The Marxist Dialectic, the New American Nationalism and the Dinosaur Media

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
All public school teachers are required to know the ideology in the two volumes - the Taxonomy of Educational Goal Objectives,1956 and 1964 - by Benjamin Bloom and associates,to become certified.
That's really not true, you know. We (I'm the son of a teacher and professor and am currently enrolled in the Alt Masters Early Elementary program) are taught Bloom's Taxonomy, the distinction in domains, but not a Marxist philosophy or how to approach truth, beyond the utilization of scientific methodology.

Political correctness,
Is mostly what people who want to say something embarrassingly offensive to someone else or a group of "others" uses in an attempt to not look precisely as they should without the disclaimer.


New member
Benjamin Samuel Bloom was an American educational psychologist who, with others, wrote
two books on Educational Goal Taxonomies. The first
was published in 1956, as Bloom, B. S., et al, Taxonomy of educational
objectives: the classification of educational goals; Handbook I:
Cognitive Domain. His second Volume came out in 1964, Handbook II:
Affective Domain. To become certified public school teachers must learn the principles in these books.

Bloom says "Members of the taxonomy group spent considerable time in
attempting to find a psychological theory which would provide a sound
basis for ordering the categories of the taxonomy. …consistent with
relevant and accepted psychological principles and theories.”
(Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1,
Cognitive Domain)

There is a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on
page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno
and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology
contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. Book II
Affective Domain p. 166.

“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950” Benjamin Bloom,
Book II Affective Domain p. 166. This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno. Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who
posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950
book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the
authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and
Christianity. Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist
and close associate of the Frankfurters.

It is a fact that Transformational Marxism had an influence upon Bloom's Educational Goal taxonomies which teachers must learn to be certified. But - to facilitate argumentation the influence of Marxism in the Bloom Taxonomies has to be seen as being opinion.

You can go on the Internet search engines and type in "Transformational Marxism and certification of U.S. teachers"

Here is what I just got from that search: About 235,000 results (1.35 seconds)
By 'shifting' the classroom curriculum from the preaching and teaching of the ... "We working for Us" is a gnostic construct, with its affective domain, i.e., the .... teacher training when I earned my teaching degree (certification) forty-five years ago ...... (Transformational Marxists', those who merge Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud

The Role of Marxist Educators Against and Within Neoliberal Capitalism
Feb 26, 2012 - The Role of Marxist Educators Against and Within Neoliberal Capitalism ... Britain and the U.S. do get sidelined for promotion, isolated, and dismissed. ... the General Certificate of Secondary Education) attainments, 'rich' .... But our duty as socialist critical transformative activist intellectuals is more than this.

Letter to the Editor: Charter schools are not answer | Cabin Democrat
Jan 25, 1999 - ... and other educrats including transformational Marxist E.D. Hirsch funded by ... a key role in the national teacher certification process to protect its radical ... monopoly or does it take us further into state-controlled education?

Community Oriented Policing - COP program - Citizen Review Online
All teachers are certified on Benjamin Bloom's work. ... Hence, they came to be known as “Transformational Marxists”. ... Horkhiemer and others found positions in American universities and had their work funded by pro-Marxist foundations.

Neoliberalism and Education Reform | E. Wayne Ross -
[Winner of the 2008 “Critic's Choice Award” from the American Educational Studies ... Literary Supplement recently opined “classical 8 ROSS & GIBSON Marxist critique of ... Education is an integral aspect of social (and individual) transformation ...... (c) all teachers are to be “highly qualified” (certified) in their subject areas.

ABSTRACT Title of Dissertation - ResearchGate
by JCM Wood - ‎2008 - ‎Cited by 5 - ‎Related articles
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education .... process (e.g. teacher training, testing, governance, curriculum, etc.) ... theory grounded in neo-Marxism. ..... refers to a shift of transformation in the scale of human social organization that .... the U.S., the EU, and Japan) benefit from the knowledge economy, free trade, cheap.

[PDF]Radical Reflection: Toward the Transformation of Everyday Teaching ...
by R Brevvaxling - ‎2014 - ‎Related articles
Marx's unified theory of consciousness: Dialectics and the two forms of praxis......... 56! ..... But many of us teachers—reflective teachers—experience a disconnect between ... and under-prepared students seeking entrance into certificate and .

Common Core State Standards and Race to the Top. An Introduction ...
by J White - ‎Related articles
Jun 1, 2011 - Appendix 4: Academic Math versus Transformational Math . ... more general throughout the United States than it is throughout England herself. ... Constructivism19), and the neo-Marxism tradition he had learned from Morris ..... though the numbers of teachers achieving national board certification increased ..

Better Thinking in a Global World: The IDM Approach to Teaching ...
The article describes a methodology for teaching dialectical thinking that is based on ... introduces a certification program for dialectical thinking, in addition to the ... with Plato, and comprises recent thinkers such as Hegel, Marx, Adorno, ... world of reality approached dialectically that the ancient Greek thinkers taught us.

The elements of Barack Obama's Career Path Toward an American ...
Oct 28, 2008 - The elements of Barack Obama's Career Path Toward an American ... While in high school, his mother developed an affinity with a Marxist teacher and became an agnostic or atheist. ... methods of "Rules for Radicals" drafted by cynical, "transformational Marxist," .... There are a range of diploma, certificate.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Benjamin Samuel Bloom was an American educational psychologist who, with others, wrote
two books on Educational Goal Taxonomies.
Right. But I've noted what teachers are actually taught. To be certified (and I'm actually in a certification program, an Alternative Masters in Elementary Education) all I need from Bloom is an understanding of his hierarchy, which isn't a political manifesto. Beyond that, whatever he envisioned (and I haven't read more on him or been particularly interested enough to) is irrelevant and uncontrolling.

It is a fact that Transformational Marxism had an influence upon Bloom's Educational Goal taxonomies which teachers must learn to be certified. But - to facilitate argumentation the influence of Marxism in the Bloom Taxonomies has to be seen as being opinion.
Your problem appears to be that you're confusing his larger philosophical applications and musings with what teachers actually encounter and utilize, which if your sources are to be believed, is another animal.

You can go on the Internet search engines and type in "Transformational Marxism and certification of U.S. teachers"
Or you could Google Bloom's Taxonomy and look at what it is and how it is used by teachers. It's not sinister or guarded.

Most of your sources from Google lack authority of any discernible type. Letters to editors, foreign organizations and Gotcher's dressed up blog, to note a few. Curious choices, but telling if you really think about it.


New member
It is not surprising that most Christians reject the knowledge that public school education is influenced by Marxism, because they do not know what Marxism is. They reject the understanding that there is a way of making an argument against that which is absolute which is the Marxist dialectic. They deny the understanding that political correctness came out of Frankfurt School Marxism and define it in some other way. They would not understand that there has been an attack upon our culture led by Marxists in order to make it easier to set up a totalitarian world government. And the understanding that the financial and corporate elite is using Marxism is certainly not accepted by them. "They" are the multitude.

There were earlier influences on American public school education which had something in common with Transformational Marxism, but were not seen as being Marxist.

John Dewey was one of these earlier influences on education which helped set the stage for Marxism in education. Dewey is quoted as having said "The children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collectivist society."

Then there is the behaviorism of Fred Skinner applied to public school education, an influence which helps prepare children for a totalitarian society.

Carl R. Rogers and the encounter group movement, making use of facilitators and the dialectic would probably not seem Marxist to the Church multitude. But the encounter group movement, making some use of empirical knowledge of group manipulation from the Group Dynamics movement, helped prepare for a collectivist society.

Transformational Marxism in the U.S. has worked for decades without calling what they are doing Marxist.

And even some psychologists and others trained in similar ways who became change agents - like Norman O. Brown - may not have realized that they were acting like Marxists. One of the encounter group facilitators who worked under Carl Rogers said that "A.H. Maslow,hung out with the Frankfurters," A.H. Maslow was the other self psychologist who became, like Rogers, a leader of the Me Generation. William Coulson meant that Maslow was friends with Herbert Marcuse, an original member of the Frankfurt School who taught, like Maslow, at Brandeis University. I do not think that Carl Rogers had any personal connection with the Frankfurters or ever realized he was acting like a Marxist.

This former facilitator under Rogers in the sixties later became what was called "the repentant psychologist" - William Coulson, Ph.D clinical psychologist - came to realize that they were wrong and he knows about the Frankfurt School Marxists who infiltrated our universities.
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It is not surprising that most Christians reject the knowledge that public school education is influenced by Marxism,
It's becoming less and less surprising why you aren't really engaging, only tangentially nodding while repeating the things that have already been met directly.

Influenced is so general a word that who knows what you mean by it particularly.

because they do not know what Marxism is.
I've read his book. I don't agree with him, but I understand him. Outside of that, Marxism has expanded to cover a number of approaches to the central theme and values.

They reject the understanding that there is a way of making an argument against that which is absolute which is the Marxist dialectic.
It would have been clearer if you stopped speaking for others and declared then supported your idea. Marxism argues against the absolute. Right. It would have to given the premise as it relates to God. If you don't have a standard that is true and true outside of our desire or acceptance, then little that is meaningful can be absolute.

They deny the understanding that political correctness came out of Frankfurt School Marxism and define it in some other way.
Who are they? So far you not only haven't met me in my rebuttal, but haven't defined me or my understanding at any point. PC, these days, is used too often in an attempt to wrap the offensive in the cloth of truth or necessity when neither is the case. "Now I know this isn't PC, but [insert offensive comment here]."

They would not understand that there has been an attack upon our culture led by Marxists in order to make it easier to set up a totalitarian world government. And the understanding that the financial and corporate elite is using Marxism is certainly not accepted by them. "They" are the multitude.
Conspiracy theory is almost always the last refuge of lazy intellectualism and it doesn't really interest me. You can't reason someone out of a position that really isn't arrived at by that same means.

There were earlier influences on American public school education which had something in common with Transformational Marxism, but were not seen as being Marxist.
Our educational system isn't teaching Marxism, isn't involved in a conspiracy to destroy the value of the individual. If you were involved in it and/or spoke with those of us who are you'd understand that the pendulum swing of approach is anything but weighted toward that end.

John Dewey was one of these earlier influences on education which helped set the stage for Marxism in education. Dewey is quoted as having said "The children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collectivist society."
Quote the work. I'll wait while that bill of goods you've been sold by paranoid conspiracy theorists doesn't pan out. He didn't write it, though many "quote" it, as you did, without particular attribution.

Here's what particular attribution looks like in rebuttal:

"We need, on the whole, more elbow-room for activity of the outer sort, more freedom and spontaneity of action in the schoolroom and on the playground than we usually get, not because that is the act of self-expression or end in itself, but because, with a certain degree of elbow-room we can get opportunity for the students to think for themselves, to work out their own plans, to formulate their own problems, to carry their ideas into execution, and to test their plans and ideas to determine how they work out." John Dewwy, The Middle Works Vol. 15 (1923-1924), page 175.

Or, "
The College, more than most educational institutions of whatever sort, has been truly educational in living up to its effort to lead students to think–which means, of course, to think for themselves." John Dewey, The Later Works Vol. 5 (1929-1930), page 341.

That sounds like someone who values the individual, doesn't it.

Then there is the behaviorism of Fred Skinner applied to public school education, an influence which helps prepare children for a totalitarian society.
Skinner's behaviorist approach is subdivided and, as with any number of approaches, is applied by teachers who find it useful to the extent they do, as are opposing viewpoints. Classroom management theories run a wide course. I'm personally fond of a few I'll likely integrate, though Wong's methodology is my personal favorite.


New member

"Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is an American freelance writer who served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.."

"She is known for writing the book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The book reveals that changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child's parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future.[3] She says that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes."

An elite has been able to gain control over the public school education system from the top, because since the early 20th century our society and government have become top-down. Power has been concentrated by that elite, compared to the power similar elites had back in the thirties and forties. In many ways this top-down system of control by the elites from the top, and their concentration of power is harmful to the people. There has been some waking up of the public to this problem, and there are large numbers of people who have not started to understand the power of the elite. This is partly why the 2016 election is the most divisive and contentious election since the election of Lincoln in 1860.

James 4: 4; "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." Church Christians will say that since they do not engage in adultery, that James 4: 4 does not apply to them. But scripture has to be interpreted by scripture, and I John 2: 15 says "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

When William Coulson repented of his work under Carl Rogers in leading encounter groups as a Rogerian facilitator he based this on morals, Christian morals. Coulson understood that what they were doing was immoral by Christian morality, in part by driving the groups toward collectivism, but also and important, was that the Rogerian ideology led away from the Gospel of Christ. Marxism is extremely anti-Christian.

On William Coulson this site says "He testified how fraudulent the Encounter Movement was as science and how destructive it was in practice.

The encounter idea was first developed at the National Training Laboratory (NTL) at Bethel, Maine, sponsored by the National Education Association. It was founded in 1948 by Kurt Lewin, a German social psychologist who invented “sensitivity training” and “group dynamics,” or the psychology of the collective. Lewin’s work was very much in harmony with John Dewey’s collectivist educational philosophy.

Lewin’s work in Germany in the 1920s was also in harmony with the experiments taking place in Pavlov’s laboratory in Moscow on techniques of artificially creating behavioral disorganization. All of this was well expounded in a book written by one of Pavlov’s colleagues, Alexander Luria, The Nature of Human Conflicts, Researches in Disorganization and Control of Human Behavior, published in 1932. It had been translated from Russian by W. Horsley Gantt, an American psychologist who had spent the years 1922 to 1929 working in Pavlov’s laboratories in the Soviet Union. In his preface to the book, Luria wrote:

The researches described here are the results of the experimental psychological investigations at the State Institute of Experimental Psychology, Moscow, during the period 1923-1930. The chief problems of the author were an objective and materialistic description of the mechanisms lying at the basis of the disorganization of human behavior and an experimental approach to the laws of its regulation.... To accomplish this it was necessary to create artificially affects and models of experimental neuroses which made possible an analysis of the laws lying at the basis of the disintegration of behavior.

In describing the results of the experiments, Luria wrote: "Pavlov obtained very definite affective 'breaks,' an acute disorganization of behavior, each time that the conditioned reflexes collided, when the animal was unable to react to two mutually exclusive tendencies, or was incapable of adequately responding to any imperative problem."

Both dyslexia and attention deficit disorder can be artificially created by the methods used in Pavlov’s laboratory to create behavior neuroses in animals. Luria writes further:

K. Lewin, in our opinion, has been one of the most prominent psychologists to elucidate this question of the artificial production of affect and of experimental disorganization of behavior. The method of his procedure — the introduction of an emotional setting into the experience of a human, the interest of the subject in the experiment — helped him to obtain an artificial disruption of the affect of considerable strength.... Here the fundamental conception of Lewin is very close to ours."

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change

The type of group that Kurt Lewin, the flounder of Group Dynamics, is
talking about is a collective, unlike the cohesive family under the father

"And on the basis of this individual growth of each in our conditions a new
type of mighty socialist collective will in the long run be formed, where
“I” and “we” will merge into one inseparable whole. Such a collective can
only develop on the basis of profound ideological solidarity and an equally
profound emotional rapprochement, mutual understanding."
Nadezhda K. Krupskaya a, Letter to A. M. Gorky


Appears that northwye is one of those who uncritically accepts anything he can find on the interwebs and then takes up space posting it here.
A great waste of time.


New member
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." II Thessalonians 2: 3-4

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" II Timothy 4" 3

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of." II Peter 2: 1-2

In Matthew 5: 13 Christians are metaphorically said to be the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its (μωρανθη, moranthe) it is good for nothing. Moranthe is Strong's Exhaustive Concordance number 3471, moraino, from 3474, moros, "dull or stupid, as if to shut up, heedless, blockhead..."
Moraino is a cognitive condition. But in Matthew 5: 13 moranthe refers to
a spiritual state. Under the many false prophets the multitude in the churches have lost their intelligence, which means their spiritual discernment. They follow the world rather than the Spirit, and cannot have a light to shine on the world - Matthew 5: 14.

"The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.
16. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9: 15-16

In astronomy there is a concept called "Tail Drag," which refers to the drag on comets which causes them to orbit the sun in the Elliptical. Likewise, the multitude in the churches form a "Tail Drag," upon the movement to become free of the ruling elite, using Isaiah's metaphor that the false prophets are the tail, while the honorable man is the head.

It is not that becoming free of control by the elite is necessarily a path to spiritual life. It is that supporting an effort to become free is morally right and is a reflection of a spiritual life already forming.

Ezekiel 21:27 "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. "

Isaiah 28:17: "Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

Isaiah 28:18: "And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it."

Revelation 12: 17: "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Benjamin Samuel Bloom.To become certified public school teachers must learn the principles in these books.
The hierarchy, sure. Has nothing to do with Marxism though, as per my response to the first time you wrote or pasted it.

Okay, to anyone still actively thinking about the topic then.

Here's Bloom's Taxonomy by link. It's pretty simple, actually. This is an overview of it. You hopefully won't be surprise to find there's no overt or subversive elements of Marxism present, no drive toward "collectivism", etc.

It looks like most of what northwye is using here on Bloom comes from a guy's blog and from some fairly unhinged conspiracy theory, provided by equally suspect sources who have navigated the difficult reality of creating space on the internet in lieu of real authority. :plain: I've addressed the collectivist charge and the pretty vague hooks people like this guy or gall hang their hats on in my last.

It is a fact that Transformational Marxism had an influence upon Bloom's Educational Goal taxonomies which teachers must learn to be certified.
This is nonsense. He's going to keep parroting and pasting it, but there's nothing to it. Teachers aren't being taught to embrace or advance Marxist philosophy.

But - to facilitate argumentation the influence of Marxism in the Bloom Taxonomies has to be seen as being opinion.
No, it's seen as an educational theory, sans all the other stuff you're attempting to tangentially assert.

You can go on the Internet search engines and type in "Transformational Marxism and certification of U.S. teachers"
And you'll find a lot of nutters who created websites and not much else.

Better to just look at what teachers actually get from Bloom.

Here is what I just got from that search: About 235,000 results (1.35 seconds)
He did that already. About zero percent of what he found is authoritative. AuthorityResearch, by way of example, is a poorly written blog.


New member

"In 1917, they finally got a Marxist coup in Russia and it looked like the theory was working, but it stalled again. It didn’t spread and when attempts were made to spread immediately after the war, with the Spartacist uprising in Berlin, with the Bela Kun government in Hungary, with the Munich Soviet, the workers didn’t support them.

So the Marxists’ had a problem. And two Marxist theorists went to work on it: Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary. Gramsci said the workers will never see their true class interests, as defined by Marxism, until they are freed from Western culture, and particularly from the Christian religion – that they are blinded by culture and religion to their true class interests. Lukacs, who was considered the most brilliant Marxist theorist since Marx himself, said in 1919, “Who will save us from Western Civilization?” He also theorized that the great obstacle to the creation of a Marxist paradise was the culture: Western civilization itself."

"In 1923 in Germany, a think-tank is established that takes on the role of translating Marxism from economic into cultural terms, that creates Political Correctness as we know it today, and essentially it has created the basis for it by the end of the 1930s."

"Horkheimer’s initial heresy is that he is very interested in Freud, and the key to making the translation of Marxism from economic into cultural terms is essentially that he combined it with Freudism. Again, Martin Jay writes, “If it can be said that in the early years of its history, the Institute concerned itself primarily with an analysis of bourgeois society’s socio-economic sub-structure,”

" the radical feminism, the women’s studies departments, the gay studies departments, the black studies departments – all these things are branches of Critical Theory. What the Frankfurt School essentially does is draw on both Marx and Freud in the 1930s to create this theory called Critical Theory. The term is ingenious because you’re tempted to ask, “What is the theory?” The theory is to criticize. The theory is that the way to bring down Western culture and the capitalist order is not to lay down an alternative. They explicitly refuse to do that. They say it can’t be done, that we can’t imagine what a free society would look like (their definition of a free society). As long as we’re living under repression – the repression of a capitalistic economic order which creates (in their theory) the Freudian condition, the conditions that Freud describes in individuals of repression – we can’t even imagine it. What Critical Theory is about is simply criticizing. It calls for the most destructive criticism possible, in every possible way, designed to bring the current order down. And, of course, when we hear from the feminists that the whole of society is just out to get women and so on, that kind of criticism is a derivative of Critical Theory. It is all coming from the 1930s, not the 1960s."

"Other key members who join up around this time are Theodore Adorno, and, most importantly, Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse. Fromm and Marcuse introduce an element which is central to Political Correctness, and that’s the sexual element. And particularly Marcuse, who in his own writings calls for a society of “polymorphous perversity,” that is his definition of the future of the world that they want to create. Marcuse in particular by the 1930s is writing some very extreme stuff on the need for sexual liberation, but this runs through the whole Institute. So do most of the themes we see in Political Correctness, again in the early 30s. In Fromm’s view, masculinity and femininity were not reflections of ‘essential’ sexual differences, as the Romantics had thought. They were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in part socially determined.” Sex is a construct; sexual differences are a construct."

"And the members of the Institute, gradually through the 1930s, though many of them remained writing in German, shift their focus from Critical Theory about German society, destructive criticism about every aspect of that society, to Critical Theory directed toward American society. There is another very important transition when the war comes. Some of them go to work for the government, including Herbert Marcuse, who became a key figure in the OSS (the predecessor to the CIA), and some, including Horkheimer and Adorno, move to Hollywood.

These origins of Political Correctness would probably not mean too much to us today except for two subsequent events. The first was the student rebellion in the mid-1960s, which was driven largely by resistance to the draft and the Vietnam War. But the student rebels needed theory of some sort. They couldn’t just get out there and say, “Hell no we won’t go,” they had to have some theoretical explanation behind it. Very few of them were interested in wading through Das Kapital. Classical, economic Marxism is not light, and most of the radicals of the 60s were not deep. Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for our country today, and not just in the university, Herbert Marcuse remained in America when the Frankfurt School relocated back to Frankfurt after the war. And whereas Mr. Adorno in Germany is appalled by the student rebellion when it breaks out there – when the student rebels come into Adorno’s classroom, he calls the police and has them arrested – Herbert Marcuse, who remained here, saw the 60s student rebellion as the great chance. He saw the opportunity to take the work of the Frankfurt School and make it the theory of the New Left in the United States."

"One of Marcuse’s books was the key book. It virtually became the bible of the SDS and the student rebels of the 60s. That book was Eros and Civilization. "

I wonder how many Church Christians know what the SDS was in the sixties and seventies on the university campuses? How many went to an SDS meeting?

"In conclusion, America today is in the throes of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state. In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts. And the Congress is now moving to expand that category ever further. Affirmative action is part of it. The terror against anyone who dissents from Political Correctness on campus is part of it. It’s exactly what we have seen happen in Russia, in Germany, in Italy, in China, and now it’s coming here. And we don’t recognize it because we call it Political Correctness and laugh it off. "

How did a few members of the Frankfurt School, starting in the thirties in the U.S., manage to create the wrecking machine called political correctness? They were welcomed into our universities in the thirties, and by the early forties we were fighting Nazi Germany and allied with the Marxist Soviet Union.

The top elite make use of some universities from which they recruit their new members. Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski established themselves at Harvard. From Harvard they educated selected young people to join the elite. Yale was the stronghold of the Bush dynasty and of the Skull and Bones secret society. Of course, to some Christians in the churches Skull and Bones is just a conspiracy theory, which Stanford University Antony Sutton wrote about in his book, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones.

"Despite his monumental research, Tony Sutton, like many patriots, at first could not understand why the West, and preeminently the United States, is financing its own destruction. Eventually, he found out and published his findings in his study of Skull & Bones. “These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys.”"

There are other Ivy League universities which are meeting and recruiting grounds for the financial and corporate elite.

Then there are the major California Universities, of which Berkeley is the top of the heap - which are part of the ruling elite.

Finally, some of the Big Ten Universities in the Midwest - like Michigan, Ohio State and Wisconsin - are part of the elite culture, though not as high in the pecking order as Harvard, Yale and Berkeley.

These elite universities have been used for the creation and promotion of political correctness and what the early Frankfurt School leaders called "abolishment of culture."

And the top down system plus the concentration of power of the elite made it possible for that elite to make the parts of the ideology of the Frankfurt School acceptable to the masses of the people and outstanding in their perceptions.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
OK, good luck with the blog.

But there's no Marxist conspiracy in education...or about as much as there is fact checking and attribution by most of your source material. :plain:


New member

"'Cultural Marxism' and 'critical theory' are concepts developed by a group of German intellectuals, who, in 1923 in Germany, founded the Institute of Social Research at Frankfurt University. The Institute, modeled after the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, became known as the Frankfurt School [3]. In 1933, when the Nazis came to power in Germany, the members of the Frankfurt School fled to the United States. While here, they migrated to major U.S. universities (Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley). These intellectual Marxists included Herbert Marcuse, who coined the phrase, 'make love, not war,' during the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations."

By Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson CDR USN (Ret.)

"The 'cultural Marxism' that has invaded our military academies and other military institutions is pervasive. As a result, these future naval officers will not have an understanding of the essence of what they are chosen to protect, that is, American civilization [2] -- the most vital and precious descendent of Western civilization.

One must wonder who 'they' are. Who in America today is at work destroying our traditions, our family bonds, our religious beginnings, our reinforcing institutions, indeed, our entire culture? What is it that is changing our American civilization?"

"Indeed, a thoughtful person should ask himself or herself whether or not all this 'change' from America's traditional culture is simply a random set of events played out by a random set of players, all independent of each other -- all disconnected from any central premise or guidance. It is entirely possible that chance is at work here and all of these 'threads' of American culture are the random workings of the human intellect (the pursuit of what is possible, vice what is appropriate) in a free, democratic society."

"But suppose you were to learn that nearly all of the observations made in this series of essays are completely consistent with a 'design' -- that is a concept, a way of thinking, and a process for bringing it about. And suppose one could identify a small core group of people who designed just such a concept and thought through the process of infusing it into a culture. Wouldn't you be interested in at least learning about such a core group? Wouldn't you want to know who they were, what they thought, and how they conjured up a process for bringing their thoughts into action? For Americans with even a smidgeon of curiosity, the answer should be a resounding yes!"

"Just such a core group did, indeed, exist. That is, history identifies a small group of German intellectuals who devised concepts, processes, and action plans which conform very closely to what Americans presently observe every day in their culture. Observations, such as those made in this series of essays, can be directly traced to the work of this core group of intellectuals. They were members of the Frankfurt School, formed in Germany in 1923. They were the forebears of what some proclaim as 'cultural Marxism,' a radical social movement that has transformed American culture. It is more commonly known today as 'political correctness.'"

"The Frankfurt school studied the 'authoritarian personality' which became synonymous with the male, the patriarchal head of the American family. A modern utopia would be constructed by these idealistic intellectuals by 'turning Western civilization' upside down. This utopia would be a product of their imagination, a product not susceptible to criticism on the basis of the examination of evidence. This 'revolution' would be accomplished by fomenting a very quiet, subtle and slowly spreading 'cultural Marxism' which would apply to culture the principles of Karl Marx bolstered by the modern psychological tools of Sigmund Freud. Thus, 'cultural Marxism' became a marriage of Marx and Freud aimed at producing a 'quiet' revolution in the United States of America. This 'quiet' revolution has occurred in America over the past 30 years. While America slept!"

"The vehicle for this introduction was the idealistic Boomer elite, those young middle-class and well-to-do college students who became the vanguard of America's counter-culture revolution of the mid-1960s -- those draft-dodging, pot-smoking, hippies who demonstrated against the Vietnam War and who fomented the destructive (to women) 'women's liberation' movement. These New Totalitarians [7] are now in power as they have come to middle-age and control every public institution in our nation. But that is getting ahead of the story.

The cauldron for implementing this witches brew were the elites of the Boomer generation. They are the current 'foot soldiers' of the original Frankfurt School gurus. The counter-culture revolution of the 1960s was set in motion and guided intellectually by the 'cultural Marxists' of the Frankfurt School -- Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Wilhelm Reich, and others [8,9]., Its influence is now felt in nearly every institution in the United States. The elite Boomers, throwbacks to the dangerous idealist Transcendental generation of the mid-1800s, are the 'agents of change,' who have introduced 'cultural Marxism' into American life."

"William S. Lind relates [10] that 'cultural Marxism' is an ideology with deep roots. It did not begin with the counter-culture revolution in the mid-1960s. Its roots go back at least to the 1920s and the writings of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci [11]. These roots, over time, spread to the writings of Herbert Marcuse."

"George G. Iggers' recently published book, 'Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge,' reminds us of the now famous line by Hayden White, a postmodernist, "Historical narratives...are verbal fictions, the contents of which are more invented than found." He quotes other postmodernists, mostly non- historians, who [15] "...reinforce the proposition that truth and reality are primarily authoritarian weapons of our times." We now recognize the source of this postmodern assault -- the cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School who became experts in criticizing the 'authoritarian personality' in American culture."

"How did this situation come about in America's universities? Gertrude Himmelfarb has observed [16] that it slipped past those traditional academics almost unobserved until it was too late. It occurred so 'quietly' that when they 'looked up,' postmodernism was upon them with a vengeance. "They were surrounded by a tidal wave of faddish multicultural subjects such as radical feminism, deconstructed relativism as history and other courses" which undermine the perpetuation of Western Civilization. Indeed, this tidal wave slipped by just as Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School had envisioned -- a 'quiet' revolution. A revolution that could not be resisted by force."

"It is important to realize that this movement, 'cultural Marxism,' exists, understand where it came from, and what its objectives were -- the complete destruction of Western Civilization in America. That is, these 'cultural Marxists' aimed to destroy, slowly but surely from the bottom up, the entire fabric of American Civilization."

I found some information on Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson, Commander, USN. He is a veteran of the Viet-Nam War, and was a fighter pilot with combat experience. He could have been born sometime from the early thirties to the early forties. In other words, commander Atkinson, Ph.D. is probably not a Baby Boomer. In part this accounts for his awareness of the attack upon our culture since the sixties - since he lived in an older America as a young adult.