The teachings of Jesus-few know them.


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Any can try twist the truth Jesus teaches. It gets them no where. He clearly teaches-The Father is his God just like ours. That means his real teachers teach that fact as well. Like Paul and Peter did.

I had asked you:

So, what (if anything) do you mean by your extra-Biblical phrase, "has a God," when you say "Jesus...has a God"?



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Try believing Jesus in the OP 8 teachings. They are in every translation on earth. If ones teachers teach contradictory things they are these teachers-2Cor 11:12-15) All who listen to those teachers are in darkness.
Hey, aren't you @NWL? Or do all Russellites on TOL just so happen to be abject, semi-literate butchers of English?


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Undeniable fact--John 17:3
2 major points Jesus teaches-He was sent by God and his Father is the only true God.

Neither of those two points contradict Jesus being God.

It takes being able to understand English for oneself, and it takes believing the one whom you claim to follow over dogma errors.

Yet you haven't shown that you understand English very well, let alone Greek or Hebrew.

Who's really the one following the dogma here?

Here is what the facts of the first trinity religion says: Proving they created it.

The new Catholic encyclopedia 1967, Vol XIV, page 299-- The formulation, one God in three persons, was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.

I don't care what some encyclopedia says.

I care about what the Bible says.

The Bible says Christ is God. You say He isn't.

I'm going to stick with what the Bible says.

Let GOD be true...

Means the apostles knew nothing of a trinity,

They didn't?

I bet they'd be surprised to hear that...

You know, considering that they saw for themselves that God was triune...

means Jesus knew nothing of a trinity.

He, unlike any other righteous being in the Bible, never rejected people worshipping him.

It was added in 381 ce at the council of Constantinople. It does not exist.


You gotta be kidding.

I'm not. They are directly related to this subject.

You should listen to them. Obviously, I can't make or force you to, but all ten of the entries on the first page are interviews Bob Enyart (former owner of TOL, he's up in Heaven currently) had with Jehovah's witnesses, discussing this very topic.

Again, I remind you that you're not the first JW we've encountered here.

Nor will you be the last.

Prove it out of Gods word, not mens words. Prove it out of Jesus words.

Alright, here are Jesus' words:

You are his follower correct?

I am indeed a Christian.

Then you know exactly what he teaches


and obey every teaching right.


Because John 3:36 is clear--Those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath--

John 3:36 wasn't addressed to Christians. Jesus was speaking to Israel. See Matthew 15:24.

That means his real teachers without fail teach the flock Every teaching he gave.

Perhaps, but they shouldn't teach what He taught as commandments for the Body of Christ.

I showed what he really teaches

No, you showed what you believe.

and he would never contradict himself,


thus you can't use his teachings against his own teachings i shared in the OP.

I'm not using His teaching against His teachings.

I'm using the Bible against YOUR beliefs.

So how will you prove me to be in error?

Your arrogance is sinful, equating your beliefs to be Christ's teachings. You need to repent.

Anyways, to answer your question, I will show you why you're in error by showing you what Christ taught.

The Greek lexicon doesnt. Its what all bibles are translated from.

There is more to the Bible than just "the Greek lexicon."
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I have extensively read the Bible. I do not remember an explanation.

Do you reject Genesis as literal? If so, that's why.

Why were the Jews chosen, and why is Israel special?

Start in Genesis 1:1, and read from there, all the way to Genesis 50:26, and then keep reading.


Well-known member
They seem equally possible and both may exist. Why would God only appear to a small group of people in a desert?
To make His power known to all men by using the smallest group to thwart the evil generations.


The Lord Jesus and His Apostles established an office, called the office of a bishop (see 1st Timothy 3:1), which has never ceased from Apostolic times.

Zero men holding the office are JW's.

Undeniable and indisputable fact.

How can you believe that you're not absolutely submerged in error? You should be praying for a lifeline to rescue you, but instead you proudly, arrogantly, stubbornly accuse others of being in error.

Jesus teachings and the facts of true God worship history back my teachers all the way. There is 0 doubt in all creation about that. Did you read the OP? Are you denying Jesus taught those things?


I'm safe from you and all your perverse leaders with their perverse teachings.

Thanks be to God.

Whatever that means.

At rev 16 when every flag on earth is mislead to stand against Jesus where will you be standing? I see you promote a countrys flag for patriotism, that is exactly what the 3 inspired expressions will be misleading 99% on earth to stand for against Jesus. Since Dan 2:44 is clear Jesus willcrush every mortal govt off this earth, you can bet your bottom dollar its that way now. They stand in opposition to Jesus, but your teachers fail to see that reality.


Neither of those two points contradict Jesus being God.

Yet you haven't shown that you understand English very well, let alone Greek or Hebrew.

Who's really the one following the dogma here?

I don't care what some encyclopedia says.

I care about what the Bible says.

The Bible says Christ is God. You say He isn't.

I'm going to stick with what the Bible says.

Let GOD be true...

They didn't?

I bet they'd be surprised to hear that...

You know, considering that they saw for themselves that God was triune...

He, unlike any other righteous being in the Bible, never rejected people worshipping him.


I'm not. They are directly related to this subject.

You should listen to them. Obviously, I can't make or force you to, but all ten of the entries on the first page are interviews Bob Enyart (former owner of TOL, he's up in Heaven currently) had with Jehovah's witnesses, discussing this very topic.

Again, I remind you that you're not the first JW we've encountered here.

Nor will you be the last.

Alright, here are Jesus' words:

I am indeed a Christian.



John 3:36 wasn't addressed to Christians. Jesus was speaking to Israel. See Matthew 15:24.

Perhaps, but they shouldn't teach what He taught as commandments for the Body of Christ.

No, you showed what you believe.


I'm not using His teaching against His teachings.

I'm using the Bible against YOUR beliefs.

Your arrogance is sinful, equating your beliefs to be Christ's teachings. You need to repent.

Anyways, to answer your question, I will show you why you're in error by showing you what Christ taught.

There is more to the Bible than just "the Greek lexicon."

I showed already. Its not that way in the Greek lexicons-- The true God is called HoTheos in the 2nd line at John 1:1= The God, plain Theos to the Logos in the last line. Clearly showing he was not called The God, but a god is correct in that scenario. Only 1 other spot in the NT has the same-2 Cor 4:4--satan called the Theos of this system of things= god small g, the true God called Ho Theos to show the difference of what one was being called. It must be the same translating rule at both spots.
In 1822 a Greek Scholar( A. Kneeland) translated the NT -He compared Greek and English side by side in his translation to prove to the world a god was correct. 19 other translations had it correct, 3 had was divine.--All rejected by trinity clergys because the truth exposes them as false religion. As well does a single teaching from Godsword= a house divided willnot stand.
If you are Catholic tell me, i will show you from Gods word they cant even understand simple bible milk. From your own translation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Jesus teachings and the facts of true God worship history back my teachers all the way. There is 0 doubt in all creation about that. Did you read the OP? Are you denying Jesus taught those things?
I'm denying your teachers are teachers. Teachers are called bishops, teachers hold that office, which was established by Jesus's Apostles, back in the first century. The office is permanent, until Kingdom Come anyway. None of your teachers hold the office.

Your teachers are fakes.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
At rev 16 when every flag on earth is mislead to stand against Jesus where will you be standing? I see you promote a countrys flag for patriotism, that is exactly what the 3 inspired expressions will be misleading 99% on earth to stand for against Jesus. Since Dan 2:44 is clear Jesus willcrush every mortal govt off this earth, you can bet your bottom dollar its that way now. They stand in opposition to Jesus, but your teachers fail to see that reality.
So you're a non-Trin and an enemy of our Constitution.

Any more feathers in your cap that you'd like to brag about?