The Subtility of Satan


New member
Excellent post

How do you think the gospel as Pate understands it, addresses the situation of those who lived and died in places yet unreached by Christian missionaries and therefore were not able to hear about Christ? Or the children who die before the age of accountability? I have already asked him but he may have missed my post.


Well-known member
Or just refuse to see the problem? All in the graves are resurrected and every one is rewarded at the 2nd Coming. Who remained not rewarded yet?

The REST of the dead lived not till the 1000 years were past Rev 20:5.

When the Bible speaks in some prophecy about His coming, it includes the time after His immediate coming which includes into the 8M.

patrick jane

The REST of the dead lived not till the 1000 years were past Rev 20:5.

When the Bible speaks in some prophecy about His coming, it includes the time after His immediate coming which includes into the 8M.

you're big on the 8M thing, huh ?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
How do you think the gospel as Pate understands it, addresses the situation of those who lived and died in places yet unreached by Christian missionaries and therefore were not able to hear about Christ? Or the children who die before the age of accountability? I have already asked him but he may have missed my post.

I have already addressed this on another thread.

People in the Old Testament era were saved the same way that we are saved today. The were saved by faith in God's promise of a savior. They looked forward to a savior, we look back to the savior.

The Holy Spirit is in the world convicting people of sin and their need for a savior. There are many that have never heard of God or Christ, yet they have repentant hearts. These are the ones that come to Christ when they hear the Gospel.


Well-known member
you're big on the 8M thing, huh ?

I am big on the 8M thing, as opposed to no better ideas. :)
I have not heard any credible alternative as to how those who have lived and died never hearing about the LORD are saved. Especially as there is no other name given among men whereby we might be saved.

I don't believe we are judged good with God on our clear consciences, or good deeds.


New member
The REST of the dead lived not till the 1000 years were past Rev 20:5.
The unrighteous will be slain at the culmination of the 7th plague (Rev 19:21). That's their first death. Their second death is the lake of fire (Rev 20:15). The unrighteous will have two deaths, that's why they are resurrected twice. They will be resurrected at the second coming to suffer the wrath of God - the 7 last plagues where they are to be slain at its culmination; they will be resurrected again at the end of the 7th millennium, to be thrown into the lake of fire.

When the Bible speaks in some prophecy about His coming, it includes the time after His immediate coming which includes into the 8M.
Do you have Scriptures for this? Or you could explain your position, citing Biblical basis.


New member
I am big on the 8M thing, as opposed to no better ideas. :)
I have not heard any credible alternative as to how those who have lived and died never hearing about the LORD are saved. Especially as there is no other name given among men whereby we might be saved.

I don't believe we are judged good with God on our clear consciences, or good deeds.
People were born written in the Book of Life, are you aware of this?

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Satan deceives through religion. If it is your desire to be like God or to know as much as God, you are a candidate to be deceived.

Adam and Eve bought the devils lie that if they ate of the tree in the midst of the garden they would be as God's knowing good from evil. Of course it was lie and caused them to lose their relationship with God and their home in the garden, Genesis 3:4-6.

It appears that Adam and Eve wanted to be like God and know as much as God. It is Satan's purpose to lead one into religion. To lead one into religion is to lead one into themselves. Religion is man's preoccupation with his own spirituality. It is subjective. The Gospel is not subjective, it is objective (outside of us).

The whole purpose of religion is to cause one to lose faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ and to make the Gospel of no effect. In the doctrine of Calvinism it is taught that Jesus is not the savior of the whole world. So, we must conclude that God and Jesus made a deal with the devil wherein Jesus would only atone for the sins of some, but not all. That is not the worst. The worst is predestination. God chooses some to salvation and condemns the rest to hell. That is a real faith killer. How can anyone have faith in a God such as this?

In the Catholic religion, which is highly subjective and is works based, there are a multitude of things that you must do to be saved. Catholics are busy, busy, doing their religion. Catholics are basically doing in their flesh what God has already done in Jesus Christ. They are trying to reconcile themselves to God by their works. The Eucharist is nothing more than an attempt to be like Christ. Instead of trusting in Christ they are trying to be like Christ.

The Gospel is a really, really simple message. It is so simple that many are offended by it.

All that Jesus Christ is and all that Jesus Christ has done, or will do, is ours by faith alone. That's it! Do you believe it? Not many do, they want to add something to it. In Jesus Christ we have been, sanctified, justified and redeemed, That's it! When God accepted Jesus into heaven, we were accepted in him, That's it! God now sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ", That's it! All that God requires of you is that you believe in his Son Jesus Christ, plus nothing.

Paul said to the Corinthians, "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtility, so you minds should be corrupted through the simplicity that is in Christ" 2 Corinthians 11:3.

Ah the subtlety of the Devil.
(I had to look up how to spell it)

YOU can be like Christ, or Christ can live through you.

YOU can do it, or by His love, His Spirit we put to death the self, the 'YOU'.

You are loved no matter what, true, but there is more to the matter; we will be moved to love Him, or ourselves, or the world?


Well-known member
People were born written in the Book of Life, are you aware of this?

There are a few like Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Josiah, Samuel who are called to a task from before birth. This is not proof that even their names were written in the Book of Life indellibly. Anyone can be blotted out of the book.

I am still waiting for your or anyone's better idea of how the BC eskimo will receive their calling to eternal life.

Are you saying they just are born to be damned?

I say they are "the rest of the dead" who are raised in Christ's kingdom to hear His voice in the 8M. (Rev 20:5)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are a few like Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Josiah, Samuel who are called to a task from before birth. This is not proof that even their names were written in the Book of Life indellibly. Anyone can be blotted out of the book.

I am still waiting for your or anyone's better idea of how the BC eskimo will receive their calling to eternal life.

Are you saying they just are born to be damned?

I say they are "the rest of the dead" who are raised in Christ's kingdom to hear His voice in the 8M. (Rev 20:5)

There are many that have not heard of Christ and his Gospel. Yet they seek to do good and have repentant hearts. The reason for this is that the Holy Spirit is in the world convicting people of sin and the need to be saved.

In the Old Testament they were saved because they believed and had faith in God. Nothing has changed. Today we believe and have faith in God's Son.

Those that have repentant hearts are usually the ones that accept Christ when they hear the Gospel, Hebrews 3:15.


New member
There are many that have not heard of Christ and his Gospel. Yet they seek to do good and have repentant hearts. The reason for this is that the Holy Spirit is in the world convicting people of sin and the need to be saved.

So why is the Holy Spirit skipping over the educated, the mighty and the noble? Does God not care about them?

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called.
(1 Corinthians 1:26 NKJV)​


Well-known member
There are many that have not heard of Christ and his Gospel. Yet they seek to do good and have repentant hearts. The reason for this is that the Holy Spirit is in the world convicting people of sin and the need to be saved.

In the Old Testament they were saved because they believed and had faith in God. Nothing has changed. Today we believe and have faith in God's Son.

Those that have repentant hearts are usually the ones that accept Christ when they hear the Gospel, Hebrews 3:15.

You have heard the Gospel of Christ, Tulip and you remain an unbeliever and unrepentant !

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Satan deceives through religion.

I believe the Roman Catholic Church is Satan's masterpiece. All the bells, whistles, and beauty of religion, pomp and circumstance wrapped around some "Christian" words while all the while hiding the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation from billions.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So why is the Holy Spirit skipping over the educated, the mighty and the noble? Does God not care about them?

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called.
(1 Corinthians 1:26 NKJV)​

Accepting Christ as your savior can be a humbling thing.

You have to admit that you are a sinner and acknowelge that only Christ can save you.

Most that are wealthy or are noble cannot bring themselves to trust in anything except themselves.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I believe the Roman Catholic Church is Satan's masterpiece. All the bells, whistles, and beauty of religion, pomp and circumstance wrapped around some "Christian" words while all the while hiding the gospel that is the power of God unto salvation from billions.

They don't have a Gospel to hide. The Catholic church is 100% anti-Gospel and anti-Christ.


New member
Accepting Christ as your savior can be a humbling thing.

You have to admit that you are a sinner and acknowelge that only Christ can save you.

Most that are wealthy or are noble cannot bring themselves to trust in anything except themselves.

So what is their future?