The Real Mount Sinai Found in Saudi Arabia


Well-known member
Ron Wyatt discredited himself by some of his outrageous claims and so was branded a scammer.

Ron claimed to have found the following:

Burial pots off the coast of Ashkelon
Noah's Ark (the Durupınar site, located approximately 29 kilometres (18 mi) south of Mount Ararat)
Anchor stones (or drogue stones) used by Noah on the Ark
The post-flood house, grave markers and tombs of Noah and his wife
The location of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other Cities of the Plain: Zoar, Zeboim and Admah
Sulfur/brimstone balls from the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah
The area of Djoser's pyramid complex believed to be the remains of Joseph's grain distribution bins used during the seven-year famine
The site of the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea (located in the Gulf of Aqaba)
Chariot wheels and other relics of the army of Pharaoh at the bottom of the Red Sea
The site of the biblical Mount Sinai (in Saudi Arabia at Jabal al-Lawz)
The site of the Crucifixion of Jesus
A chamber at the end of a maze of tunnels under Jerusalem containing artifacts from Solomon's Temple,

All the above is confirmed by millions of people who have now also seen and tested them for themselves.

All you and a minority really doubt are the following:

The Ark of the Covenant
Christ's blood in an "earthquake crack" beneath the crucifixion site, the DNA of which, according to Wyatt, contained 24 chromosomes, rather than 46

Even then the blood has been tested and confirmed by others who have testified on camera which can be seen on youtube;