The Timelessness of God

Right Divider

Body part
Uh, ever heard of the hypostatic union of the two natures in Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully Man?
This is NOT what I'm talking about. Quit trying to make yourself look good by TRYING to make something, something that it's NOT!

BEFORE Christ came in the flesh was God "manlike"?


TOL Subscriber
This is NOT what I'm talking about. Quit trying to make yourself look good by TRYING to make something, something that it's NOT!

BEFORE Christ came in the flesh was God "manlike"?

Well, in the beginning, before the Incarnation, man was made in the image of God.

There must have been some similarity . . .


Various 'rational' fields of science disagree that time is what we perceive it to be.

Does this infer that claims such as "outside of time" may transpire into coherent assertions?

You have entered experience into the rational matter of things, thus experience is now valid. Understanding is all around us. Consider what I could express with simple observation. All things are tied to all things in observation. The very smallest observation of life around us reveals hierarchy in some form or fashion that keeps pointing to a perpetual plain of exsistance and understanding that expands outwards.

Theology is fictional assumptions of mankind. However, once one leaves the train station of pre-conception and begins to search, one is immediately aware that unseen influences shape the world around us more deeply than what is tangibly observable.

Many things could fit this bill, including the mysterious universe itself....what evidence is there to definitively suggest the Christian God for such?

choose to proceed with a question that compliments this. Which is stronger? Love or Brute force?

Depends upon context. Both be formidable under different situations. A rather apples to oranges comparison.


Does this infer that claims such as "outside of time" may transpire into coherent assertions?

I have been debating that God is outside of time here and others have been debating that He is within time. I asserted that I could take either side of the argument at the beginning of this debate, but I am taking my favorite stance on the matter.

Many things could fit this bill, including the mysterious universe itself....what evidence is there to definitively suggest the Christian God for such?

Again... you are biased against the idea of Christ. This is not a prove Christ existed thread. I did my historical homework. There are prior atheists and agnostics in this room. I am one of them. Do not be fooled into thinking you've stepped into a room of nit wit people that have blind faith.

Depends upon context. Both be formidable under different situations. A rather apples to oranges comparison.

Allow me to remind you... you came on here expressing a stereotypical "evangelical" perspective. When you were sarcastically addressed by myself multiple times, you revealed in your choice of words that you have a bias against Christianity.

I know the poem you site in your signature and fully understand it.

I also agree with much of it. I and many here are more then satirical "believers" blindly believing in ancient god or god's. You were in a yes or no question cycle that ensures honesty between us, but I detect that you are not here to debate.

It feels like you are here to assert your negative preconceptions about Christ followers onto us. A true follower of Gaultama would not be employing your methods.

I will ask you a very pointed question now.

What are you searching for here? Entertainment? Friendship? An opportunity to vent your hostility at people you don't know that represent a faith that has harmed you?

What is your motivation for being here?


I have been debating that God is outside of time here and others have been debating that He is within time. I asserted that I could take either side of the argument at the beginning of this debate, but I am taking my favorite stance on the matter.

Again... you are biased against the idea of Christ. This is not a prove Christ existed thread. I did my historical homework. There are prior atheists and agnostics in this room. I am one of them. Do not be fooled into thinking you've stepped into a room of nit wit people that have blind faith.

Allow me to remind you... you came on here expressing a stereotypical "evangelical" perspective. When you were sarcastically addressed by myself multiple times, you revealed in your choice of words that you have a bias against Christianity.

I know the poem you site in your signature and fully understand it.

I also agree with much of it. I and many here are more then satirical "believers" blindly believing in ancient god or god's. You were in a yes or no question cycle that ensures honesty between us, but I detect that you are not here to debate.

It feels like you are here to assert your negative preconceptions about Christ followers onto us. A true follower of Gaultama would not be employing your methods.

I will ask you a very pointed question now.

What are you searching for here? Entertainment? Friendship? An opportunity to vent your hostility at people you don't know that represent a faith that has harmed you?

What is your motivation for being here?

I would say I'm biased against any dogmatic claims be they Christian, Muslim or whatnot...this just happens to primarily be a Christian forum from which I view it from a primarily Christian country (USA) therefore that is the base from were I speak.

Think of me as a test of your faith and you, mine. I came to this forum and others before here in an effort to debate against the predominate, defacto religious mindset I've endured and resisted throughout my life. I find it fundamentally flawed...and argue to this point vigorously.

I'm here partly for entertainment, partly for the intellectual grappling....and I'm still waiting for that KO Christian argument that convinces me of the errors of my "heretical" ways.


I would say I'm biased against any dogmatic claims be they Christian, Muslim or whatnot...this just happens to primarily be a Christian forum from which I view it from a primarily Christian country (USA) therefore that is the base from were I speak.

Think of me as a test of your faith and you, mine. I came to this forum and others before here in an effort to debate against the predominate, defacto religious mindset I've endured and resisted throughout my life. I find it fundamentally flawed...and argue to this point vigorously.

I'm here partly for entertainment, partly for the intellectual grappling....and I'm still waiting for that KO Christian argument that convinces me of the errors of my ways.

Religion is the devil's playground. You won't get that KO from me. I will however tell you that your answer rings deeply honest!

#No more Respect Probation... you have mine.

Instead of dueling with you one on one... please stay a while and be entertained, and beat us to death with questions on the topic. This is a very open minded debate.

If you want me to answer the question about expanding on my first no... I will.

But if you're looking for someone to push any faith on you or ask you... would you like to be saved?... I'm not that person. Our search and personal path is the most important part of our part in the matter of "God".


I would say I'm biased against any dogmatic claims be they Christian, Muslim or whatnot...this just happens to primarily be a Christian forum from which I view it from a primarily Christian country (USA) therefore that is the base from were I speak.

Think of me as a test of your faith and you, mine. I came to this forum and others before here in an effort to debate against the predominate, defacto religious mindset I've endured and resisted throughout my life. I find it fundamentally flawed...and argue to this point vigorously.

I'm here partly for entertainment, partly for the intellectual grappling....and I'm still waiting for that KO Christian argument that convinces me of the errors of my "heretical" ways.

I have reread your post several times now and am shocked at how honest it is! I'm not easy to shock.

I hope to have more opportunity to discuss and debate with you.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
We must always remember that God condescends to man's level only to communicate with man and interact with man.

I think that to think that God is 'manlike' is very dangerous and possibly blasphemous.
So long. :wave:
I won't be back to this thread.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This is what I've been trying to explain to Right Divider. Time cannot have been created, because when something is 'created,' it goes from a state of non-existence, to existence, which is itself a sequence, a "before" and "after." You cannot have a 'sequence' without time.

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I mean, perhaps the idea of time didn't exist before someone thought of keeping track of events relative to other events but that doesn't mean that the events didn't occur in a particular order and for a particular duration.