The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oops, you're running out of material. In other words....boring.

I know exactly what you mean, TH seems to have lost his grip on his mediocre persona. I actually sympathize with his present predicament. It's a shame he refuses to take any suggestions and clings to his, less than adequate discernment. Well, you can try leading a Liberal to logic and reason, but, can't make them stop protesting and rioting.


like marbles on glass
Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents

A Russian government think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developed a plan to swing the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Donald Trump and undermine voters’ faith in the American electoral system, three current and four former U.S. officials told Reuters.

They described two confidential documents from the think tank as providing the framework and rationale for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was an intensive effort by Russia to interfere with the Nov. 8 election. U.S. intelligence officials acquired the documents, which were prepared by the Moscow-based Russian Institute for Strategic Studies [], after the election.

The institute is run by retired senior Russian foreign intelligence officials appointed by Putin’s office.

The first Russian institute document was a strategy paper written last June that circulated at the highest levels of the Russian government but was not addressed to any specific individuals.
It recommended the Kremlin launch a propaganda campaign on social media and Russian state-backed global news outlets to encourage U.S. voters to elect a president who would take a softer line toward Russia than the administration of then-President Barack Obama, the seven officials said.

A second institute document, drafted in October and distributed in the same way, warned that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was likely to win the election. For that reason, it argued, it was better for Russia to end its pro-Trump propaganda and instead intensify its messaging about voter fraud to undermine the U.S. electoral system’s legitimacy and damage Clinton’s reputation in an effort to undermine her presidency, the seven officials said.

The current and former U.S. officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the Russian documents’ classified status. They declined to discuss how the United States obtained them. U.S. intelligence agencies also declined to comment on them.

Putin has denied interfering in the U.S. election. Putin’s spokesman and the Russian institute did not respond to requests for comment.

The documents were central to the Obama administration's conclusion that Russia mounted a “fake news” campaign and launched cyber attacks against Democratic Party groups and Clinton's campaign, the current and former officials said.


like marbles on glass
Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents
A Russian government think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developed a plan to swing the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Donald Trump and undermine voters’ faith in the American electoral system, three current and four former U.S. officials told Reuters.

They described two confidential documents from the think tank as providing the framework and rationale for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was an intensive effort by Russia to interfere with the Nov. 8 election. U.S. intelligence officials acquired the documents, which were prepared by the Moscow-based Russian Institute for Strategic Studies [], after the election.

The institute is run by retired senior Russian foreign intelligence officials appointed by Putin’s office.

The first Russian institute document was a strategy paper written last June that circulated at the highest levels of the Russian government but was not addressed to any specific individuals.
It recommended the Kremlin launch a propaganda campaign on social media and Russian state-backed global news outlets to encourage U.S. voters to elect a president who would take a softer line toward Russia than the administration of then-President Barack Obama, the seven officials said.

A second institute document, drafted in October and distributed in the same way, warned that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was likely to win the election. For that reason, it argued, it was better for Russia to end its pro-Trump propaganda and instead intensify its messaging about voter fraud to undermine the U.S. electoral system’s legitimacy and damage Clinton’s reputation in an effort to undermine her presidency, the seven officials said.

The current and former U.S. officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the Russian documents’ classified status. They declined to discuss how the United States obtained them. U.S. intelligence agencies also declined to comment on them.

Putin has denied interfering in the U.S. election. Putin’s spokesman and the Russian institute did not respond to requests for comment.

The documents were central to the Obama administration's conclusion that Russia mounted a “fake news” campaign and launched cyber attacks against Democratic Party groups and Clinton's campaign, the current and former officials said.

The Russia connection is the elephant in the oval office.


like marbles on glass


like marbles on glass
Neither candidate was beloved, but she had a few million more votes of confidence, which were negated by an operation of land and imaginary line.

Neither does this claim. Trumps support was less diverse as a demographic than Clinton's.

He captured about what Romney did in his failed bid.

America is much more than aging white people, CS. And that's the largest part of Trump's demo.

According to Pew it was:

Trump 58% to Clinton's 38% of whites
Trump 12% to Clinton's 88% of blacks

Trump 42% to Clinton's 54% of women
Trump 53% to Clinton's 41% of men

Trump 43% to Clinton's 52% of college graduates
Trump 52% to Clinton's 44% of those without a college education

Trump 37% to Clinton's 55% of voters between the ages of 18-29
Trump 53% to Clinton's 45% of voters 65 and older

In the sense that older, under educated white men are all across the country. Otherwise, not so much.

Agreed, but I'd go farther. Here's an interesting analysis:

Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Everyone needs to keep praying for Trump and our country. Besides the Cuban missile crisis, this is the most dangerous time in U.S. history. Obama ignored North Korea for eight years and placed our country in "harms way." One might say: "Rome (The U.S.) burned while Nero (Obama) fiddled around with our countries economy, now at twenty Trillion dollars."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Had Hillary won the Presidency (God forbid) we would have had another four to eight years of Obama. That's really frightening. Look what damage the left-wing Liberals are doing in the Government and the streets of our Nation. It's disgusting. Maxine Waters only reason for taking another breath is to see that President Trump is Impeached. Schumer, Pelosi, and others are on the same page. They're all seeking to find Caesar (Trump) vulnerable so they can stab him in the back. The old "Eh, too, Brutus!" scenario. While the Liberals are stabbing their President in the back, they're doing the same to our Country.

At a time that we need to be united, the LIBS are waging a war against our Government and half of our population. Like I said, they're doing it from the inside of our leadership and on the streets.


like marbles on glass
Given the focus on immigrants and illegal aliens and the sort of rhetoric focused there I suppose it's to be expected, sadly.

The two things (right-wing authoritarianism) and racism correlate. I posted this elsewhere:

This week's lecture was on Right Wing Authoritarianism. You know where I'm going with this...

People who score high in RWA characteristics manifest a high degree of submission to authorities they perceive to be legitimate in the society they identify with, and a higher propensity to show aggressiveness towards those who they perceive violate those social norms (and they see their aggressiveness as sanctioned by the authorities to which they submit).

They show a high degree of adherence to social norms (you go outside the box of what they see as "normal," and you're going to be aggressed).

They're fearful - they see the world as a dangerous place, requiring strong action to stamp out what they see as a threat.

They're self-righteous - they feel justified in looking down on anyone their authority figures perceive as less moral than themselves.

They require structure. They tend to be inflexible.

They tend to frame their worldview in terms of ingroups and outgroups, and perceive that outgroups threaten the traditions and values held by their ingroup - which attitude, as you might expect, correlates positively with higher rates of prejudice.

That's a really brief thumbnail sketch from some of my notes, but I see this played out here every day.