The Only Option.


Well-known member
Trump and his lunies with their fingers on the nuclear triggers.

Ah, some of our top generals aren't good enough, huh?

You do realize if we do nothing, the mountain they've been using in North Korea will continue to implode until radiation starts spreading over the land....or the loonie fat boy sends one over here? Or, we could just sit around like we've always done with our tail between our legs and watch it all happen around us.


New member
America's mighty arsenal and their smartest generals cannot solve the Nth Korea situation. Any attempt to do so would be almost instant annihilation of millions of people and numerous cities. That would make Trump and Kim greater murderers than Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan or any other figure from history.

America seems driven by its suspicion and distrust of Russia, China, and anyone who does not share their ideology.

The only positive solution may be that America extends the hand of reconciliation and friendship to Russia,China and Nth Korea.

God's Truth

New member
America's mighty arsenal and their smartest generals cannot solve the Nth Korea situation. Any attempt to do so would be almost instant annihilation of millions of people and numerous cities. That would make Trump and Kim greater murderers than Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan or any other figure from history.

America seems driven by its suspicion and distrust of Russia, China, and anyone who does not share their ideology.

The only positive solution may be that America extends the hand of reconciliation and friendship to Russia,China and Nth Korea.

Do you believe he had his own brother killed?


Well-known member
How can politicians speak of going to war in Korea? This war would not be combat between troops and tanks. It would be missile obliteration! Catastrophic. It is time for a reality check. The US must make friends with North Korea. There is no other reasonable option.

The situation is a result of the world, especially the US, not taking care of the problem over the past few decades. It would have been far easier to handle 20 years ago, but why do anything when you can just push it off to the next administration?

These aren't kids in kindergarten , that you can just sit down and get them to "make friends". The situation is a mess, and there is no easy solution.

We are headed towards the same situation with Iran.


New member
Trump could take steps to make friends with Nth Korea. How? Stop the threats of military action. Stop war games with Sth Korea. Stop arming Japan. Stop seeking tougher sanctions by China. Listen to Russia and Putin's wisdom. Seek direct personal talks with Kim.