Perhaps you could explain your point?
Greek has a different noun structure than English. The English-patterned mind superimposes a presumed context upon whatever is translated from Greek into English, even with quality translations. Some of this includes processing nouns as verbs because of sentence structure; and it's a huge challenge for English to represent Greek anarthrous nouns, most often leaving English speakers presuming nouns are merely definite or indefinite article English nouns.
Since nouns are the person/place/thing doing all action as verbs; and since adjectives modify nouns while adverbs modify the verbs that nouns are doing; and since all other forms of language structure follows this pattern; then understanding nouns is the vital key to recognizing truth in translation.
Greek does not have indefinite article nouns (a/an), so there is no such thing as a/an for nouns. English does not have anarthrous nouns, instead resigning all anarthrous reference to adjectives and adverbs, etc. So every time an anarthrous Greek noun is referring to quality, character, and activity of an articular noun, English speakers virtually always perceive that noun to be a definite article noun, an indefinite article noun, or a verb.
Once someone can learn this basic distinction (which takes an initial understanding and then some time to apply), their patterns of thought can be conformed to what the inspired text is actually saying instead of passively and unconsciously changing what scripture says and means.
This one language structure disparity is the main cause of most tangents and binaries of doctrine, and is the foundation for the overwhelming majority of false doctrines that have emerged in the last half millennia in the Protestant sects that have proliferated because of it.
This will not go away by ignoring it or downplaying it in denial. English speakers have hearts and minds that are patterned to process word meanings in a different fashion than is presented in scripture. It's an epistemological functionality issue, and virtually everyone is blind to it because it's their epistemological pattern of (dys-)functionality.
Add in the necessary examination of individual word meaning variances, and it means a multitude are reading scripture and coming to conclusions based more on their own subjective presuppositions than objective truth presented by/from the text.
Voila... Hundreds and thousands of variations in belief, all professing to be Christian and to have THE truth.