Max Eastman, who was the first editor-in-chief of the rag The Masses, was invited by a guy by the name of Lenin to Russia just after their revolution. Max Eastman was the leading socialist activist in the US during the time period. He wrote almost all the articles that appeared in The Masses. Just in case you forgot about the following quote from The Road to Serfdom I'll quote it again for you.
I'm not sure if the paging from my pdf copy of one of the earlier versions of the book is the same as the current version but the chapter alone should suffice to make it easy to find.
Notice that socialism, communism, and fascism are basically interchangable ideologies. Both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists to begin with and easily slid over into fascism. The academic and journalism world claims that the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was communist, but those who knew exactly what it was, as Eastman was given unlimited access to Soviet documentation and unlimited travel around Russian by Lenin, said the USSR was socialist. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin were all Marxists. Chairman Mao was a dedicated Marxist. Fidel Castro was a dedicated Marxist. And Karl Marx is the author of modern day socialism. So to try to pretend that there are significant differences between communism and socialism is just intellectually dishonest in my book. And when Stalinism was nothing more than fascism on steroids there is no real difference between fascism and socialism either. This is far more than just having a few parallels between all three ideologies.
All three are known as collectivism. That means they can all be classified under the same banner, which means there is very little difference between the three of them. And all three are totalitarian in nature. When government tells business what to produce, when to produce it, how much of it to produce, where to distribute those goods, what to charge for them, etc... what difference does it make if the government owns the business outright or there is a titular owner? In any of these ideologies if private ownership is allowed the owners become, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than middle managers for they make no decisions as to the direction of the company or what it is to produce, the pricing structure, or distribution channels. They, for all intents and purposes, have no say in their own business.
Just for your info, I've read Hitler, Marx, Engels, Keynes, and many of the other proponents of Marx. Not a one of them make a lick of sense.