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sez the Canadian with an overwhelming obsession with and hatred of another country's leader :chuckle:
:mock: foreigners afflicted with TDS
Satan never pays attention to any boundaries.
sez the Canadian with an overwhelming obsession with and hatred of another country's leader :chuckle:
:mock: foreigners afflicted with TDS
Satan never pays attention to any boundaries.
Can you imagine having that much emotional investment in another country's leader?
I can't
I can't find much investment myself. There are even times I'm thinking a Biden win would be more fun. For instance, under creepy Joe's leadership, I'd like to see the Democrats spend four years debating what decade it is, maybe pass a trillion in "green" bills that go to zombie corporations, run by con men doing cold fusion or engines that run on water vapor in the air, you know, stuff that could only make sense to a liberal, that hasn't yet figured out they didn't drown from global warming, after all, some winters even cold as the outer darkness, since Gore said most of us are going to drown, to drown, I tell you! (Unless we help his green stock portfolio of zombie corporations. Poor Al.) Or see the liberals grow the economy by their usual method, spending other peoples' money, until they run out of it, while the GDP tanks. You know they'll also start to eat themselves, going after gender pronouns and demanding children are taught to question their gender, their very genitals, or try to pass a law all burgers must be vegan, until some liberal parents figure out an AR-15 may not be a bad investment, after all. I think the gun lobby secretly wants a Democrat sweep, as nobody makes guns and ammo fly off the shelves like liberals. It could be a real hoot. Just think of the cartoons! Maybe Joe will move on from sniffing women's and little girls' hair to sniffing bicycle seats. That would probably guarantee him a second term, rally his base, bigtime.
I can't find much investment myself. There are even times I'm thinking a Biden win would be more fun. For instance, under creepy Joe's leadership, I'd like to see the Democrats spend four years debating what decade it is, maybe pass a trillion in "green" bills that go to zombie corporations, run by con men doing cold fusion or engines that run on water vapor in the air, you know, stuff that could only make sense to a liberal, that hasn't yet figured out they didn't drown from global warming, after all, some winters even cold as the outer darkness, since Gore said most of us are going to drown, to drown, I tell you! (Unless we help his green stock portfolio of zombie corporations. Poor Al.) Or see the liberals grow the economy by their usual method, spending other peoples' money, until they run out of it, while the GDP tanks. You know they'll also start to eat themselves, going after gender pronouns and demanding children are taught to question their gender, their very genitals, or try to pass a law all burgers must be vegan, until some liberal parents figure out an AR-15 may not be a bad investment, after all. I think the gun lobby secretly wants a Democrat sweep, as nobody makes guns and ammo fly off the shelves like liberals. It could be a real hoot. Just think of the cartoons! Maybe Joe will move on from sniffing women's and little girls' hair to sniffing bicycle seats. That would probably guarantee him a second term, rally his base, bigtime.
If Trump loses, his followers will do more than just kill a few police officers and burn buildings, as they have so far.
You really are kinda bonkers aren't you?
I have seen morons with QAnon posters in the street here - the stupidity leaks across the border.sez the Canadian with an overwhelming obsession with and hatred of another country's leader :chuckle:
:mock: foreigners afflicted with TDS
You really are kinda limited to a very, very, very tiny bag of sad, generic formulas from which you pull all your material with which you attempt to insult, in a one-size-fits-all fashion, everybody who's not your fellow Nazi leftard/Darwin cheerleader, aren't you?
Have fun trying to react to this post without, in effect, answering YES to my question.
I have seen morons with QAnon posters in the street here - the stupidity leaks across the border.
Dumbass-hood knows no boundaries.
I gotta catch up on the Young Turks - they were epic last time :chuckle:
You really are kinda bonkers aren't you?
You really are kinda limited to a very, very, very tiny bag of sad, generic formulas from which you pull all your material with which you attempt to insult, in a one-size-fits-all fashion, everybody who's not your fellow Nazi leftard/Darwin cheerleader, aren't you?
Have fun trying to react to this post without, in effect, answering YES to my question.
In more sane coverage, Trump is trailing Biden and has been for a while.
Though I am not a Trump supporter the Young Turks meltdown was EPIC. In the span of 90 minutes they went from "Hillary is awesome! The first woman president! Woohoo!!!" to "Hillary is a worthless piece of crap!". :chuckle:
That's probably true. But, if I may, in my own defense, I am capable of writing more than a one-liner, and, however bonkers, I'm not an unregenerate enemy of God,
I'm not a pervert,
don't sniff little girls' hair,
tell all sorts of silly lies and call it a platform.
I'm not going to be a loser of losers in hell, wishing I had a drop of water on my tongue,
for loving evil and evildoers.
I'll just praise my sweet Lord Jesus!
You're called to be an imitation of Christ.