The Preterists and Matthew 24:34

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
We now live in a new heavens and new earth.

No, that is ridiculous. Here is what John said about that:

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea" (Rev.21:1).​

According to your loony ideas the first earth has already passed away and there is no more sea. The sad thing is the fact that you actually believe that!

(Zech 1:3) Therefore tell the people: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty.

Sounds conditional to me.

There is nothing that even hints that this prophecy is a conditional one:

"I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city. Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem" (Zech.14:2-4).​

Since the events described in that passage have not yet happened and you have no place for the fulfillment of it in your eschatology you must somehow get rid of it.

So you say that it was conditional despite the fact that it is an unconditional statement.

I'm surprised that they let you out of your strait jacket long enough for you to post these zany ideas!
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Well-known member
yep,,,,there are preterist and premill maps,,,,,,thats the issue,,,but now their going to look and it will be the beginning to proving that all the maps and all the history has both,,,,,,one to provide proof to YOUR stance and a host of maps to support theirs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"THANKS FOR ADMITTING TO IT!",,,,,,,,,,,


yep,,,,there are preterist and premill maps,,,,,,thats the issue,,,but now their going to look and it will be the beginning to proving that all the maps and all the history has both,,,,,,one to provide proof to YOUR stance and a host of maps to support theirs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"THANKS FOR ADMITTING TO IT!",,,,,,,,,,,

It doesn't matter.

Jesus didn't tell them to cross the border and leave Judaea. All He did was tell them to flee to the mountains, and told those who were not in Judaea, not to go there.

You're as bad as the people who argue that the Wailing Wall proves Luke 21:6 hasn't happened yet.


According to your loony ideas the first earth has already passed away and there is no more sea.

You should really familiarize yourself with OT symbolism.

The word "sea" is used often in the OT to describe pagan Gentile nations.

Only Darby followers think this current planet earth is going to be destroyed, and then a brand new Xerox copy of planet earth created with literally no sea on it.

Don't you realize how foolish you sound?


Well-known member
It doesn't matter.

Jesus didn't tell them to cross the border and leave Judaea. All He did was tell them to flee to the mountains, and told those who were not in Judaea, not to go there.

You're as bad as the people who argue that the Wailing Wall proves Luke 21:6 hasn't happened yet.

DUHHHH,I told you in the beginning it wouldn't change nothing,but I also proved you lied to say it,,,and you posted your own maps to prove it,,,,come clean,,,


DUHHHH,I told you in the beginning it wouldn't change nothing,but I also proved you lied to say it,,,and you posted your own maps to prove it,,,,come clean,,,

When did I lie?

My point has been all along that the warnings of Jesus were to those in Judaea, and to those who might be traveling to Judaea.

You come clean!

You're a Darby follower, and as expected, you only care about attacking me instead of the topic at hand.


I'm surprised that they let you out of your strait jacket long enough for you to post these zany ideas!

Apparently you never saw Johnny W's living quarters:



Well-known member
When did I lie?

My point has been all along that the warnings of Jesus were to those in Judaea, and to those who might be traveling to Judaea.

You come clean!

You're a Darby follower, and as expected, you only care about attacking me instead of the topic at hand.[/QUOTE

no your a Darby follower,,,and you know that there is no way to prove that they ever left Judaea,,,and I don't need to come clean everyone in this site can read from here backwards and they will see I ask "where is Pella?,,,why didn't they do what Jesus said ect...",,,,"your the one that hid it",,,


and you know that there is no way to prove that they ever left Judaea,,,

We have historians who wrote about people fleeing Jerusalem between the time Cestius surrounded the city, and a short time later when Vespasian surrounded it.

History confirms that what Jesus said was going to happen in Mark 13, Luke 21, and Matt 24 happened exactly as He said it would.

Yet, people like you deny it.


Well-known member
there is something about 2 Cor 5 you should know, though. Tetelestai has an angle with some merit, although I've never been satisfied with people who find 2 Pet 3 to be all figures of speech.

But here is the point about 2 Cor 5. The New Creation language there is not as individual as the modern popular presentation makes it, and (this is huge) it is in reference to the Old Covenant.

re the "in Christ" dimension. The Greek text makes this (New Creation) a name of Christ. "If anyone is in Christ the New Creation, old things have passed; new have come." It might have even had "Christ--the New Creation--old things..." If you don't realize this is a sweeping statement about Judaism, you will read it subjectively: if a person is in Christ, he is a new creation, and those are lower case.

But in relation to the more subjective "changed life" message, you can see that this is saying something different anyway. It is not about what changes inside you. It is about who you are in. The alternative in the old covenant was to be in Moses or perhaps Abraham or just in the Old Covenant. So clearly, something new has been created, and it is a "world" of sorts--if you were raised in Judaism like Paul.

It is important to remember a self-awareness item here that Paul mentions. "We once knew Christ in the ordinary way (kata sarka). But we do so no longer." That means you could have been in the front row of a crowd and not really realized that the big picture was not an intriguing way of telling stories, or healings, or some miracle event, but God was in this Person, settling humanity's sin debt. Judaism saw everything he did; they did not comprehend most of what he did. That sets up the need for a dramatic title like the New Creation.

I'm saying this because we can't look at the specs of what Christ did in his Gospel ministry and event and say 'that's not a kingdom' or 'that can't possibly be what Isaiah meant.' Actually, on the grand scheme, it was. The old passed away and the new came, in which every hubbed on Christ, who was the righteousness of God for us.

One further precedent for doing this is Gal 6:15 and we must notice that it is tied to the new Israel of God. (We are supposed to read this in contrast to an Israel of flesh, or human, or 'sarka' which does not keep the 'rule.') Granted, it looks more like the individual is intended, but it is a case when there is only two things to sort between: fuss about circumcision or not. In Christ there is no concern; you can be either way. In Judaism you must be one way or be shunned.


Well-known member
We have historians who wrote about people fleeing Jerusalem between the time Cestius surrounded the city, and a short time later when Vespasian surrounded it.

History confirms that what Jesus said was going to happen in Mark 13, Luke 21, and Matt 24 happened exactly as He said it would.

Yet, people like you deny it.

good for you and your historians,,,we have (Matthew 24:16 KJV) into the mountains,,,,lol not over the mountains and almost out of Judaea

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You should really familiarize yourself with OT symbolism.

The word "sea" is used often in the OT to describe pagan Gentile nations.

Only Darby followers think this current planet earth is going to be destroyed, and then a brand new Xerox copy of planet earth created with literally no sea on it.

Don't you realize how foolish you sound?

19/24 posts-"Darby" spam.

Nice, Mormon.