Well it's good to know that nutcases like Loony Rockwell and Walter "If a member of NAMBLA offers to buy your 4 year old son...who I not an adult" Block aren't taken serious by others;
How is it that you know that absolutely ZERO Libertarians didn't vote for Trump based on the endorsements of Rockwell and Block?
Well, being you equate libertarianism with libertinism it's no shocker you haven't a clue about what you rail against.
C'mon, Trump supporters, just tell transition2017 NO to Romney! NO to Bolten!
Trump Won !!!
I don't think some realize that.Trump Won !!!
I don't think some realize that.
They are still looking for reasons not to vote for him.
:chuckle:Death surrounds Hillary, and Trump just ended her reign. Consider that Trump may consider himself a target.
Hell, I would :chuckle:
I don't think some realize that.
They are still looking for reasons not to vote for him.
HE did win.
He is now proving DAILY that YOU - his willfully blind supporters...LOST.
All you had to do was do the research on the man's history.
Instead, you blindly allowed yourselves to be fooled by a carefully "brand."
He hasn't done anything yet but make appointments and all of them support why I voted for him. As for Hillary, its a good move for now. The country doesn't need endless months of investigation. Hillary still has much power when it comes to her circle. She will be nearly impossible to take down. How will trump get anything done with that going on and the progressives more bitter than ever over the prosecution of their queen? He's doing everything I would expect him to do. I got exactly what I wanted. You are just a bitter leftist loser who wants to take my victory from me.
Everyone wants to talk smack about the electoral college, as if it was put in place to override the interest of the country :AMR:
The EC is a brilliant and necessary mechanism which the Founding Fathers put in place, and should be respected. A popular vote does not make the best option for President alone.
Pure democracy is an intrinsically broken system of government.
There are dispensationalists who take a principled position on politics which I respect and partly agree with. They remain completely apolitical. They do not allow themselves to be drawn in on any side but keep themselves as distant from it all as possible in the interest of not being entangled in worldly affairs. I very much respect and partly hold that position...to a point.
There are other dispensationalists, perhaps a majority, that lean to the political Right because they are socially conservative and simply believe they're at liberty to be involved in the process. That's me too, I've decided, because I still have to live here so I have a stake in what happens.
There are still others dispensationalists who are thoroughly liberal in their theology; presumably their politics is as well.
But this is the first time I've encountered one whose theology tends to be conservative (insofar as it has been represented here on TOL) but whose politics clearly skews Left. This to me is a first but it does explain much of the...inconsistency we seen over the past few years.
your bigotry.
voted for a bigot.
grace-less grace
grace-less grace bigots,
you see as an enemy anyone who is not your
grace-less grace bigotry. your latest idol
- Trump -
a mockery self-deluded.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel :chuckle: