
Well-known member
Originally posted by Chileice

Freedom of religion will be established and respected. All people will be able to worship (or not worship) as their conscience leads. The government shall neither support nor hinder a particular religion. All members of government will be allowed to practice their religion, talk of their religion but will not be allowed to inhibit others from talking of their religions. Public schools will allow private prayer but shall not establish any required religious prayers or practices for their students.

The only impediment to the practice of religion will be based on the need for public safety. If a religious practice denies a person the right to life or liberty such practice will be sanctioned by the government in order that all may enjoy life and freedom.


This topic will come up, but we are dealing with the first two questions.

First question,

How do we want our country to be? A democracy, communist, theoaracy, republican form of government etc.....?

2nd question,

How do we want to represented in the government? The 3 branches, single leader etc....?

Please give your answer and an explanation as to why?


New member
Originally posted by drbrumley

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative

In your view, what is wrong with 1 for every 30,000?

And why 1 for every 500,000?

You said we were starting from scratch. If we had a congress with one for 30,000 we would have 10,000 reprentatives instead of 600 under my plan. 10,000 is quite unweildly. They would have to meet in a stadium to conduct business.


New member
Originally posted by drbrumley


This topic will come up, but we are dealing with the first two questions.

First question,

How do we want our country to be? A democracy, communist, theoaracy, republican form of government etc.....?

2nd question,

How do we want to represented in the government? The 3 branches, single leader etc....?

Please give your answer and an explanation as to why?

I prefer a representative democracy with one man one vote characteristics... no electoral college, no parlament to elect the pres or prime minister. A multi-party or non-party system where more than two lousy voices get heard.

I like three branches of gov't. i do think a good judiciary can help offset bad legislative mistakes and helps to keep a country from just going with the latest winds of public opinion. However I do think there needs to be a recall process for truly bad or truly out-of-touch judges. One that requires 70% of the vote to recall so that it isn't just done for purely political reasons.


All unrepentent fundies relocated to Montana

all good "fundies" know the importance of being repentant.

and by the way, granite, it's "fewer" bodies, not "less."


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by drbrumley

Ok, so to let me get this straight, you want a democracy, under the 3 branches system, but instead of the House and the Senate, you want just the House? And with that, you want them shrunk?



New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Chileice

Freedom of religion will be established and respected. All people will be able to worship (or not worship) as their conscience leads. The government shall neither support nor hinder a particular religion. All members of government will be allowed to practice their religion, talk of their religion but will not be allowed to inhibit others from talking of their religions. Public schools will allow private prayer but shall not establish any required religious prayers or practices for their students.

The only impediment to the practice of religion will be based on the need for public safety. If a religious practice denies a person the right to life or liberty such practice will be sanctioned by the government in order that all may enjoy life and freedom.

If we're not gonna hinder anybody, what would you say about a Muslim cleric offering the opening prayer in Congress on, say, Mondays? And a Hindu doing it on Tuesday? A priest on Wednesday?

For the atheists or agnostics, just a moment of silence on Thursdays.:D