What if the driving force for these 15-minute cities is not to be economically successful or even pleasant for its inhabitants? What if the driving force is to permanently de-Christianize the world, as part of the same anti-Christian agenda that mostly de-Christianized Russia from 1917 to 1939?Complete, leftist, fantasy land, nonsense.
Personally, I'd be very surprised if the Lord tarries another two centuries. We're already so close, it seems to me, to be living in a world such as Noah lived in(Gen. 6:5).
Could it be a lot worse than it is?
Will it take 200 years to get there?
I don't see how it could.
Regardless, there isn't any chance whatsoever that the cities that currently exist will be demolished and replaced with "Line" cities. In fact, I'd be willing to predict that there will never be a Line city that works and lasts longer than a very few years, if one ever exists at all.
The left always seems to just ignore how an economy actually works, never mind how human being act and why they act that way. Sure, they use buzz words like "sustainability" and "economy" but their brains process those ideas in a manner that ignores the reality of those concepts. Central planning simply does not work. It never has and it never will because it cannot work. It doesn't matter if you're talking about planning a housing community, a city or trying to engineer a whole national economy. The systems and processes involved are too organic and too complex. You might as well try telling the weather where and when it's allowed to rain.
In short, there's no way to have a free society where everyone is going to want to live in such a city, because why should they, and in a society that isn't free and people are forced to live in these cities, an insufficient number of people carry their own weight because why should they?
There! In one sentence, the entire idea of the Line City is smashed to dust. The investors of that company are either con-artists or fools.
By 1939, barely 200 churches remained open, out of about 46,000 before the Russian Revolution. Clergy and laymen had been executed or placed in labor camps, while only four bishops remained “at liberty.”
Why Stalin Tried to Stamp Out Religion in the Soviet Union | HISTORY
Joseph Stalin led a uniquely brutal campaign against religion and religious leaders.www.history.com
The 15-minute cities would enable an even greater ability to root out contraband Bibles and stamp out Christianity, through random searches and control of online engagement. Inhabitants could be managed through mandatory injections of a variety of mind-numbing concoctions.
Lord Jesus, please come before that horror materializes.