The Ten:

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New member
You are just way wrong and can't admit it, just like Yahuweh told us in Jeremiah. We support "the desires of the FATHER"! Let's see if you can READ...

Jer 6:8-30 “Be instructed, O Yerushalayim, lest My being be torn from you, lest I make you a waste, a land not inhabited.” Thus said יהוה (YAHUWEH) of hosts, “Let them thoroughly glean as a vine the remnant of Yisra’ĕl; pass your hand again over the branches like a grape-gatherer.” To whom shall I speak and give warning, so that they hear? See, their ear is uncircumcised, and they are unable to listen. See, the word of יהוה (YAHUWEH the FATHER) is a reproach to them, they do not delight in it. Therefore I am filled with the wrath of יהוה (Yahuweh). I have become weary of containing it. “Pour it out on the children outside, and on the company of young men together, for even husband and wife shall be taken, the aged and the very old. And their houses shall be turned over to others, fields and wives together. For I shall stretch out My hand against the inhabitants of the land,” declares יהוה (Yahuweh). “For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, they are all greedy for gain. And from the prophet even to the priest, all act falsely. And they heal the breach of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had done abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed, nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall. They shall stumble at the time I visit them,” said יהוה (Yahuweh). Thus said יהוה (Yahuweh), “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves. But they said, ‘We do not walk in it.’ “And I raised up watchmen over you, and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the ram’s horn!’ But they said, ‘We do not listen.’ “Therefore hear, you nations, and know, O congregation, what is upon them! Hear, O earth! See, I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My words, nor My Torah – and they rejected it. What need have I of frankincense from Sheḇa, and sweet cane from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable, and your slaughterings have not been sweet to Me.” Therefore thus said יהוה (Yahuweh), “See, I am laying stumbling-blocks before this people. And the fathers and the sons together shall stumble on them, the neighbour and his friend shall perish.” Thus said יהוה (Yahuweh), “See, a people shall come from the land of the north, and a great nation is stirred up from the farthest parts of the earth, they seize bow and spear, they are cruel and have no compassion, their voice roars like the sea. And they ride on horses, set in array as a man for battle against you, O daughter of Tsiyon.” We have heard the report of it, our hands grow weak. Distress has taken hold of us, pain as of a woman in labour. Do not go out into the field, nor walk by the way. Because of the sword of the enemy, fear is on every side. O daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth, and roll about in ashes! Make mourning as for an only son, most bitter lamentation because suddenly the ravager shall come upon us. I have made you a trier and a stronghold among My people, so that you know, and shall try their way. All of them are rebels of rebels, walking as slanderers. They are bronze and iron, all of them are corrupters. The bellows have burned, the lead has been consumed by fire. The refiner has refined in vain, for those who are evil have not been seperated. They shall call them rejected silver, because יהוה (Yahuweh) has rejected them.”

All because most Bible based religions "refuse" His Torah! This is not about "doctrine" this is about the "DESIRES OF THE FATHER"! Not your own "doctrine" which comes from the words of men. Torah is FOREVER. Or don't you get what that word means? You will miss the "time of visitation" because you are stumbling because of the stumbling blocks Yahuweh has laid down in front of you because your offerings are not sweet whatsoever to Him. There is no refiner refining you, because the "refiner" RESTORES, and the "Teacher" "brings to your remembrance", but since you say "we do not listen" then you ARE getting what He told us through Jeremiah just what HE SAID. Every single part of that, the Bible based religions are reaping, right now, right in front of your faces, and truly, the "refiner has refined in vain" when it comes to you who still say "we do not listen".

But you can't see that can you? Point made.

That does not say ONE WORD about the point at hand, the Ten Commandmenta on the Stone, being without penalty, because there was on covenant to them.

As always, beating around the bush, and can't address the topic, just TALK! --- Very good!

Paul -- 101110


New member
That does not say ONE WORD about the point at hand, the Ten Commandmenta on the Stone, being without penalty, because there was on covenant to them.

As always, beating around the bush, and can't address the topic, just TALK! --- Very good!

Paul -- 101110

I guess I am at an impass with you then. Time for water to come from another direction. I have adressed the topic well enough. If you read that, then you are one of those who will be known as "rejected silver", and truly, a stumbling block has been laid down as is written...still you say "we do not listen". That's why the Messiah said that if they listen to HIM, they would hear us who preach HIS WORDS. And not our own which we can and will be condemned by. I'm not helping you because you "refuse" His Torah. Just like He said. And Jeremiah by the way, was known by Yahuweh, while he was still in the womb, to be "prophet to the Nations". Do you not live in a "nation"? Come on now...DUUUUUUUUUUUUH!


Well-known member
I guess I am at an impass with you then. Time for water to come from another direction. I have adressed the topic well enough. If you read that, then you are one of those who will be known as "rejected silver", and truly, a stumbling block has been laid down as is written...still you say "we do not listen". That's why the Messiah said that if they listen to HIM, they would hear us who preach HIS WORDS. And not our own which we can and will be condemned by. I'm not helping you because you "refuse" His Torah. Just like He said. And Jeremiah by the way, was known by Yahuweh, while he was still in the womb, to be "prophet to the Nations". Do you not live in a "nation"? Come on now...DUUUUUUUUUUUUH!
He just does not see the big picture friend. I will pray for his enlightenment.
God bless


New member
He just does not see the big picture friend. I will pray for his enlightenment.
God bless

Me too, as I pray for all of us, including myself friend.
Yah bless us all with ears and hearts for Him, and the desire to serve Yah with "one shoulder".
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