The Thud Experiment


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
How many of you on this site will admit that you are on medication for some mental "disorder" or "illness"?

I doubt I'll get many honest answers.
Depends on the definition of "disorder." Take for instance, ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorders]. Autism isn't considered a mental illness like schizophrenia or psychopathy, but it is considered a disorder of a sort. However there are no meds, as far as I'm aware, for it. There is diet, though. The more high functioning a person is the better the diet works, apparently. It is mostly gluten, sugar and dairy free. It is supposed to make a difference.

I wouldn't know, I can't seem to give up any of those things.

Why wouldn't you get honest answers? I'm on Abilify, Risperdal, Carbamazepine, Diphenhydramine, and Lorazepam.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, "overkill."

Even if someone truly needs medication for something like this there is no way they need that many.:nono:

I know it takes about 90 minutes to watch those videos, but for those willing to watch them, I'd like to discuss this. With those who don't :wave:
I'm not willing to watch all of the videos, but I still want to talk about it. I don't think I need to watch the videos as I've gotten the gist of it, mostly from your posts on this subject in the past.

The first video was an experiment that caused a stir in the psychiatric profession because they proved that several "mental" hospitals were fraudulent in their diagnosis.

The 15 part documentary discusses the relationship between psychiatry, the pharmaceutical companies, and the FDA.

A couple of the other videos are of experts in the field discussing how behaviors are not a disease.
Where do you stand on the idea that some of these so called illnesses, or disorders, are not mental but rather physical, as in brain damage or just improper brain function? Also, do you believe behaviors can be a symptom of such an issue?


Active member
Quincy...would you mind describing a panic attack? What exactly is it like? Do you just suddenly feel like running away? Is it like a fight or flight type thing?

A panic attack, to me, feels like pins and needles all over your skin and although you're breathing, you don't seem to be getting any oxygen out of it. Everything is fast and you're so slow, and you're so insignificant in the face of an infinite universe while you feel like you're dying all at once.

As far as I can tell, I only get panic attacks when both my heart rate is up and I feel very anxious.

I know you didn't ask me, but I had a little 'episode' today so I thought I'd share that.

The belief that psychiatric illness is nonexistent is ridiculous, on the topic at hand. How can you believe that chemicals in your brain don't effect your brain? Or that those chemicals can never ever be imbalanced? Le sigho


New member
Depends on the definition of "disorder." Take for instance, ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorders]. Autism isn't considered a mental illness like schizophrenia or psychopathy, but it is considered a disorder of a sort. However there are no meds, as far as I'm aware, for it. There is diet, though. The more high functioning a person is the better the diet works, apparently. It is mostly gluten, sugar and dairy free. It is supposed to make a difference.

It does. I avoid caffeine completely and then sugar and carbs as much as possible. So have very few symptoms, the hard part is avoiding them stuck in a culture where that is all people eat. So actually never dine out or anything like that.


New member
The first video was an experiment that caused a stir in the psychiatric profession because they proved that several "mental" hospitals were fraudulent in their diagnosis.

The 15 part documentary discusses the relationship between psychiatry, the pharmaceutical companies, and the FDA.

A couple of the other videos are of experts in the field discussing how behaviors are not a disease.

One or two videos I can see people watching, I watched the first couple but I don't see many people actually watching them all. You have posted a lot of them.


I'm sorry to hear that so many around here are dealing with these issues. I don't know what else to say. I'm sure it has to be discouraging...and I'm sure it must make you wonder why it is happening to you and where the Lord is in all of this. I know it would for me.

I also know that there is a social stygma against being on meds or whatever and that probably makes matters worse.

So, anyway...

“The LORD bless you and keep you;

The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;

The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”


New member
Hall of Fame
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
1 Timothy 1:7


New member
Hall of Fame
One or two videos I can see people watching, I watched the first couple but I don't see many people actually watching them all. You have posted a lot of them.
Which is why people remain ignorant of something that sadly they are willing to make a part of their lives.

I don't put anything into my body unless I generally know what's in it, and what the benefits / effects of doing so will be. Most people blindly follow the blind. I find very little difference in the frauds that claim to be doctors and the ones that claim to be preachers, but lazy people follow both anyway.



A PET scan can compare brain activity during periods of depression (left) with normal brain activity (right). An increase of blue and green colors, along with decreased white and yellow areas, shows decreased brain activity due to depression.

How do you explain this? A pet-scan detects differences in the brain of depressed and non depressed people.


New member
Hall of Fame

How do you explain this? A pet-scan detects differences in the brain of depressed and non depressed people.

Like I said, the ignorant will buy into anything. Mental illness proponents are the most gullible people on the planet.

That "scan" is as phony as the whole profession. Next you'll be showing me pictures of a guy in an ape suit walking through the woods. :chuckle:


New member
:bowser:Ghost needs help from a good psychiatrist.:chuckle::):(

Jas 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,
and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.



Like I said, the ignorant will buy into anything. Mental illness proponents are the most gullible people on the planet.

That "scan" is as phony as the whole profession. Next you'll be showing me pictures of a guy in an ape suit walking through the woods. :chuckle:

Oh okay... ghost knows more than everyone about the subject because he watches you-tube.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh okay... ghost knows more than everyone about the subject because he watches you-tube.
No, moron. I am using youtube to help idiots like you to see how naive you are.

There are an array of good books and documentation available (if you weren't so lazy) to research this topic in detail by those who are in the field.


New member
Hall of Fame
“There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.” “there is no definition of a mental disorder.” “It’s bull—. I mean, you just can’t define it.”

— Allen Frances, Former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman


No, moron. I am using youtube to help idiots like you to see how naive you are.

There are an array of good books and documentation available (if you weren't so lazy) to research this topic in detail by those who are in the field.

Why did you ask people on this thread to tell you if they take medication so you could tell them how lazy and stupid they are for doing it.

You are out of your league. You remind me of my son when he gets bored he starts searching the Internet for conspiracy theories. You're an idiot.