New member
Never disputed that private engineering firms were involved but, if you believe that the government builds anything without exacting standards, and complete oversight over the engineering being proposed you would be dead wrong. The government has engineers of their own that either approve or disapprove any plans for public works projects, defense articles, just about anything that is under contract. So, in the sense that private firms contracted to the government engineered or built a road yes but, that private firms put forth the money or had any final say in how anything the government builds gets done...never. It is always American ingenuity that builds things whether they are pulling a government check or a private one but, even the private check is paid with government funds, ie. the peoples money.
You've apparently never worked with the government on these projects. I have. That's not how it works. Sometimes they want to approve everything, sometimes they don't care what happens. And their engineers aren't better than the private sector ones.