The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.


Praise God for Donald Trump. The "Evil Woman," Hillary didn't have a chance. Liberals just cannot accept the will of God and His choice for OUR President. Cry/whine all you want, you've got God's choice for another four years and perhaps another four after that. I love it when evil is held back.

Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



that would have made a great thread title :thumb:

betcha dante doesn't have a single thing to say about it
Why should he - "ok doser" has failed to express any outrage when the Russians and Syrians deliberately used nerve gas against innocent women and children!

True to form, "ok dosier" has adopted Trump's peculiar morality - hold Obama and/or Clinton responsible while allowing the true perpetrators a "free pass!"


prove it and i'll be outraged :idunno:
After an airstrike where large numbers of people start foaming at the mouth, pupils dilate, gasping for air and becoming unconscious without any other wounds or trauma, nerve gas (serin) would appear to be the obvious culprit!

Given that there have been confirmed instances of "serin" being used against Syrian civilians in the past, the responses of those exposed has been well documented.

Videos of the victims have also been examined by medical experts who have concluded that the obvious cause was nerve gas - serin!


After an airstrike where large numbers of people start foaming at the mouth, pupils dilate, gasping for air and becoming unconscious without any other wounds or trauma, nerve gas (serin) would appear to be the obvious culprit!

Given that there have been confirmed instances of "serin" being used against Syrian civilians in the past, the responses of those exposed has been well documented.

Videos of the victims have also been examined by medical experts who have concluded that the obvious cause was nerve gas - serin!

Hilary's handiwork.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why should he - "ok doser" has failed to express any outrage when the Russians and Syrians deliberately used nerve gas against innocent women and children!

True to form, "ok dosier" has adopted Trump's peculiar morality - hold Obama and/or Clinton responsible while allowing the true perpetrators a "free pass!"

Lies are being "Spoon Fed" from every direction. Especially, from the "Phony News." Russia has been made the "BIG BOOGEYMAN" these days. North Korea is working on an ICBM with a Nuclear warhead that will reach our coastlines and the Muslim Terrorists are coming across our borders yet, the "Phony News" puts us off the scent by blaming Putin and the Russians for EVERYTHING.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's a dark cloud over our Nation. About half of our combined citizenry are under a "GRAND DELUSION." Those that are on the far left liberal side of the spectrum are out to bring down our leadership and as a consequence, our country. The methods they use are lies, distortions, rioting, violent Protests, dressing up in black disguises, dividing our country with childish and immature rhetoric. They also show "ill-respect" to our Police and all other authority. The Bible states in Mark 3:5 "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. That ought to be a grim WARNING/Reminder to all those who are working hard to create an evil division in our society.

No doubt, Satan, and his fallen angels are having a "field day" with what's happening in the U.S.A. I believe President Trump was chosen of God to help America survive this Satanic upriseing. Everybody, including Satan, expected Hillary (Another form of Jezebel) to win the election. However, by Supernatural means, God's will overcame the wicked onslaught that was about to occur and destroyed Satan's evil plan for our Nation.

The Bible states in Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That verse PROVES there are wicked/evil forces at work in this world of ours.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Grosnick Marowbe" has characterized a video of Donald Trump explaining as to why he doesn't seek forgiveness from sin as "fake news!"

Perhaps he can enlighten us as to where he obtains his "alternate facts" - given that first person interviews have been summarily dismissed!

God can USE men like President Trump to bring about His Will. Look how God USED Pharoah of Egypt. Trump is God's "Man of the Hour" at this point in time. If you're a member of the Body of Christ, you ought to be praying for the leadership of our country. By the way, Vice President Pence is a Christian and has the ear of the President. God willing, Pence will share the Gospel with President Trump. I pray for President Trump and Vice-President Pence and I also voted for them. God's will, will be done and there's not much the Liberal side of our Great Country can do about it.