The Violent Reality of Islam


New member
It is interesting to read prophecy and theorize about the meanings. The problem is that none of us has the mind of God so we can only speculate as to the truth. I can only point out that when Christ came there were innumerable scholars who each had their own ideas about interpretation of prophecy, and none were right. Prophecy is not intended to give us a detailed preview. It gives us an extremely general idea of the outcome in order to keep us from losing heart. Then when the prophecies are fulfilled the Spirit will open the eyes of some to see how the writings confirm what has already occurred as that fulfillment. In other words, prophecy isn't so much a revelation of future events, but a revelation that current and historical events are part of God's plan, and then only to those the Spirit shows. Jesus was rejected by many of the scholars simply because His appearance didn't match their predictions. Yet we have a handful of examples of even Council members that came to understand.

What a laugh.

I don't have nearly the waffling uncertainty about End Time Prophecy that you do.

I feel sorry for you that like a foolish virgin you are out of oil
at 5 minutes to midnight.

Good luck catching up after goofing off to such an extent.


New member
What a laugh.

I don't have nearly the waffling uncertainty about End Time Prophecy that you do.

I feel sorry for you that like a foolish virgin you are out of oil
at 5 minutes to midnight.

Good luck catching up after goofing off to such an extent.

Good luck with your predictions. The simple truth is that prophecy was intentionally revealed to the writers so we couldn't know specifically when or how. That is why the first century writers all believed that the end was imminent and that belief has been carried forward through every subsequent generation. You also seem to have missed the meaning about the virgins lamps. It means that we are to ALWAYS be prepared for His return. Specific knowledge tends to cause people wait until the last minute, then get caught unprepared. And actually I have been keeping my lamp filled and wick trimmed probably since before your conception. Pride and arrogance, beware of them.

If you ever wonder why I disappear from TOL for extended periods, it's because I typically have far more pressing ministries to devote my time to. You usually see me here only when my disabilities make me bedridden. Trust me, there are far less hardened hearts elsewhere needing my attention whenever I am able. Paul had prison; I have a broken body. Paul had guards when confined; I have TOL during my confinement.


New member
I don't get it, is it really that fascinating, to post when you know you will never agree?
Where does that get you?

You are one of my favorites here. My intent isn't to change his mind about issues; it is to try to get him to see how his anger and hatred have consumed him. God is love-->we are supposed to reflect God (love)-->hatred and raging are incompatible love like oil and water, therefore others not only can't see God through him, his wearing the label "Christian" while projecting hatred stains the image of God to the world. It is my duty to admonish him to either stop projecting rage and hatred or to stop telling people that he is an example of true Christianity. He isn't the only one like that at TOL, but I saw a glimmer of hope in his case.

patrick jane

Already answered with the shocking statistics posted.

The idea of a 'minority' is a useless concept here,
since Islam is an entrenched underground Criminal Mafia.

Of course it hides behind large numbers of naive and unsuspecting followers,
just like every other criminal organization in the world.

No one is claiming that all Muslims are master-criminals or terrorists.

But Islam is a Terrorist paramilitary cult, and a criminal organization,
and can never be a 'religion'.

Again you are offering a fake history of Europe which was popularly taught
in the West recently but has no historical basis.

At the height of the Black Death for instance, (1350 circa),
Islam was in as a confused, ignorant state as was the Western half
of the Latin former Roman Empire.

That a handful (not many) Greek math tracts were preserved in Arabic
in Spain had little impact on the actual case of the "dark ages" of
Western Europe and the advancement of Science, which was by far
more dependent upon the Enlightenment in Northern Europe and the
Reformation than any influence by Arabic 'knowledge' or math.

War is hell, to be sure, but we are at the point now that the West was
when confronted by Hitler.

Chamberlain's naive and idiotic claims of "peace in our times"
were pure BS, and we need a Churchill like leader to combat this
global threat, not a pacifist who will lull everyone into falling asleep
as a massive war machine amasses at the Western border,
and our gates are already compromised by unchecked and unscreened

You keep using "we" when most people in the West alive today
have no experience in past conflicts and no moral culpability in any
historical injustices.

I don't owe my crumbling post-Christian society to atrocities done by
the RC Church against Natives, nor do I owe my technology to Arabs.
I don't owe my current wealth and prosperity to Malthus' xenophobia,
nor to Asian skermishes overseas.

I DO owe my wealth, prosperity and position to a combination of
the abolishment of Slavery and the Protestant work ethic brought
to the West after the Reformation.

I DO owe my blessings to the God of the Universe who helped to build
the British Commonwealth and the USA using the Gospel and fine
democratic principles.

Its unfortunate that Natives were nearly wiped out in North America,
but it must be remembered that they themselves largely had the morals
of renegade biker gangs.

Its sad that the Spanish destroyed the Mexican 'empire' but it must be
remembered they were found busy engaging in horrific Human Sacrifice
and other barbaric torture-rituals.

Its tragic that the Congo was largely mined as a source for slaves,
but it must be remembered that the Muslims were the ones engaging
in the most horrific form of slavery for millenia and White men were
largely prevented from entering Africa at its height.

Blacks were Enslaved by ISLAM

It should also be remembered that the Muslim slave traders were guilty
of almost wiping out all the Blacks from Northern Africa, and have
tortured and killed more Blacks than any other group of people.

It is sad that slavery was engaged in especially in the Southern USA,
but it must be remembered that half of the American populace
fought to abolish slavery and won.

We have a democracy and a modicum of civility and freedom here
in the West, and we need not be ashamed of our achievements.

At this time we need rather to defend what little we have achieved.

morph & naz make really good points. so far naz has the edge,still reading. just my opinion

patrick jane

Good luck with your predictions. The simple truth is that prophecy was intentionally revealed to the writers so we couldn't know specifically when or how. That is why the first century writers all believed that the end was imminent and that belief has been carried forward through every subsequent generation. You also seem to have missed the meaning about the virgins lamps. It means that we are to ALWAYS be prepared for His return. Specific knowledge tends to cause people wait until the last minute, then get caught unprepared. And actually I have been keeping my lamp filled and wick trimmed probably since before your conception. Pride and arrogance, beware of them.

If you ever wonder why I disappear from TOL for extended periods, it's because I typically have far more pressing ministries to devote my time to. You usually see me here only when my disabilities make me bedridden. Trust me, there are far less hardened hearts elsewhere needing my attention whenever I am able. Paul had prison; I have a broken body. Paul had guards when confined; I have TOL during my confinement.

MORPH WINS ! ! !:patrol:


New member
Just catching ng part of "The Bucket List" in the background. Just heard the pyramid scene where they discussed the two legendary Egyptian questions asked upon entering Heaven.

1) Have you found joy in your life?
2) Has your life brought joy to others.

Just seemed to have some tangential relevance to recent posts.


Again the BS that all religions are equal, and equally guilty.

All religions are developing traditions, with parts of faith that are very tribal and cruel and those parts that are open-hearted and respectful of others.

The hysterical reactions to posters like Meshak are based in religion's tendency to be fearful of difference.

The piling on I see with Meshak's readers is part of the reason that both Islam and Christianity are under attack from the secular world.
Their ancient formulations of human faith are no longer compelling or persuadable in a modern world increasingly characterized by fairness, respect and human rights.

(you wussey fags).
Immature name-calling is the result of insults learned in our first family. They are never conducive to good communication and problem-solving skills.

But I don't blow up innocent people, even at abortion clinics,
to terrorize my opponents.
Well, I definitely thank you for THAT !!!Just be aware that all of the large-scale massacres of other people--as well as the one-on-one religious and cultural violence--is but the first step in a process that ends in carting off these "undesirables" in railroad cars to the crematoria ovens in the camps.

You lose again.

I am sorry you feel that way. I think you should be more specific about your own standard of "winning" or "losing."


New member
Actually I didn't think that our goal here was to "win" and make others "lose". Aren't we supposed to helping others to win with us?

Matthew 28:19,20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You will never guess the last words from the black box on missing muslim airliner flight 8501...


New member
Violent Racism against Blacks still RAMPANT IN Muslim Countries:

Blacks in North Africa and Middle East Often Face Virulent Racism from Arabs

October 17, 2012 | Posted by Nick Chiles

As the West continues to train its focus on racism leveled at blacks by white people in the U.S. and recently in Europe and Israel, attention has increasingly been directed at the mistreatment of blacks by Arabs in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

For years, observers interested in probing a little more deeply in Iraqi society than the typical Western news stations found that the sizable black population in Iraq endures a form of virulent racism that African Americans haven’t seen in more than 50 years. Blacks there say they are regularly called “slave” and followed by groups of kids yelling epithets.
The Canadian academic Salim Mansur has claimed, “Blacks are viewed by Arabs as racially inferior, and Arab violence against blacks has a long, turbulent record.”
A piece broadcast on a radio station in the Netherlands took a deep look at the racism experienced by sub-Saharans Africans in Morocco, where they are viewed with such suspicion by the local Arabs that an Arab shopkeeper even warned the European reporter to stay away from the Africans because “they might eat you.”

The Africans are forced to live in a camp deep in the woods because they are unable to find jobs to make money—and when they do find work, they believe they are paid poorly because they are black. They are also frequently victimized by criminals who know the Africans can’t report it to authorities because they would face deportation.

“Arabs hate black people. And that is not from today. It is in their blood,” Aboubakr, a young man from Senegal who is hoping eventually to cross over into Europe, told the reporter for RNW (Radio Netherlands Worldwide). “Friends of mine were attacked with a knife. Bandits target us because they know we cannot go to the police, even if we are robbed and hurt. Having no papers, we will be caught instead. Blacks have no rights here.”

Aboubakr is also insulted that Moroccans “cannot believe many of us are Muslims too.” According to him, people are surprised when they see him kneeling for prayer. “They don’t think a black can be Muslim.”

Many Africans know that Arab states have not responded to atrocities in places like Darfur and Sudan because the people getting slaughtered are black Africans.

Black African guest workers in places like Egypt, Algeria and Libya have spoken about being publicly ridiculed and physically assaulted by Arabs. Egyptian writer Mona Eltahawy has written about watching a Sudanese girl being assaulted and tormented on the Cairo Metro, concluding, “We are racist people in Egypt and we are in deep denial.” She says the Arab world has ignored the suffering of Darfur because the victims are black. “We only pay attention when America and Israel behave badly.”

Meshael Alayban: Saudi Princess Accused of Enslaving Kenyan Maid

Because Europe has become more aggressive about patrolling ts borders specifically to keep the Africans in North Africa from slipping in, more migrants are stuck in places like Morocco, where they are forced to live in ghettos like the tent camp they created in the woods.

“Years ago, people had to get used to their presence, but now the relations are okay,” a shopkeeper in a mountain village near the forest told Radio Netherlands. When a tall, black man walked into the shop and purchased rice, yoghurt and other food, the shopkeeper said, “The authorities advise me not to sell to them, but I sell to anyone. We’re all the same.”

Ironically, even as the Arab countries continue to mistreat the black Africans, they also find themselves on the receiving end of racist treatment. The United Arab Emirates national soccer team just got an apology from the Asian Football Confederation for referring to them as “sand monkeys”—on the AFC website!



New member
Female Genital Mutilation In Kenya (Clitoris Amputation)


Observed (Crude) county level prevalence maps. (a) Prevalence of FGM/C. (b) Proportion of women in support of FGM/C continuation.
Achia BMC Public Health 2014 14:276 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-276

mapping of female genital mutilation in Kenya


The prevalence of FGM/C stood at 28.2% and an estimated 10.3% of the women interviewed indicated that they supported the continuation of FGM. On the basis of the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), hierarchical spatial models with spatially structured random effects were found to best fit the data for both response variables considered. Age, region, rural–urban classification, education, marital status, religion, socioeconomic status and media exposure were found to be significantly associated with FGM/C. The current FGM/C status of a woman was also a significant predictor of support for the continuation of FGM/C. Spatial scan statistics confirm FGM clusters in the North-Eastern and South-Western regions of Kenya (p < 0.001).

This suggests that the fight against FGM/C in Kenya is not yet over. There are still deep cultural and religious beliefs to be addressed in a bid to eradicate the practice. Interventions by government and other stakeholders must address these challenges and target the identified clusters.

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) has been described as the partial or total removal of the female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons [1-3]. The practice is prevalent across the world with an estimated 100–140 million girls and women forcibly circumcised [2,4]. A greater number of women have also been socialized to embrace FGM/C as an integral part of womanhood. Many girls and women bleed to death, or suffer disabilities that make it difficult for them to give birth normally, resulting in the death of the baby or health complications for those mothers and babies that survive.
The complications faced and challenges presented in giving appropriate care to circumcised women is widely reported in the literature. In the short term such complications include shock, haemorrhage, severe pain, infection, urinary retention and psychological sequalae [5-9]. Long term complications include dermoid cysts at the site of the amputated clitoris, urinary problems such as pain at micturition, dribbling urine incontinence and poor urinary flow, an increased risk of childbirth complications and new-born deaths [3,4,10]. Other long term complications include fibrosis, primary infertility, disorders of desire/libido, arousal, pain/discomfort, and inhibited orgasm [9,11-13].
It is against this background that the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women issued its General Recommendation on Female Circumcision (General Recommendation No 14) that calls upon states to take appropriate and effective measures with a view to eradicating the practice and requests them to provide information about measures being taken to eliminate FGM/C in their reports to the Committee [14,15].
Kenya is home to an estimated 38.3 million people from more than 30 ethnic groups. It is also estimated that FGM/C is practiced in more than three quarters of the country, with prevalence of the practice varying widely from one ethnic group to another. Prevalence rates differ by provinces with rates of 26.5%, 33.8% and 32.1% recorded in Central, Nyanza and Rift Valley provinces respectively. Recent data suggest a decline from highs of 38% in 1998, to 32% and 27% in 2003 and 2008–9 respectively. There are also marked age variations in FGM/C with 15% of women aged 15–19 years and 49% of those aged 45–49 years circumcised [16,17]. Currents statistics also show that rural women are more likely than urban women to have been circumcised.
No articles were found in the literature survey that assessed regional, or even localized clusters of FGM/C, or the intention to continue the practice of FGM/C in Kenya. Only a limited number of studies globally have utilized spatial analytics in studying FGM/C [18-20]. The primary aim of this study was to map the geographical variations in the practice of FGM/C in Kenya, and the existing support for the continuation of the practice within the country. This study was also carried out with the aim of detecting clustering of the practice and to determine whether the distribution of the practice reflected significant clustering or chance variability in the practice. A broader goal of the study was to identify ‘hotspots’ to base future research on to better understand determinants of FGM/C practice.



New member


Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practised in 30 countries in western, eastern, and north-eastern Africa,[5] in parts of the Middle East[6][7] and Asia,[8][9] and within some immigrant communities in Europe, North America and Australia.[5][10] The WHO defines the practice as "all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons."[11]
According to a 2013 UNICEF report, Egypt has the world's highest total number with 27.2 million women having undergone FGM, while Somalia has the highest incidence rate of FGM at 98%.[3] Estimates about the prevalence of FGM vary by source.



New member
Jesus commanded us to be peacemakers, not to repay violence with violence. The Christian world has also faced another group of people who worshiped a false religion. They were the Vikings. Even though the Vikings had raided Christian cities and killed Christians all over Europe, there was no concerted effort to invade their land. The Vikings willingly converted to Christianity, and stopped the raiding and pillaging. This is the only thing that we can hope for with regards to Islam. Bombs and threats will not save the Middle East, only the Gospel will.


New member
Jesus commanded us to be peacemakers, not to repay violence with violence. The Christian world has also faced another group of people who worshiped a false religion. They were the Vikings. Even though the Vikings had raided Christian cities and killed Christians all over Europe, there was no concerted effort to invade their land. The Vikings willingly converted to Christianity, and stopped the raiding and pillaging. This is the only thing that we can hope for with regards to Islam. Bombs and threats will not save the Middle East, only the Gospel will.

Vikings were limited to border skirmishes and seacoast raids.

Modern terrorists can travel thousands of miles, infiltrate anywhere,
and kill whole cities with surprise strikes using modern weapons.

Only a fool would think that Medieval defence strategies would work now.


New member
Even Leftist Lesbians can't accept Muslim politics:

Purple jihad: Gay Muslims for Peace and the destruction of Israel

A friend forwarded this, with no further information. Its got to be a joke, right?
Can anyone give me more information about where this was taken, and when (and by who?)

OMG. What is wrong with this picture. Or perhaps the better question is "Is anything right with this picture?". I'm just speechless. And if you know me, you know how hard that is.



New member
Vikings were limited to border skirmishes and seacoast raids.

The Vikings nearly conquered England (Alfred the Great stopped them, but they got close). They captured people and took them as slaves all throughout Europe and IIRC they went to North Africa too.

Modern terrorists can travel thousands of miles, infiltrate anywhere,
and kill whole cities with surprise strikes using modern weapons.

The Vikings could travel farther than anyone else at the time, they could even make it to Canada.

Only a fool would think that Medieval defence strategies would work now.

Obviously castles and walls are obsolete, but defense against Muslim aggressors (or any aggressor) can be done by protecting one's own borders.


New member
The Vikings nearly conquered England (Alfred the Great stopped them, but they got close). They captured people and took them as slaves all throughout Europe and IIRC they went to North Africa too.

Are you really this dumb?

The Queen IS a blue-eyed, Norman royal,
and the whole house of Lords and just about every "French" knight
was a blue-eyed Norman bastard.

In fact, looking around I notice that even now in Canada here,
60% + of cops are blue eyed inbred Norman creeps.

Just to help you out, the Saxons were Dark haired with brown/green eyes,
and most of Wales are Celts.

Obviously castles and walls are obsolete, but defense against Muslim aggressors (or any aggressor) can be done by protecting one's own borders.
What century are you from?

Even you should know the famous proverb,
"No point in closing the barn door when the horses are gone."

Europe has already been invaded by Muslims in numbers
that even 40 years ago could not have been comprehended.


There are more muslims than Jews in Europe now.

There is no point in protecting borders if 20 million muslims are already inside Europe.

The USA is finding out the same. With what, 40,000 million illegal immigrants,
A border is useless.