If you knew anything about music, you would know that beat is a musical concept. Hip hop and rap focuses on beat and rhythm over melody.
There is a certain beat and rhythm if I simply read the Latin version of Virgil's Aeneid. Therefore, my recitation of Virgil is music.
"We have gained" and "we have lost". Are they not part of that "we" themselves? What if their lacking productivity is due to the very abuse they seek reparations for?
I believe that you are still misunderstanding the argument.
Let us suppose, says RexLunae, that my father owned slaves and gained wealth thereby. Would their children, RexLunae asks, not be justified in insisting that I fork over whatever benefit my father derived thereby?
That's all good and well.
But slavery ended roughly 150 years ago. How do we make these determinations 150 years later?
"Black people have involuntarily benefited us 150 years ago! They need to be paid back!"
Fine...but why do you only insist on those particular benefits? Why not focus on the entire impact of black people being present in America from the beginning of slave trade to the present day?
I have several complaints about black people.
To which, of course, you might answer that those complaints are due to historically unjust treatment, but that is of no account in answering the point at hand.
So acapella and Gregorian chant is not music? That's a rather strange definition of music.
The human voice, I grant, is a musical instrument. But they are hardly comparable to rap.
And why focus simply on rap as a musical genre? The entire hip hop culture is simply repugnant.
Music is defined by instruments only insofar that instruments are what makes us able to produce melody, beat, rhytm and harmony.
I'm inclined to think that melody and harmony are the most important parts of music. But then, that might just be the Platonist/Pythagorean speaking.
Hip-hop and rap doesn't use instruments? It may use synthesizers and the human voice and what not, but their purpose is to produce melody, beat, rhytm, melody and harmony as well. Rap and Hip hop focusing on beat and rhytm.
So if I get some synthesizers and start reciting the Aeneid, that's music?
Yes, because social scientists have no idea how to check correlations and form proper hypotheses...
You've misunderstood. My point is that correlation and causation are two quite distinct concepts. It may well be the case that poor people in fact commit more rapes and more murders, but you can scarcely argue on this basis that they rape and murder because they are poor.
It would be an ad hominem fallacy if I followed it up with a "therefore you are wrong".
"You are an idiot." Is not an ad hominem fallacy, it is just rude.
"You are an idiot, therefore you are wrong." That would be an ad hominem fallacy.
Two points:
1. Let us suppose that you are simply being rude and insulting, and are not speaking argumentatively. Fine. In that case, you are not making a fallacious argument; you are simply failing to argue at all. Why waste my and your time?
2. In point of fact, RexLunae was speaking argumentatively. Again, his argument was:
A or B.
A is racist.
Therefore, B.