Who?You're actually claiming to know who Q is?
Who?You're actually claiming to know who Q is?
Well, it's hardly User Name's conspiracy theory. Sure, plenty people buy into the whole Q nonsense as do some of Trump's former staff and Alex Jones is obviously a complete crank. Still, this, unfortunately is what is often lauded and promoted by the far right.Your Q conspiracy theory makes even Alex Jones look sane
Not at all. In fact, what I have posted in this thread is not theory, it is fact. Anyone can verify the information for themselves, and I challenge anyone to prove that anything I have posted in this thread is false.Well, it's hardly User Name's conspiracy theory.
Is claiming that most republicans are QAnon the same thing as claiming most blacks are democrat cultists with no history of thinking for themselves?Considering that virtually the entire base of the Republican Party is dominated by QAnon followers, I suspect that both of you know quite a bit more about it than you're letting on.
I can understand reasonable conservatives claiming they are not QAnon cultists just as I can understand reasonasble blacks claiming they are not black racist democrat cultists.Anyone, at least any regular user on here knows fine well about Q Anon with the thread that Jefferson continually updated alone:
Q Anon
This thread is going to be about Q Anon, a supposed insider to the Deep State. If you want to bash Trump start your own thread. You have the ability to start your own thread. Anyone can criticize the posts and the alleged information I post. Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons...theologyonline.com
Understandable in some ways that folk on the far right want to distance themselves away from the lunacy and bat crazy nonsense but the feigned ignorance is laughable.
I suspect there are thousands of deranged Trump followers just as there are thousands of deranged democrat leaders.Have fun supporting a political party whose base is made up of people that Bob Enyart calls "pro-Trump people who truly have a problem with mental illness."
Even if one woman is found to be a quack that does not clear democrats of charges of widespread voter fraud. The only thing that can clear democrats of voter fraud charges are facts dug up by extensive investigations into all the evidence of fraud.She's not being "falsely accused". She has promoted all sorts of lunatic conspiracy rubbish that you yourself have admitted knowing next to nothing about. Now you do.
I am happy to be ignorant of QAnon just as I am happy to be ignorant of widespread KKK murders of blacks in our modern world. I am not ignorant, however, of widespread black hatred and their murders of whites and cops in our modern world.If you really don't know what QAnon is at this late stage, then you are one of the very few who don't. But then you are ignorant about so much that I really shouldn't be surprised.
Star showed bad judgment in the Epstein affair just as Robert Mueller showed bad judgment by keeping an innocent man behind bars after he found out the man had been framed by the FBI and was innocent of the crimes for which the FBI dishonestly had him convicted.Add Ken Starr to the list of Republicans who gave their all to get Jeffrey Epstein off the hook back in 2008:
And by the way, "Starr recently came back into public consciousness when he joined former President Trump's defense team in his first impeachment trial in 2020."
So Ken Starr is yet another Trump toady who defended Epstein.
Republicans who cover for criminal acts by republicans and democrats who cover for criminal acts by democrats are all in trouble with God.What explains why so many biased republican cultists only criticize sinners if those sinners are not republicans?
I cannot answer for those who coddle sin instead of rebuking it. A person may be a republican or may be a Christian but if he coddles sin instead of rebuking sin then that person dishonors God and I do not approve of what he is doing.Why do so many republicans (you for example) fail to reprove or rebuke republican sinners?
It sounds like QAnon might be some sort of disseminator of deliberately false propaganda for some reason. Nobody should blindly believe false propaganda. people should think for themselves, not be told what to think by cult, religious, or political leaders.One of the biggest lies of QAnon is that the military was/is planning a coup to reinstall Trump as president. Here's the truth on that:
Top generals feared Trump would attempt a coup after election, according to Mark Milley book | CNN Politics
The top US military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley, was so shaken that then-President Donald Trump and his allies might attempt a coup or take other dangerous or illegal measures after the November election that Milley and other top officials informally planned for...amp.cnn.com
Democrats claim you cannot believe everything a woman says about abuse, as in cases like those of Biden and other prominent democrat leaders.
What was "the Storm?" A Tom Clancy novel?Wasn't the whole idea of "the Storm" basically a type of military coup?
Democrats are still fighting like hell to keep investigators from examining computers and other data that many Americans think will prove democrats committed voter fraud in 2020.How's that election fraud sting operation going? Mike Lindell says the election will be overturned on August 13 and Trump will be restored to the presidency. I bet you can't wait!
Hillary Clinton was not arrested because the leftist crook James Comey, like a judge owned by mobsters, forgave her of her crimes without even investigating her. Comey violated several federal laws by doing that, but he got away with it because the democrat mob was able to cover for him.Link to all "Q drops" online: https://qposts.online/page/104
Q's very first drop, on 28 October 2017, was particularly absurd: "HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur."
Hillary Clinton to be arrested, others to attempt to flee the country, massive riots to be expected in protest...
What went wrong?
Is claiming that most republicans are QAnon the same thing as claiming most blacks are democrat cultists with no history of thinking for themselves?
The testimony of the so-called "whistleblower" who met with Schiff and democrats to formulate lying accusations against Trump proved to be falsifiable. Democrats violated constitutionally established principles of due process in order to impeach Trump on trumped-up charges, and they could not allow Trump's defense to cross-examine the alleged whistleblower for obvious reasons, in spite of the fact that refusing to allow Trump's defense team to cross-examine his accuser was entirely illegal.So Q is unfalsifiable? No matter what Q gets wrong, Q is "not even wrong"? Got it.