The Truth About Using Any Form of Contraceptive To Prevent Pregnancy


He was killed because of his deliberate disobedience to the law regarding inheritance.

I'v already explained that breaking the levirate law does not carry a death penalty. Hence why the law itself gives a clause as to what should happen to the brother-in-law if he should choose to not fulfill his duty. He was killed because he took advantage of her by having sex with her, but not giving her seed, hence "preventing conception". It would be the equivalent of me freeloading at party at a club, whilest not paying for the cover to enter and enjoy the party. Every sexual act must always be done with the husband ejaculating inside his wife, and then it is up to God if he will open the womb to bring conception. Even if the wife is beyond her years to conceive, it is still up to God if he decides to open or close the womb.


New member
YHVH killed Er, Onan's older brother and Judah told Onan to marry Tamar. Onan resented giving Tamar children.

It wasn't Onan's premature withdrawal, it was his rebellion that displeased YHVH, so he killed him.

What you evidently didn't know is that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, which was not acceptable.

Onan's rebellion had nothing to do with contraception.

Tamar's marriage was annulled and Jacob told her to wait on his son Shelah, but when the time came Judah reneged.

And Judah inadvertently committed incest with Tamar, which was less than optimal.

Onan did a bad, bad thing.


YHVH killed Er, Onan's older brother and Judah told Onan to marry Tamar. Onan resented giving Tamar children.

It wasn't Onan's premature withdrawal, it was his rebellion that displeased YHVH, so he killed him.

What you evidently didn't know is that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, which was not acceptable.

Onan's rebellion had nothing to do with contraception.

Tamar's marriage was annulled and Jacob told her to wait on his son Shelah, but when the time came Judah reneged.

And Judah inadvertently committed incest with Tamar, which was less than optimal.

Onan did a bad, bad thing.

First because he did not fulfill his levirate duty and then because of witchcraft? You're all over the place trying to find a reason why God killed him, yet the truth is so simple. Ask yourself, is it natural for a man to use a condom? Would God have approved of Adam to use condoms when having sex with Eve?


New member
First because he did not fulfill his levirate duty and then because of witchcraft? You're all over the place trying to find a reason why God killed him, yet the truth is so simple. Ask yourself, is it natural for a man to use a condom? Would God have approved of Adam to use condoms when having sex with Eve?

:rotfl: :kookoo: :cow: