the world . . . contrasted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who did for man what man could not do for himself.

The Five Solas ("alones"):

Solus Christus . . salvation achieved by Jesus Christ, alone.

Sola Gratia . . salvation bestowed upon sinners by the grace of Christ, alone.

Sola Scriptura . . salvation revealed to sinners by the Word of Christ, alone.

Sola Fide . . salvation applied by the gift of faith in Christ, alone.

Sola Deo Gloria . . . salvation promised, provided, and performed by God alone, to the glory of God alone, in and through Jesus Christ, alone.


The ONLY things Nang leaves out is:

The Grace Gospel.
Salvation through God's Grace and our faith.
The sealing and indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Being baptized into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit.

And, almost everything else. She ONLY trusts in what John Calvin and his ilk had/have to say.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The entire Scriptures teach "that only jazz."

Salvation is monergistic and solely performed and provided by God.

Adam failed to save himself.

Mankind cannot save himself.

Israel failed to keep the Law.

That is the sad and condemnatory history of the world . . . contrasted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who did for man what man could not do for himself.

The Five Solas ("alones"):

Solus Christus . . salvation achieved by Jesus Christ, alone.

Sola Gratia . . salvation bestowed upon sinners by the grace of Christ, alone.

Sola Scriptura . . salvation revealed to sinners by the Word of Christ, alone.

Sola Fide . . salvation applied by the gift of faith in Christ, alone.

Sola Deo Gloria . . . salvation promised, provided, and performed by God alone, to the glory of God alone, in and through Jesus Christ, alone.



Nag: Bah, to you, God the Father, and your Christ, as here is the bird, and shuck all those promises to the nation Israel, as you are done with them, as my father the devil told me to tell you to stuff all those promises, re. Israel, and their promises/covenants, and stuff passages, such as these:

Isaiah 45:25 KJV In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

Isaiah 46:13 KJV I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

You vile demon....Sssssssssssssssssssssss................


TOL Subscriber

Nag: Bah, to you, God the Father, and your Christ, as here is the bird, and shuck all those promises to the nation Israel, as you are done with them, as my father the devil told me to tell you to stuff all those promises, re. Israel, and their promises/covenants, and stuff passages, such as these:

Isaiah 45:25 KJV In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

Isaiah 46:13 KJV I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

You vile demon....Sssssssssssssssssssssss................

Obviously a response from a very troubled person, who denies the one, true, Gospel of Jesus Christ.


TOL Subscriber
Obviously a response from a very troubled person, who denies the one, true, Gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is no such thing as "one, true Gospel of Jesus Christ". There are many gospels in the Bible and they are all true. To which gospel are you referring? Since you believe that Moses, as you say, "proclaimed the one, true Gospel of Jesus Christ too", please show us all by the scriptures where Moses preached the righteousness of God without the law, even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe (Romans 3:21-22 KJV) that is revealed in the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16-17 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) as Paul preached?


TOL Subscriber
All the Truth actually contained in the Scriptures you use, refutes your added commentary. You cannot see and spiritually comprehend what you read and post. The verses you piece together are hid from YOU. You are caught in your own confusion.

It concerns me, because you spread confusion in the minds of others . . at the same time refusing to encourage others to read Christian authors and scholars who have labored over exegesis of these very passages in order to discover God's Truth. You do not really want others to find truth, for it will only expose your MAD heresies.


Any Scripture that speaks to the remission of sin, through the cost and price paid by the blood shed by Christ (i.e. "the fountain" that cleanses all of faith in Him), MAD dares to deny as applicable to the church of believers, and shifts the focus back on the tribes of Israel, which is foolish because that nation is long gone!

You reduce the Gospel to just a few verses from Paul, in order to maintain this untenable proposition and position. It takes quite a bit of explaining on your part, for it makes no logical or theological sense . . but there is power in confusing your readers with verses taken out of context, and mistaken commentary from you vainly inserted amongst the teachings of God.
:blabla: is all you do. Why have you adopted the hijacked religious, denominational redefining of 1 John 1:9 KJV? What sins did the Lord Jesus Christ not die for on the cross that you need to "confess" them? Since when has "confessing" as you would have us do, been the standard for absolving sins? You got that idea from the Catholics not the Bible!


TOL Subscriber
There is no such thing as "one, true Gospel of Jesus Christ".

Post-modern denial of absolutes.

There are many gospels in the Bible and they are all true.

Post-modern relativism.

please show us all by the scriptures where Moses preached the righteousness of God without the law,

Moses preached the righteousness of God, in and through the Law:

Exodus 20:1-11

even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe (Romans 3:21-22 KJV) that is revealed in the gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16-17 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) as Paul preached?

Knowledge of he N.T. language and revelation was not required criteria for the O.T. saints to believe the Covenant promises of a Savior, given to Eve, Abel, Seth, Noah, Job, Abraham, King David, the prophets, etc. that preceded and founded the formal Law of Moses. All O.T. revelation was sufficient knowledge of the grace and Savior promised by God, to save souls. Luke 24:44-46


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You take one theological term, and declare it the definition of several others. Again . . Dispensational confusion! There is power in these tactics, but they are wicked tactics.

God is the first cause of all things created.

There is distinction between being first "cause" and "author."

There is distinction between the words "cause" and "author" and "ordain."

There is distinction between the words "cause" and "foreknowledge" and "predestination."
You can play pretend like I'm stupid if it makes you feel better but it doesn't help your argument.

This is the quintiscencial, "Saying it doesn't make it so!"

I know full well that Calvinist give lip service to human beings having a will and they state immediately after stating that God predestined everything that comes to pass that the doctrine does no injury to man's agency as a secondary cause, yada yada yada.


Even you must be able to see that. There is no argument presented to substantiate the claim that people are responsible for thier actions in spite of God's unchangable predestination of those actions, it's just stated as a belief.

Well, you can believe anythign you want! David Koresh believed he was the second coming of Christ! His belief, no matter how sincere didn't make it so! And make no mistake, Calvinists just flatly make the claim. There is no argument. There is no making any sense of it. Their defese when pressed is that we mere humans are not capable of understanding it - just believe it. And they think that's what faith is. That's what you think faith is!

Do you know what these distinctions are, or do you just lump them altogether as being the same, so you can blame the Reformer as teaching God is the author of sin?
He does teach that. He denies it and even states the opposite but again, saying it doesn't make it so. The only reason he even says it at all is because he intuitively understands the implications of his core doctrine and understands that those implications cannot be true of a righteous God but he is unwilling to let go of his core doctrine and so simply and blindly believes both with no argument to explian the glaring contradiction. They even give the contradiction a different name because "contradiction" doesn't sound too good and so they find a latin term that means the same thing but sounds more intellectual.

God is not the author of sin. (Which the WCF also clearly states. V.IV.)

How? Why?

Because God created man in His image, and gave mankind secondary agency to dutifully cause and effect. Adam was given a human will, and the responsibility to exercise that will in subordination to the sovereign will of God.
Restating the doctrine doesn't do anything toward explaining how or why, Nang.

Every exercise of his will that ever Adam made was unchangably predestined by God before He every created a single atom. Adam could not have done otherwise if he had wanted to and he couldn't even have wanted to because his wants were also unchangably predestined by God - according to you and the Reformed faith.

All you're doing is giving lip service to the human will. It doesn't mean anything. You cannot escape God's unchangable preordained destiny.


God's will did not author sin . . the will of Adam brought sin and death into the world. Romans 5:12

All of us must be careful not to blame God for what man has done.

And careful observance of language is vital to so doing.
It's just words, Nang!

Man could not have acted in defiance of God's preordained will. Everything that has happened has happened exactly as God preordained that it would.

I give you the same quote I gave in my previous post...

"Since the universe had its origin in God and depends on Him for its continued existence it must be, in all its parts and at all times, subject to His control so that nothing can come to pass contrary to what He expressly decrees or permits."​

Do you deny that this is what you believe?

Resting in Him,

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Wrong. God is not the author of any kind of such sinful attitude or behavior.

Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure.
Do you disagree?

Make up your mind. Wait, you can't. You need one to make up first. And your post was like drunken gibberish. He doesn't but he does. All in one post.


TOL Subscriber
Man could not have acted in defiance of God's preordained will.

Adam did act in defiance of God's preordained will (Law).

Everything that has happened has happened exactly as God preordained that it would.

Correct. God not only ordained His holy will, He ordained the consequences of defying and disobeying His will.

Simple . . . but very profound Truths.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Why wouldn't it be important to understand what was happening in Acts when Paul wrote Gal 1-2?
It is important.

Heb. 12 and I Jn. and Pauline writings contradict you (you dispensationalize away the former and are selective with the latter). God is holy, not a deaf, dumb, blind idol with amnesia.


TOL Subscriber
Post-modern denial of absolutes.
denial of your made up term and gospel

Post-modern relativism.
the gospel of the kingdom
the gospel of the circumcision
the gospel of the uncircumcision
the gospel of God
the gospel of Christ
the gospel of the grace of God
the everlasting gospel

All are gospels in the Bible and yet all are not the gospel of your salvation.

Moses preached the righteousness of God, in and through the Law:

Exodus 20:1-11
Then he did not preach the gospel that Paul preached

Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Knowledge of he N.T. language and revelation was not required criteria for the O.T. saints to believe the Covenant promises of a Savior, given to Eve, Abel, Seth, Noah, Job, Abraham, King David, the prophets, etc. that preceded and founded the formal Law of Moses. All O.T. revelation was sufficient knowledge of the grace and Savior promised by God, to save souls. Luke 24:44-46
More talk from a woman who cannot even testify the gospel of the grace of God!


TOL Subscriber
All the Covenant promise of a Redeemer Seed, found throughout the Holy Scriptures; from Genesis to Revelation.
"Genesis to Revelation" is not the gospel of your salvation! The very fact that people like us (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) could be saved was unsearchable in the OT/hid in God (Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV)!

Surely, you must have a better answer as to what is the good news of your salvation. What if a man on his death bed were to ask you, "What must I do to be saved?". What good news would you tell him?