The Roman Catholic Church is a serious church


Well-known member

The RCC has some issues. So does the Apocrypha. Think about it this way

Totally erase the RCC from history. Now what have you got?

Same with the Apocrypha. Studying the Apocrypha is how you get to know the real Jewish people. It doesn't matter if the Apocrypha is inspired or not. It is like reading someone's person letters in the mail. Or spying on someone to get to know what they are up too.

Plus it opens the door for a violent spiritual attack. With Sherman's permission I'm going to attack the Levites in a way that has never to my knowledge taken place yet.

Totally erase the RCC from history. Now what have you got?

The church Christ started.

God's Truth

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The church took over the city of Rome. It changed the calendar. It set up holy days. The Roman Church spread the Gospel and fed the poor throughout the world.

When the Pope speaks people listen. When outsiders perceive a fobble the Roman Church turns it into a victory.

The Roman Church canonized the Bible. And the Roman Church says the Apocrypha is part of the canonized Scripture.

We can use the Apocrypha. It's contained in many Protestant Bibles.

There is a lot of power in the Apocrypha!

Just because a denomination is old does not mean it is right.

The Apostles warned about false brothers and false doctrines that would come from even among them.

God's Truth

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The church took over the city of Rome. It changed the calendar. It set up holy days. The Roman Church spread the Gospel and fed the poor throughout the world.

When the Pope speaks people listen. When outsiders perceive a fobble the Roman Church turns it into a victory.

The Roman Church canonized the Bible. And the Roman Church says the Apocrypha is part of the canonized Scripture.

We can use the Apocrypha. It's contained in many Protestant Bibles.

There is a lot of power in the Apocrypha!

The Apocrypha doesn't add any new doctrines. It doesn't help in the guidance to eternal life.

God's Truth

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Pow. Power. Powerest.

The church took over the city of Rome. It changed the calendar. It set up holy days. The Roman Church spread the Gospel and fed the poor throughout the world.

When the Pope speaks people listen. When outsiders perceive a fobble the Roman Church turns it into a victory.

The Roman Church canonized the Bible. And the Roman Church says the Apocrypha is part of the canonized Scripture.

We can use the Apocrypha. It's contained in many Protestant Bibles.

There is a lot of power in the Apocrypha!

Here is a scripture that exposes the Catholic Religion.

Matthew 23:9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Catholics have a Pope. Pope means ‘father’. The Catholics even call their Pope ‘Holy Father’. ‘Holy Father’ is a name reserved for God. Not only do the Catholic parishioners call the Pope and priests ‘father,’ the Pope and priests call each other ‘father’. Jesus said not to call any one on earth ‘father’ and that they are all brothers in Christ. There are many other false doctrines in the Catholic religion, but starting from the top of their religion— the Pope, that should be enough to stop there with that religion.

God's Truth

New member
Many think the Catholics determined what books were to be included in the Bible, because they over the centuries publicly listed the books that they used. There were canons put together and used by people even before the Catholics. Different people gave personal statements about the books, but they were only commenting on the books and letters that the first Christians used from the beginning. They had only acknowledged those books early Christian communities already accepted as scripture.
The Catholic denominations started to introduce heresies in approximately 310 A.D. The Roman Catholic Church, which taught things contrary to the Bible, began with the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross. The Catholics continued to bring in many false teachings.
Official canonization of the New Testament scriptures came about because of heresies Gnostics and other sects spread. The first Christians accepted as scripture New Testament teachings by letter and books right from the beginning.
The New Testament teachings were by letter and books right from the beginning. In 1 Timothy 5:18 Paul joins a New Testament scripture (Luke 10:7) to an Old Testament scripture (Deuteronomy 25:4) and calls them both scripture. In addition, we can see in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter recognizes what Paul writes as scripture.

Again, the believers from the beginning used these books and letters from the start. That is what determined these books as scripture.


The second vatican made a mockery out of the "infallible" Catholic popes.
No it didn't. Vatican II, like John's Gospel, is to be interpreted as continuing what came before, and not discontinuity with regard to what came before.

God's Truth

New member
No it didn't. Vatican II, like John's Gospel, is to be interpreted as continuing what came before, and not discontinuity with regard to what came before.

The Catholic's pope John Paul II did make a mockery out of the infallibility of the Catholic popes.

It is not comparable to John's gospel.


New member
Is it my imagination, or are the catholic propaganda threads becoming really

Insipid. Insipider. Insipidest?

It's almost as if they are giving up to the inevitable decline into irrelevance that is evident in the RCC around much of the world, except perhaps the poorest places where they can still cynically celebrate and exploit poverty, and repress women as usual.



Is it my imagination, or are the catholic propaganda threads becoming really

Insipid. Insipider. Insipidest?

It's almost as if they are giving up to the inevitable decline into irrelevance that is evident in the RCC around much of the world, except perhaps the poorest places where they can still cynically celebrate and exploit poverty, and repress women as usual.



(No need for worry. The Calvinists are not getting off the hook in this thread. When they get done putting salve on their wounded pride they will realize that the Gospel has gone forth in the United States all ready. No more Gospel. Time for judgement.)


You are being offed the Pope here. But this is my understanding of you

The Pope will be rejected because of pride
You will fane El Duce

But you have a real bent for Mohammad. It's his oil and his girls and his opium.


Here let me explain it to you so Sherman can't call me a troll

Everyone knows that America lusts for cheap oil. Well Mohammad can give that to you.

Everyone knows that America loves to get high. Well Mohammad can get you the highest.

But what about the girls?


New member
Is it my imagination, or are the catholic propaganda threads becoming really

Insipid. Insipider. Insipidest?

It's almost as if they are giving up to the inevitable decline into irrelevance that is evident in the RCC around much of the world, except perhaps the poorest places where they can still cynically celebrate and exploit poverty, and repress women as usual.


In what way would you say women are oppressed?
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New member

Choose one-

The Pope
El Duce
I can't decide which of the three represents the greatest damage done to humanity.

If you choose El Duce don't you get Pius XI anyway?

I think Mussolini made the least contribution to misery on the planet of the three. But he did help Pius XI to consolidate papal power, so it is a close thing.

I give up. What is the correct answer?



New member
In what way are would you say women are oppressed?
Let's start with reproductive rights. It is a pretty well established principle that you can start to overcome poverty if you allow women to escape a state of perpetual child bearing. The particularly nasty 'Mother Theresa' who claimed that poverty was beautiful, stridently railed against contraception and abortion according to the Catholic line. The denial of contraception and the love for poverty are directly linked. And it all boils down pretty much to the denial of rights to women.

By its influence and the signing of concordats the vatican places pressure on democratically elected governments to limit access to abortion, in ways that endanger the life of pregnant women, and damage mental health. So it is not only repression of women involved in the church, but oppression of women who claim no connection with the church, by way of asserting Catholic dogmas undemocratically on entire populations.

The Catholic church does not allow women to hold clerical positions within the church. It has to use religious exemptions within employment laws around the world in order to discriminate on the basis of gender.

Were you thinking there was no oppression of women in Catholicism?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
the rcc killed christians, tried to keep the common man from having the Word of God and has preached heresy since the beginning

how have they turned the inquisition into a victory, or the rape and molestation of thousands of kids?

That is patently false. THe scritprue predates the rcc by almost 300 years.

one of the best signs that they are to be ignored

Good post.