The Salvation Army and Sodomites


New member
Which is not against Calvinism. I just showed you that, but you're going to put on a blindfold and refuse to see it out of your obstinate nonsense.
Your lot has no love for the truth, you just want to believe whatever you want to believe, sitting there talking about the scriptures but you only take in what works for you.

Jesus said :

Jhn 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Anyone that believes and calls on Jesus is a whosoever, which proves Calvinism is a lie.

I follow Jesus NOT John Calvin.


Jesus said :

Jhn 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Anyone that believes and calls on Jesus is a whosoever, which proves Calvinism is a lie.

Except it doesn't, because

At this point, you're just acting like a little girl.


lol, look in the mirror if you want to see a little girl.

No, you are. You either can't or are unwilling to acknowledge what I've stated. Here it is again:


Now, put up a rebuttal. Don't sit there and repeat the same thing I just served you on.


New member
No, you are. You either can't or are unwilling to acknowledge what I've stated. Here it is again:


Now, put up a rebuttal. Don't sit there and repeat the same thing I just served you on.

Not that you will believe or trust God but here it is:

2Pe 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

It is not God's will that any should perish . So if God chose some to perish isn't that calling God a liar?

Do you even know what repentance is ? God waited for some to come to repentance.

Do you have a clue what longsuffering is ?

Yes, God waited for some to come to repentance and is longsuffering.

Proving from scripture AGAIN that Calvinism is a lie.

I put up now be a man and shut up.


Not that you will believe or trust God but here it is:

2Pe 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

It is not God's will that any should perish . So if God chose some to perish isn't that calling God a liar?

Do you even know what repentance is ? God waited for some to come to repentance.

Do you have a clue what longsuffering is ?

Yes, God waited for some to come to repentance and is longsuffering.

Proving from scripture AGAIN that Calvinism is a lie.

I put up now be a man and shut up.

You never proved Calvinism wrong, so did you do it 'again'?

God doesn't will that anyone should perish- that doesn't mean that He won't send those to Hell who are a stumbling block to the saved, or will not ever come to terms with God.

Longsuffering is something God does because he knew from the start how man would turn out. He predetermined how He would conduct His will and whom He would save from the beginning.

You are just an idiot, is all- none of these things occur to you, you actually think you can just throw random verses and take down an entire historical theology which challenged the Catholic Church itself :AMR:


New member
You never proved Calvinism wrong, so did you do it 'again'?

God doesn't will that anyone should perish- that doesn't mean that He won't send those to Hell who are a stumbling block to the saved, or will not ever come to terms with God.

Longsuffering is something God does because he knew from the start how man would turn out. He predetermined how He would conduct His will and whom He would save from the beginning.

You are just an idiot, is all- none of these things occur to you, you actually think you can just throw random verses and take down an entire historical theology which challenged the Catholic Church itself :AMR:

I can see you are more of a follower of John Calvin than Jesus ! Your loss not mine.


I can see you are more of a follower of John Calvin than Jesus ! Your loss not mine.

You're a follower of your own nose who can't accept that it's God who is in control and not your depraved will.

You know what the Calvinists told the reprobates?
"You must've been predestined" :chuckle:


New member
Crucible;4799918]You're a follower of your own nose who can't accept that it's God who is in control and not your depraved will.

I read the scriptures and actually believe the scriptures UN-like Calvinist who change the scripture to satisfy themselves and their Un-Scriptural beliefs.
You know what the Calvinists told the reprobates?
"You must've been predestined" :chuckle:

Which is NOT scriptural.

You really need to learn to trust Jesus and STOP ignoring scripture to follow men.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I wonder if any alcoholics work for the SA. Drunkenness is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any kleptomaniacs work for the SA. Stealing is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any single people working for the SA have sex. Sex while unmarried is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any fat people work for the SA. Gluttony is a mortal sin too.

I wonder if any jealous people work for the SA, angry people, liars (that's for dodge), petty thieves... ...I wonder if anybody ever takes the Lord's name in vain at the SA...

....but hey, the homos are the real sinners, right?


I wonder if any alcoholics work for the SA. Drunkenness is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any kleptomaniacs work for the SA. Stealing is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any single people working for the SA have sex. Sex while unmarried is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any fat people work for the SA. Gluttony is a mortal sin too.

I wonder if any jealous people work for the SA, angry people, liars (that's for dodge), petty thieves... ...I wonder if anybody ever takes the Lord's name in vain at the SA...

....but hey, the homos are the real sinners, right?

They singled out homosexuals out of a group of people which is heavily populated with ex-convicts, alcoholics, and drug addicts.

It's unbelievable how far they'll go- I mean, targeting the homeless.
Really? :AMR:

That really grind my gears on this thread, having been homeless myself. The only people you'll ever hear speak the nonsense such as on this thread have no clue about the reality of being in vagrancy, what charities and shelters must deal with, or anything. They know nothing. Here in Richmond, VA, a Catholic charity called Caritas works with the Salvation Army, and are the leading groups in the area.


[Lists: drunkenness, theft, fornication, etc.] ...ut hey, the homos are the real sinners, right?
Ex 20:14

Tell us why you are pro-Sodomite (Jn 3:19). :smokie:

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


New member
I wonder if any alcoholics work for the SA. Drunkenness is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any kleptomaniacs work for the SA. Stealing is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any single people working for the SA have sex. Sex while unmarried is a mortal sin too.
I wonder if any fat people work for the SA. Gluttony is a mortal sin too.

I wonder if any jealous people work for the SA, angry people, liars (that's for dodge), petty thieves... ...I wonder if anybody ever takes the Lord's name in vain at the SA...

....but hey, the homos are the real sinners, right?

YOU want to see a liar and an idolater ? Look in the mirror.

Christians do not bow before idols made with human hands nor do they pray to any other than God the Father.


New member
Silence heathen!

You are worse than a joke you are a lying , idolatrous, fake that pretends to serve God when you serve Mary, a pope, and a human priest ignoring what Jesus taught in John 14:6.

The title heathen aptly describes you and your ilk.
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I can't find one verse on this entire thread that they've have used in the correct context :chuckle:

They are trying desperately to make the Bible agree with their bitterness- like I said before, it's better to just ignore them.


Only an idiot like you could start a thread in the Politics forum comparing the Salvation Army to the wickedness of Sodom. Are you some kind of retard?
You are worse than a joke you are a lying , idolatrous, fake that pretends to serve God when you serve Mary, a pope, and a human priest ignoring what Jesus taught in John 14:6.

The title heathen aptly describes you and your ilk.

Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Just another conservative Christian "love in" - NOT!


I can't find one verse on this entire thread that they've have used in the correct context :chuckle:

They are trying desperately to make the Bible agree with their bitterness- like I said before, it's better to just ignore them.

You and the Salvation Army should pay close attention to this verse.
Isaiah 5:20