The violent reality of Christianity


Well-known member
She also doesn't like Paul, and John! She ONLY likes; Matthew, Mark,
and Luke! That's it!

She doesn't like Luke, either, because he wrote Acts which affirms Paul's speaking according to Christ. So she's actually down to just Matthew and Mark, neither of which she tries to obey.


Well-known member
Tinark, you are without understanding. Take for instance the matter of Abraham and Isaac. First note that he was never meant to actually kill his son. Second note that it goes against God's Law to commit such human sacrifice. So God did not and does not desire us to go around sacrificing children.

If this was not desired, then why do it? Because Isaac held meaning to Abraham. He was Abraham's promised son through whom God promised to fulfill the promises he had made to Abraham. He and Sarah had waiting many years for their son, and they were already too old for children. It was miraculous as it was to receive this child, by natural rights they would not have another. He was also Abraham's only son, the only one to carry on his name.

With this in mind, when God told Abraham to take Isaac for a sacrifice, what was being asked of Abraham was to sacrifice his promised son, and the promises that he carried. He was asked to sacrifice that which was most precious to him for God. This is the significance of Isaac - he represents what is most precious to us in this world.

Now, as then, we are called to give everything for God's will. That is, in fact, Christ's example to us - who died on the cross for our salvation. We are called to pick up our own cross and follow him - for one must give their life to save it.

I'm sure as an atheist you won't fully appreciate this; but perhaps you will learn something of studying a text and learning the Spirit behind it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Tinark, you are without understanding. Take for instance the matter of Abraham and Isaac. First note that he was never meant to actually kill his son. Second note that it goes against God's Law to commit such human sacrifice. So God did not and does not desire us to go around sacrificing children.

If this was not desired, then why do it? Because Isaac held meaning to Abraham. He was Abraham's promised son through whom God promised to fulfill the promises he had made to Abraham. He and Sarah had waiting many years for their son, and they were already too old for children. It was miraculous as it was to receive this child, by natural rights they would not have another. He was also Abraham's only son, the only one to carry on his name.

With this in mind, when God told Abraham to take Isaac for a sacrifice, what was being asked of Abraham was to sacrifice his promised son, and the promises that he carried. He was asked to sacrifice that which was most precious to him for God. This is the significance of Isaac - he represents what is most precious to us in this world.

Now, as then, we are called to give everything for God's will. That is, in fact, Christ's example to us - who died on the cross for our salvation. We are called to pick up our own cross and follow him - for one must give their life to save it.

I'm sure as an atheist you won't fully appreciate this; but perhaps you will learn something of studying a text and learning the Spirit behind it.
You can forget reason and common sense. He's an evolutionist.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
She doesn't like Luke, either, because he wrote Acts which affirms Paul's speaking according to Christ. So she's actually down to just Matthew and Mark, neither of which she tries to obey.

Well, I'd like to see her walk into a "Bible book store" and ask for
a Bible that ONLY includes; Matthew, and Mark?


Well-known member
The religion that reveres the individual who said yes I will gut my son to prove my obedience and the God who used such a test:

Abraham was neither a Judean, nor a Christian, he was a Gentile

For that matter, God never told him to do that. Abe was influenced by his pagan neighbors who did do child sacrifices

The proof of that is not forthcoming to you, I do not wish to waste my time

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Abraham was a Christian? And in case you missed it (you didn't) God did not let him lay a hand on the boy.


New member
All Protestants agree that the satanic cult of Roman Catholicism is violent.

No real dispute there.


New member
Abraham was a Christian? And in case you missed it (you didn't) God did not let him lay a hand on the boy.

Its clear from the text that Abraham expected God to resolve the situation.

The "angel" who originally instructed him to kill could very well have been Satan,
mascerading as a messenger of God, something like Mohammed.


Well-known member
The "angel" who originally instructed him to kill could very well have been Satan,
mascerading as a messenger of God, something like Mohammed.

That would make Gen 22:12 and Heb 11:17 flat out lies.

You really need to think before you post, your speculation is very close to blaspheming God.


Well-known member
All Protestants agree that the satanic cult of Roman Catholicism is violent.

No real dispute there.

Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, thousands of Lutherans and the whole Emerging church movement for you on line 2.


New member
Lets have a look at the so-called samples of violence from the New Testament:

We'll just do Mark, because that is the primary document for the Gospel.

1. Jesus explains why he speaks in parables:
to confuse people so they will go to hell.

Jesus alone chose the timing for Salvation, especially for His enemies.

It has long been plainly understood from ancient times
that Jesus used secrecy to protect His mission of self-sacrifice
from interference by authorities and misguided followers,
and to protect His disciples.
There was no plan to keep the teachings secret forever,
but rather to share them with the whole world
and offer amnesty to any who would receive it.

2. Jesus sends devils into 2000 pigs, causing them to jump off a cliff and be drowned in the sea. When the people hear about it, they beg Jesus to leave.

Pigs were an unclean animal, and Israelites had no right to bring them
into the land. As a result of that commerce, many were diseased with
cysts and worms, and suffered epileptic fits from parasites of the brain/stem.

Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. 6:11

Many governments were still centralized as 'city-states' with attendant
loyalties, and had local representatives who would contract for residents.

Nothing indicates that this arrangement would need to be perpetuated
in modern times.

Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as required by Old Testament law.

Its clear here that "children" references a biological relationship,
not an age-group. Parents were responsible to the community to
turn in criminals (whatever age) to authorities for public punishment.
Because this wasn't happening, groups like the Zealots and Sicarii
were committing murder and causing anarchy.

People weren't hiding 'children' or 'Jews' but criminals from authority.

Jesus tells us to cut off our hands and feet, and pluck out our eyes to avoid going to hell. 9:43-49
Actually, he is showing sympathy for those who were punished horrifically
for the crime of theft.

God is like a rich man who owns a vineyard and rents it to poor farmers. When he sends servants to collect the rent, the tenants beat or kill them. So he sent his son to collect the rent, and they kill him too. Then the owner comes and kills the farmers and gives the vineyard to others. 12:1-9

Seems a reasonable way to treat unrepentant serial killers and murderers.

Jesus tells his disciples to eat his body and drink his blood. 14:22-24

Unlike Roman Catholic nonsense, Jesus here is using a metaphor.

Jesus says that those that believe and are baptized will be saved, while those who don't will be damned.

The word is condemned, i.e., found guilty. "damned" is another Roman Catholic mistranslation.


New member
Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, thousands of Lutherans and the whole Emerging church movement for you on line 2.

I'm guessing the list you've given here are going to be condemned on Judgement Day
as traitors.

Bought by the Papacy.

It would be interesting to find out what the price was.
I'm sure it was more than 30 pieces of silver.

Pope Bribes Evangelical Leaders

As it turns out, the guy who arranged this betrayal
DIED "in a motorcycle crash" shortly afterward.

Maybe he knew too much to keep alive....

Evangelical Pope Buddy Dies...


New member
That would make Gen 22:12 and Heb 11:17 flat out lies.

You really need to think before you post, your speculation is very close to blaspheming God.

You really need to explain your claim.

I see no conflict with my statement and these two Holy Scriptures.


Well-known member
Many Christians hold their country in higher regard than God.

Yep. I confess that for years I suspected but did not want to admit to myself that it has become one of the several drops of ecumenical glue that (I am convinced) is assembling the Whore. Too many people I know/knew were/are blinded to it.


New member
Is it any wonder that such a violent book and God has inspired such violence?

Will the Christians on this board look themselves in the mirror when they rail against Muslim violence?
Yet you can post things like what you did without any fear of any kind of violent reprisal.

If it were only like that with all super-violent religions.