There Goes That Flavor of the Month...


The left gets in a lather, a tizzy, they get all giddy when something "seemingly" looks bad in the Trump administration. Trump is doing just fine, his job is safe for the next 7.5 years
Trump will not run again. Why should he?


New member
The real problem is that Trump has fired almost everyone but the person who's the problem.

Look at history.

Trump's route is exactly that of how every fool leader throughout history has ended up having been firing himself, all along.

Hitler's practice not only of refusing to hear out and adhere to the advice of his more savy Generals, but the ease with which he would move to get rid of them.

That fool Custer refusing to hear out the reports and strategies of his betters.

Nixon even when the Washington Post had him so exposed...

Same old, same old...

Likewise with their lemmings.

"Into the valley of death rode the six hundred..."

Trump was right - His base will believe any lie he puts out there.

He ought to know.

Obviously, he falls for his endless lies, himself...hard.


New member
That's not real, Trump didn't say that.

However, it's been demonstrated on this forum and elsewhere that the Trump base:

1. will believe anything on Fox News, and
2. will eat up any lie Trump dishes out and then line up for another helping.

Actually, Anna, many assert it's a quote from an old television interview.

Kind of reminds me of another quote once attributed to Trump that many asserted was fake.

Where he was on a talk show in which, when he was asked what he would do if he lost his wealth, he basically replied that he'd start all over with an MLM (Mulitilevel Marketing); the audience laughed at him, and he smugly replied "that's why I'm up here, and you're down there..."

I saw that clip myself.

Later, when Trump became what could not but turn out a short-lived front man for the MLM (Pyramid) company: ACN, and their recruiters were all over the place citing that talk show appearance; few believed the clip existed.

Much time later, the clip surfaced on YouTube as fact.

Of course, ACN ended sour on Trump, so that was the end of that - no surprise there.

He then began his own MLM- which, of course; failed...

Trumpty...ever the Dumpty...

Time will tell what's what.

Then again, your post shows you are objective. You posted against my post out of the obvious, kind of a sense of fairness few on here demonstrate.

That is something none of your various detractors on here can say, neither of themselves, nor of each other.



There Goes That Flavor of the Month...

"Patrick jane" and "ok doser" may choose to be counted amongst "the dumbest group of voters in the country" (Trump's words, not mine!), but the rest of us refuse to relinquish our constitutional rights to "The Supreme Ruler" in the White House!