We know what Jesus said.
No, you don't. You have 2nd or 3rd hand accounts written many years afterward.
We know what Jesus said.
It may be quite literal to you, but I hope you know that Saul was not hit by the arrows or lightning.
No, you don't. You have 2nd or 3rd hand accounts written many years afterward.
I am certainly not bothered by the nonliteral.I grabbed a Louis L'Amour novel "Passin' Through" and thought I would type the opening paragraph to see if it passes the literal test...
"Behind me a noose hung empty and before me the land was wild.
I rode a blue horse to the trail's divide and tossed a coin to choose my way. The coin fell left and I turned the roan, but doubt rode my shoulders like an evil thing"
I know exactly what he is saying, but I note how he lapses into non-literal speech in that last line.
And I can see that the story is told out of order. And there is a play on words that behind him (in time) a noose hung empty, but stretched out before him (in space and time) the land is wild.
And part of the story is left untold. I presume he wore that noose, or it was intended for him, but he obviously escaped it.
And the coin did not literally fall left. It fell heads or tails, which decided that he went left.
Why is it that we have no problem with other writing, such as Shakespeare or Louis L'Amour being non literal, but we get our underwear in a wad, whenever the Bible is non literal, or out of order? Do we start questioning if these authors exist if their writing is colourful or allegorical?
I am certainly not bothered by the nonliteral.
And plays on words — Adam and Adamah are great examples.
Go a few chapters deeper into Genesis and the entire development of civilization is figuratively told using a few people.
Iouae.... I'm not sure what drives you to distort what God's Word clearly says. How do you pick and choose what to believe? Was the Tower of Babel just a so so story? Is the Virgin birth just a so-so story? How about the resurrection? As Jesus asked if you don't believe Moses how can you believe in him?2003cobra said:Go a few chapters deeper into Genesis and the entire development of civilization is figuratively told using a few people.
Iouae.... I'm not sure what drives you to distort what God's Word clearly says. How do you pick and choose what to believe? Was the Tower of Babel just a so so story? Is the Virgin birth just a so-so story? How about the resurrection? As Jesus asked if you don't believe Moses how can you believe in him?
If the the genealogies between first Adam and Last Adam or allegorical.... you have destroyed the gospel. Atheists seem to understand that making Genesis allegorical destroys the gospel ... so why do you keep trying to distort what Genesis clearly teaches? I understand why atheists encourage Christians not to believe the Bible but I can't understand you and your beliefs
Was the Tower of Babel just a so so story?
Your low view of Scripture is what has lead to your low view of God. He is not a God who tinkered and experimented and had failures. That low view of God has lead to your mis-understanding or rejection of the Gospel. If first Adam and the geneaologies are figurative, then the cross becomes meaningless. If the geneaologies are fake, then Paul and Luke were duped... and we can keep going through Scripture noticing many authors and Bible characters referring to the people and events in Genesis as true history.2003cobra said:The gospel is not destroyed by the first chapters of Genesis being figurative
Iouae.... I'm not sure what drives you to distort what God's Word clearly says. How do you pick and choose what to believe? Was the Tower of Babel just a so so story? Is the Virgin birth just a so-so story? How about the resurrection? As Jesus asked if you don't believe Moses how can you believe in him?
If the the genealogies between first Adam and Last Adam or allegorical.... you have destroyed the gospel. Atheists seem to understand that making Genesis allegorical destroys the gospel ... so why do you keep trying to distort what Genesis clearly teaches? I understand why atheists encourage Christians not to believe the Bible but I can't understand you and your beliefs
Yes... I apologize.iouae said:6days did you notice that it was 2003cobra who wrote what you attribute to me.
We agree. And, from the description, and from archaeology of that time, it was likely a ziggurat. (Some of these towers still exist). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zigguratiouae said:There was a tower of Babel, which is probably a mound or tell somewhere now, due to the mud bricks not lasting.
I'm sure that is true. However, when we briefly discussed science a few times, you confused your beliefs about the past with science. Neither of your beliefs, nor mine, are science. However, when your beliefs were challenged by science, your only rebuttal was logical fallacy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populumiouae said:You need to update your science
Well....I am pretty old fashioned. I accept the plain meaning of the creation account as did Jesus. Jesus believed and taught that Adam and Eve were from the beginning of creation... the six day account in Genesis 1.iouae said:and update your reading of the Bible and Genesis.
These graphs show the temperature of earth, its CO2 levels and its O2 levels over time.
Estimated average global temperature changes (red curve), atmospheric concentration of CO2 (ppm: parts per million, blue curve), and oxygen (O2, green curve) in per cent throughout the past 3.9 billion years of Earth’s history. Climate today is in fact colder than the average for much of Earth’s history and the concentration of greenhouse gasses such as CO2 are correspondingly low. (Credit: Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz)
From http://sciencenordic.com/what-makes-climate-change-part-two
With this long term perspective, one sees that we are at a temperature low, a CO2 low and an O2 high period in earths history.
During the age of the dinosaurs, there were 3500 ppm CO2 whereas today there is less than 500. So there was 7 times more CO2 in earths atmosphere, and earth was 10 degrees celsius warmer
Then we need to get the CO2 levels higher because it is far too cold on most of the earth.
I would be careful saying things like that Iouae. After all Jesus seemed to defend the truth of Genesis, saying that humanity existed from the beginning of creation... the account found in Genesis 1 where the heavens, and earth and everything in them were created in six days.iouae said:And anything one says in defence of an earth being only 6000 years old, also is a lie....
For many years, Christians compromised on God's Word thinking they had to somehow fit billions of years into God's Word. About 55 years ago there were only 2 scientists willing to stand on the authority of God's Word, and reject consensus 'science' and evolutionism. Today, there likely are tens of thousands of committed Christian scientists, defending the Gospel through Genesis.... and science. There are now Bible believing scientists in virtually every field of science, and in many countries throughout the world.iouae said:Biology, anthropology, and palaeontology have been monopolised by atheists and evolutionists because we religious folk ran away and did not confront them with the truth. Instead, we just mumbled our mantra "The earth is just 6000 years old, Genesis says so" while ticking off another bead on our rosary. It's really pathetic.
I would be careful saying things like that Iouae. After all Jesus seemed to defend the truth of Genesis, saying that humanity existed from the beginning of creation... the account found in Genesis 1 where the heavens, and earth and everything in them were created in six days.
For many years, Christians compromised on God's Word thinking they had to somehow fit billions of years into God's Word. About 55 years ago there were only 2 scientists willing to stand on the authority of God's Word, and reject consensus 'science' and evolutionism. Today, there likely are tens of thousands of committed Christian scientists, defending the Gospel through Genesis.... and science. There are now Bible believing scientists in virtually every field of science, and in many countries throughout the world.