Fake News and manipulated polls do not make facts disappear. Hillary was also leading in most polls in 2016, but those polls were obviously badly flawed. Nobody should take biased polls seriously and all polls are biased to one extent or another, some far worse than others.I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks Trump actually won the 2020 election is just full-on delusional. If you really "know for a fact that democrats stole the election by fraud," then you're going to have to explain to me how it was that public opinion polls taken before the election by the conservative Rasmussen Reports and Fox News showed Biden leading Trump. In fact, every nationwide poll taken before the election showed Biden leading Trump.
I have a friend, a former co-worker, who's gone full QAnon. His latest news to me is that Hillary Clinton has already been executed and that Trump will be restored to the presidency in August. He told me several months ago that Nancy Pelosi had been arrested at the Mexican boarder as she was trying to flee the country. This is all lunacy, but it shows how gullible and deluded you people can be.
The democrats stole the election by fraud and only buffoons refuse to accept the facts and evidence.

Mail-in voting update: Due to massive postal failures, New York will count many mailed-in ballots even if they're not postmarked by the deadline, or postmarked at all | Blaze Media
Six weeks after the primary, no result

The troubles in the New York City congressional primary fuels concerns about what the November election might look like if much of the country is voting by mail because of continued concerns about the spread of COVID-19. President Donald Trump has even suggested delaying the election rather than using mail-in voting as the primary method of casting ballots.
The president has paid some attention to the delayed NY-12 primary, calling it "a total disaster."
"They're six weeks into it now," Trump said, according to NYT. "They have no clue what's going on."