ECT The seal of God and the mark of the beast part 1.


New member
The whole scope of the OP is to me Christians in the Great Tribulation of Rev 12:17 , so where are they ??
In the first scenario, they're represented as the white horse and rider going forth conquering and to conquer. In the second scenario, they are represented by the two extraordinarily powerful witnesses. In the third scenario, they are represented as the three angelic messengers in Revelation 14:6-12.


Well-known member
In the first scenario, they're represented as the white horse and rider going forth conquering and to conquer. In the second scenario, they are represented by the two extraordinarily powerful witnesses. In the third scenario, they are represented as the three angelic messengers in Revelation 14:6-12.

Hi , and help me out here !

The OP is talking about why God seals them , because we are ALREADY sealed when we are saved , Eph 1:13 !!

So , we are sealed TWICE ?

What does the #666 have to do with the Body of Christ as we are part of the Body of Christ and if the # 666 will given to members of His body then Christ can also be stamped by the #666 ?

I do not think so , do you ??

Why ??


Well-known member

It seems so.

The opposite of the seal of God is the mark of the beast. Those who refuse the mark are saved.

Hi , so that means that Eph 1:13 is wrong and WE can be lost and then resealed , during the Great Tribulation of the Revelation ?

Where is there a verse for that ??:bang::bang:

dan p


Active member
The woman represents God people or church throughout the ages. Jeremiah 6:2, Isaiah 51:16 that is what the woman represents.

The women represents the remnant Israel who is the Bride of Christ. The women is also the same as the 144,000 and the two witnesses. They are all talking about the same body of people.


Well-known member
The woman represents God people or church throughout the ages. Jeremiah 6:2, Isaiah 51:16 that is what the woman represents.

Like so many professing Christians, Ellen G. White and the SDAs are victims of Catholic Augustinian Replacement Theology and don't have a clue regarding Israel's future in prophecy.

The woman in those verses are not GOD's people throughout all ages(a Reformed Calvinist view) because all the prophets of the OT prophecied concerning Israel , Israel's Messiah and His future reign over the twelve tribes from David's throne. The woman in Rev 12 is Israel. The 144,000 servants in Rev 7 are from the literal 12 tribes of Israel. Revelation concerns the 70th week of Dan 9 and does not apply to the Body of Christ.

Prophecy vs Mystery is the big contrast and if not understood, the word of truth cannot be rightly divided.


Active member
Like so many professing Christians, Ellen G. White and the SDAs are victims of Catholic Augustinian Replacement Theology and don't have a clue regarding Israel's future in prophecy.

The woman in those verses are not GOD's people throughout all ages(a Reformed Calvinist view) because all the prophets of the OT prophecied concerning Israel , Israel's Messiah and His future reign over the twelve tribes from David's throne. The woman in Rev 12 is Israel. The 144,000 servants in Rev 7 are from the literal 12 tribes of Israel. Revelation concerns the 70th week of Dan 9 and does not apply to the Body of Christ.

Prophecy vs Mystery is the big contrast and if not understood, the word of truth cannot be rightly divided.

The 2 witness are also Israel. Representing the 2 kingdoms of Israel (Judah and Joseph). A lot of Revelation is prophesied in three's.

Also I think the prodigal son represents Joseph aka lost sheep of house if Israel. The Northern Kingdom went away but will later return. Judah stayed.

Luke 11:15-32


New member
I think the 2 witnesses are 2 literal people because that's how they are presented. I think they are Elijah and Enoch.

Physical Israel will bear no fruit henceforth forever. Well, since about 2000 years ago when Jesus said it.


Active member
I think the 2 witnesses are 2 literal people because that's how they are presented. I think they are Elijah and Enoch.

Physical Israel will bear no fruit henceforth forever. Well, since about 2000 years ago when Jesus said it.

Israel is God's witness but after being divided Israel is now two.

Isaiah 43:1 But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.

Isa 43:6 I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' And to the south, 'Do not keep them back!' Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth--

Isa 43:10 "You are My witnesses," says the LORD, "And My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me.


New member
And Israel is who? People that believe in the LORD. The country over there calling itself israel are not witnesses of Christ. This new doctrine that exalts godless "Israel" needs to go away. There's a reason it wasn't taught untill the 1800s. Because it's antibiblical trash


Active member
And Israel is who? People that believe in the LORD. The country over there calling itself israel are not witnesses of Christ. This new doctrine that exalts godless "Israel" needs to go away. There's a reason it wasn't taught untill the 1800s. Because it's antibiblical trash

I am not talking about land.

Rom 11:1 I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

Rom 11:23 And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.

Rom 11:26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob;

They are all grafted into the root that is Christ. Israel and the Gentiles are grafted into Israel.

There is only one body and one spirit.


In John of Patmos' day the Roman Emperor Nero was running violently roughshod over the early Christians and the Jews. The mark 666 applies to him, based on the theological numerology of the day.

Nero was no doubt responsible for the deaths of both Paul and Peter during this time.

The only way John of Patmos could communicate the horror of his own situation was to devise horrific metaphors and strange, wild beast-like entities to carry out the death and destruction going on.


New member
The same logic should compel you to believe that the rider on a white horse doesn't represent anything.

Why? Some things are symbolic and some are presented as literal. If something is presented as literal, I wouldn't symbolize it.