No they aren't. At least, they didn't seem so concerned when an independent council was appointed to investigate Bill Clinton. A lot of the people are the very same folks.
The JBS does at least.
Rex said:
It is a far greater threat to our system of government for politicians to subvert the rule of law, and especially if an administration and their allies in Congress conspire together to do it. That's the reason for the appointment of this special prosecutor. Mueller's power is limited to that of a prosecutor. The only real special power he has is a certain amount of administrative independence from the people who hired him, all Republicans. The reason that he terrifies Trump and his allies in Congress is their awareness of their guilt.
The law against foreign influence is actually a constitutional law which hasn't been enforced in decades, and maybe centuries. He is floating the law openly instead of secretly. Therefore, this isn't as new as you think it is.
Rex said:
Those perceptions are being deliberately stoked by Trump and his allies. They aren't Mueller's fault.
Alan Dersowitz is a Democrat. He thinks Mueller is sloppy, and somewhat unprofessional. But Mueller is getting lots of documentation, so everyone is amazed.
Rex said:
Whatever! Donald Trump has no clout, and never did. My hope is that Republicans start ignoring Mueller and let him do his thing, whatever it is.
Forgive me for being to terse. I wanted to get to the point faster.