
Well-known member
In honor of election year 2004, and there has been more division this year then anyone can remember, I decided to play a little role playing game. We are going to form our own Constitution. We are starting from scratch. Each one of us will be a writer of this document. You will put your thoughts here and they will be debated as the forefathers did.

Just put yourself in the situation that you have left your former country and starting anew.In this country was a King. You left for whatever reason and you can base your decisions upon that fact. Whether it was religious persecution or a chance at a new life just because, you make the decisions based on that. Your life experiences here and now can be used.

So let's start the TOL 1st Constitutional Congress.

Have fun

Jesus Reigns,


Well-known member
This will be how our document will start. The same as the U.S. Constitution.

We the People of the TOL Land, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the TOL Land.


Well-known member
First question,

How do we want our country to be? A democracy, communist, theoaracy, republican form of government etc.....?

2nd question,

How do we want to represented in the government? The 3 branches, single leader etc....?

Please give your answer and an explanation as to why?


New member
Hall of Fame
Give me a unicameral first. Then we can talk.

Drop the Supreme Court to five members. Lose the restriction on presidential term limits--I resent the idea of term limits. Gut the IRS. 9 percent flat tax on incomes. Close the borders for a while to even out immigration and deport all illegals. If Bin Laden's not dead in a month we're doing something wrong. North Korea better play nice or we'll turn them and Iran into a rock pile.

Get Social Security privatized, kick the intelligence community in the pants and tell them to get on the ball, let the states duke out abortion and gay marriage, and make sure the new unicameral Congress only sits in session 3-4 months tops out of the year.

God bless America!


New member
Hall of Fame
Less bodies, more efficiency, fewer members shrinking the size of the bureaucracy, committees, sub-committees, potential tabling, back and forth debate...basically it's a way to streamline the BS.

A way of slicing the gordian knot, as it were. If each state elected three reps it would also completely level the playing field of the electoral college.


New member
All citizens who have reached their 18th birthday shall have the right to vote for whomever they wish to be president. Each person has one vote and all votes are counted. If no person receives %0% plus one vote in the election, a runoff election will be held with the top two vote getters from the first round. The person recieving the most votes will be elected president for a six year, non-renewable term.

For each 500,000 people, a member of the congress will be elected. This member will represent his/her people for four years and may run again for a second term after which he/she may not run again as a congress-person.

After each census, the representative districts shall be changed according to changes in poulation so that each representative will continue to represent aproxx. 500,000 people. The number of congress members shall be increased or decreased according to the population of the nation.


New member
Freedom of religion will be established and respected. All people will be able to worship (or not worship) as their conscience leads. The government shall neither support nor hinder a particular religion. All members of government will be allowed to practice their religion, talk of their religion but will not be allowed to inhibit others from talking of their religions. Public schools will allow private prayer but shall not establish any required religious prayers or practices for their students.

The only impediment to the practice of religion will be based on the need for public safety. If a religious practice denies a person the right to life or liberty such practice will be sanctioned by the government in order that all may enjoy life and freedom.


Well-known member
Originally posted by granite1010

Less bodies, more efficiency, fewer members shrinking the size of the bureaucracy, committees, sub-committees, potential tabling, back and forth debate...basically it's a way to streamline the BS.

A way of slicing the gordian knot, as it were. If each state elected three reps it would also completely level the playing field of the electoral college.

Kinda like England then minus the electoral college?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by drbrumley

Kinda like England then minus the electoral college?

No, we'd keep the electoral college. It's just a good way to cut through some of the waste, I think.


Well-known member
Originally posted by Chileice

All citizens who have reached their 18th birthday shall have the right to vote for whomever they wish to be president. Each person has one vote and all votes are counted. If no person receives %0% plus one vote in the election, a runoff election will be held with the top two vote getters from the first round. The person recieving the most votes will be elected president for a six year, non-renewable term.

For each 500,000 people, a member of the congress will be elected. This member will represent his/her people for four years and may run again for a second term after which he/she may not run again as a congress-person.

After each census, the representative districts shall be changed according to changes in poulation so that each representative will continue to represent aproxx. 500,000 people. The number of congress members shall be increased or decreased according to the population of the nation.

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative

In your view, what is wrong with 1 for every 30,000?

And why 1 for every 500,000?


Well-known member
Originally posted by granite1010

No, we'd keep the electoral college. It's just a good way to cut through some of the waste, I think.

Ok, so to let me get this straight, you want a democracy, under the 3 branches system, but instead of the House and the Senate, you want just the House? And with that, you want them shrunk?