The "QAnon" Fraud!


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks Trump actually won the 2020 election is just full-on delusional. If you really "know for a fact that democrats stole the election by fraud," then you're going to have to explain to me how it was that public opinion polls taken before the election by the conservative Rasmussen Reports and Fox News showed Biden leading Trump. In fact, every nationwide poll taken before the election showed Biden leading Trump.

I have a friend, a former co-worker, who's gone full QAnon. His latest news to me is that Hillary Clinton has already been executed and that Trump will be restored to the presidency in August. He told me several months ago that Nancy Pelosi had been arrested at the Mexican boarder as she was trying to flee the country. This is all lunacy, but it shows how gullible and deluded you people can be.
Fake News and manipulated polls do not make facts disappear. Hillary was also leading in most polls in 2016, but those polls were obviously badly flawed. Nobody should take biased polls seriously and all polls are biased to one extent or another, some far worse than others.

The democrats stole the election by fraud and only buffoons refuse to accept the facts and evidence.

More than 400,000 absentee ballots were cast in New York City during the primary season, which is more than were submitted in the entire state during the 2018 election.
The troubles in the New York City congressional primary fuels concerns about what the November election might look like if much of the country is voting by mail because of continued concerns about the spread of COVID-19. President Donald Trump has even suggested delaying the election rather than using mail-in voting as the primary method of casting ballots.
The president has paid some attention to the delayed NY-12 primary, calling it "a total disaster."
"They're six weeks into it now," Trump said, according to NYT. "They have no clue what's going on."


Well-known member
Right back at you! If you really "know for a fact that democrats stole the election by fraud," then you're going to have to explain how it was that public opinion polls taken before the election by the conservative Rasmussen Reports and Fox News showed Biden leading Trump. In fact, every nationwide poll taken before the election showed Biden leading Trump.
Democrats lie and public polls are subject to wide margins of error and political bias. Anyone refusing to believe that is delusional.


Well-known member
Why would it be fear exactly?! Do you speak on behalf of all conservatives here because I doubt all of them are paranoid. Fear of what precisely?

Oh, and 'breitbart'? Hardly the yardstick for objective commentary...
All humans on earth had better learn to fear God and turn from sin before their refusal to repent lands them in serious trouble when God judges the wicked.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
More than 400,000 absentee ballots were cast in New York City during the primary season, which is more than were submitted in the entire state during the 2018 election.
Of course there was more absentee ballots cast in 2020. In case you didn't notice, there was a pandemic going on.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Hillary was also leading in most polls in 2016, but those polls were obviously badly flawed.
No, those polls weren't flawed. Hillary won the popular vote by ~3 million, so the polls were accurate in that sense.

The only reason Trump won in 2016 was because black voters and Bernie Sanders supporters in several states that normally vote Democrat didn't show up to vote for Hillary. There were good reasons for that: 1) Black voters remembered Hillary playing the race card in the '90s and also during her campaign for the nomination against Obama in 2008, so significant numbers of them didn't cast any vote for president on election day. 2) Sanders supporters were angry about WikiLeaks revelations that Hillary colluded with DNC leadership to snub Sanders, so many of them didn't vote for Hillary come election day.

If Hillary had gotten just 80,000 more votes spread out across 3 blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio), she would have won not only the popular vote but the Electoral College as well. That's how close that election was. It wasn't a "landslide" victory for Trump by any means. He won, but just barely.

Fast forward to the 2020 presidential election. Black voters and Bernie bros had no such compunctions about voting for Biden, as they did for Hillary. That's why Biden won whereas Hillary didn't.


Well-known member
Of course there was more absentee ballots cast in 2020. In case you didn't notice, there was a pandemic going on.
The problem with the huge dump of ballots in big democrat strongholds is that so many tens of thousands of questionable ballots for Biden showed up after polls closed, did not have the required chain-of-custody documentation, and had no proof of validity. Americans who think the rioting, looting, black racist, baby-murdering, democrat savages would never commit voter fraud are stupid.


Well-known member
No, those polls weren't flawed. Hillary won the popular vote by ~3 million, so the polls were accurate in that sense.

The only reason Trump won in 2016 was because black voters and Bernie Sanders supporters in several states that normally vote Democrat didn't show up to vote for Hillary. There were good reasons for that: 1) Black voters remembered Hillary playing the race card in the '90s and also during her campaign for the nomination against Obama in 2008, so significant numbers of them didn't cast any vote for president on election day. 2) Sanders supporters were angry about WikiLeaks revelations that Hillary colluded with DNC leadership to snub Sanders, so many of them didn't vote for Hillary come election day.

If Hillary had gotten just 80,000 more votes spread out across 3 blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio), she would have won not only the popular vote but the Electoral College as well. That's how close that election was. It wasn't a "landslide" victory for Trump by any means. He won, but just barely.

Fast forward to the 2020 presidential election. Black voters and Bernie bros had no such compunctions about voting for Biden, as they did for Hillary. That's why Biden won whereas Hillary didn't.
Even with support from invalid votes Hillary still lost. Democrats claim, however, that since Hillary won more than ten million votes in big democrat precincts then her higher count should disannul the votes of 90% of the rest of the country. That is not how it works in America. But that may be how it works in communist Russia.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Once again, why do you care more about where information comes from than you do about the information itself?

Genetic fallacy, and especially here, poisoning the well and ad hominem against Breitbart.

Attack the argument, not the people making it.
I care about both. The source of a claim can often be a strong indicator of the likelihood of the veracity regarding it and this instance is no exception. That doesn't necessarily mean that anything sites such as the one in question has to say is false, as the old adage goes, even a broken clock can be right twice a day - but it can and should be taken with a pinch of salt until or if it's corroborated.

What do you mean by "especially here", poisoning the well and such? Breitbart is a far right wing site that along with plenty of others, TGP, Infowars etc are given short shrift in terms of credence in reputable media circles. They're discredited and have been proven to push fake news, false information and conspiracy theories.

Where it comes to attacking the message then that's hardly difficult as I thought I'd made clear in response to Marke. Heck, it's demeaning and patronising to conservatives isn't it? Why on earth would anybody be scared of a phone call from a stranger whether it was regarding voting or buying a new carpet cleaner? You have the option of not answering the phone or hanging up if you don't like how the convo's going, it's not difficult.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All humans on earth had better learn to fear God and turn from sin before their refusal to repent lands them in serious trouble when God judges the wicked.
What exactly is "scary" for conservatives if someone phones them and asks them who they're going to vote for? What? Like anyone else, they have the option of not answering the phone or just hanging up if they don't like the call. How hard is that?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I asked: Why do you care more about where information comes from than you do about the information itself?
I thought my reply had clarified this. I care about the veracity of any given information so that doesn't equate to caring more about where it comes from than the information itself.


Well-known member
What exactly is "scary" for conservatives if someone phones them and asks them who they're going to vote for? What? Like anyone else, they have the option of not answering the phone or just hanging up if they don't like the call. How hard is that?
Typical skewed poll question: "Would you rather have peace and prosperity under new democrat leadership or the same old crap under worn-out failed republican mismanagement?" Democrat poll result: '75% of Americans favored new leadership to do away with republicans!'

User Name

Greatest poster ever

QAnon conspiracy theories have burrowed so deeply into American churches that pastors are expressing alarm — and a new poll shows the bogus teachings have become as widespread as some denominations. Russell Moore, one of America's most respected evangelical Christian thinkers, told me he's "talking literally every day to pastors, of virtually every denomination, who are exhausted by these theories blowing through their churches or communities." Moore, who recently joined Christianity Today magazine after serving as the top political voice of the Southern Baptist Convention, said that for many, QAnon is "taking on all of the characteristics of a cult, from authoritarian gurus ... to predictions that don't come true."


Well-known member

QAnon conspiracy theories have burrowed so deeply into American churches that pastors are expressing alarm — and a new poll shows the bogus teachings have become as widespread as some denominations. Russell Moore, one of America's most respected evangelical Christian thinkers, told me he's "talking literally every day to pastors, of virtually every denomination, who are exhausted by these theories blowing through their churches or communities." Moore, who recently joined Christianity Today magazine after serving as the top political voice of the Southern Baptist Convention, said that for many, QAnon is "taking on all of the characteristics of a cult, from authoritarian gurus ... to predictions that don't come true."
Democrats and flaming leftist liberals who call the truth a 'conspiracy theory' are just promoting lies because they are of the devil and the lust of their lying father they will do.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Democrats and flaming leftist liberals who call the truth a 'conspiracy theory' are just promoting lies because they are of the devil and the lust of their lying father they will do.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Who are you calling "Democrats and flaming leftist liberals"? Russell Moore was a leader in the Southern Baptist Convention and now works for Christianity Today. He's not a Democrat or a flaming leftist liberal! Even Bob Enyart has come out against QAnon:

Are you going to call Enyart a Democrat or a flaming leftist liberal?


Well-known member
Who are you calling "Democrats and flaming leftist liberals"? Russell Moore was a leader in the Southern Baptist Convention and now works for Christianity Today. He's not a Democrat or a flaming leftist liberal! Even Bob Enyart has come out against QAnon:

Are you going to call Enyart a Democrat or a flaming leftist liberal?
I don't know who QAnon is but I do know flaming leftist liberals like to call the truth a lie and historical facts conspiracy theories. For example, flaming leftist liberals claim anyone pointing out the fact of democrat voter fraud in 2020 is ignorant and lying, which is untrue.